Peewee 简明教程

Peewee - Counting and Aggregation

我们可以通过附加 count() 方法来查找任何 SELECT 查询中报告的记录数。例如,以下语句返回 Contacts 表中 City=’Nasik’ 的行数。

We can find number of records reported in any SELECT query by attaching count() method. For example, following statement returns number of rows in Contacts table with City=’Nasik’. (Contacts.City=='Nasik').count()
print (qry)


SQL在 SELECT 查询中具有 GROUP BY 子句。Peewee 以 group_by() 方法的形式支持它。以下代码返回 Contacts 表中按城市统计的名称。

SQL has GROUP BY clause in SELECT query. Peewee supports it in the form of group_by() method. Following code returns city wise count of names in Contacts table.

from peewee import *

db = SqliteDatabase('mydatabase.db')
class Contacts(BaseModel):
   RollNo = IntegerField()
   Name = TextField()
   City = TextField()
   class Meta:
      database = db

db.create_tables([Contacts]), fn.Count(Contacts.City).alias('count')).group_by(Contacts.City)
print (qry.sql())
for q in qry:
   print (q.City, q.count)

Peewee 发出的 SELECT 查询将如下所示:

The SELECT query emitted by Peewee will be as follows −

('SELECT "t1"."City", Count("t1"."City") AS "count" FROM "contacts" AS "t1" GROUP BY "t1"."City"', [])


根据 Contacts 表中的样本数据,显示以下输出:

As per sample data in Contacts table, following output is displayed −

Chennai 1
Delhi   2
Indore  1
Mumbai  1
Nagpur  1
Nasik   3
Pune    1