Pentaho 简明教程
Pentaho - Page Footer Fields
报告的每一页包含两个特殊区域。在每一页顶部,您将会找到 page-header 区域。而在页面底部,您将会找到 page-footer 区域。剩余页面可用于实际报表内容。
Each page of a report contains two special areas. At the top of every page, you will find the page-header area. And at the bottom of the page, you will find the page-footer area. The remaining page is available for the actual report content.
Adding Page Footer Fields in Pentaho
页脚标签页用于提供一些属性和功能。例如,您可以使用页脚标签页来 print the max value of the age field at the bottom of the page 。报表引擎通过使用报表功能来实现这些特性。
The page footer tab is used to present some attributes and functions. For example, you can use the page footer tab to print the max value of the age field at the bottom of the page. The reporting engine allows these features by using reporting functions.
查看以下屏幕截图。此处,结构窗格中的“数据”选项卡包含一个符号 fx(标记为“ 1 ”)。它是“添加”功能按钮。单击此按钮可向报表中添加不同的函数。
Take a look at the following screenshot. Here the Data tab in the structure pane includes a symbol fx (marked as “1”). It is the add function button. Click this button to add different functions into the report.

然后,您将会找到一个对话框,其中包含按不同组隔离的不同函数。若要打印页脚中的员工最大年龄,我们应该选择 Summary 组中的 Maximum 函数,该函数在以下屏幕截图中标记为“ 1 ”。选择它并单击 OK 。
Then, you will find a dialog box with different functions segregated into different groups. To print the maximum age of an employee at the page footer, we should choose the Maximum function in the Summary group which is marked as “1” in the following screenshot. Select it and click OK.

一旦您单击 Ok 按钮,该函数将被添加到“结构”窗格中的“函数”标签,该标签位于屏幕右侧。
Once you click the Ok button, the function will be added to the Functions label in the Structure Pane which is placed at the right side of the screen.
Once you select the added function (i.e. Maximum), you will find another pane below the structure pane containing the properties of that function.
查看以下屏幕。最大化框包含两个指针(指针 1 和指针 2)。
Take a look at the following screen. The maximized box contains two pointers (Pointer 1 and Pointer 2).
Pointer 1 − Select the function in the data tab of the structure pane.
Pointer 2 − Edit the Field name in the properties section by selecting the age field from the dropdown list. It is because we have to print the maximum age of an employee.

Now, the function is ready with the customized properties. Now you can use that function in your report as a page footer attribute.
查看以下屏幕截图。它再次包含两个指针(指针 1 和指针 2)。
Take a look at the following screenshot. Again, it contains two pointers (Pointer 1 and Pointer 2).
Pointer 1 − Select and drag the Maximum function from the Structure pane to the page footer band in the workspace, as shown in the following screenshot. Now the design of your report is ready.
Pointer 2 − Select the Preview button on the left side of the screen.

Take a look at the following screen. It shows the preview of the report. The maximum age of an employee is marked and shown in a maximized box.