Php 简明教程
PHP - Features
PHP(超文本预处理程序)是一种开源服务端脚本语言,主要用于 Web 开发。PHP 可以嵌入 HTML 代码中。
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source server-side scripting language primarily used for web development. PHP can be embedded into HTML code.
PHP 主要用于服务端脚本编写,它在 Web 服务器上运行脚本,然后将处理后的 HTML 转发给客户端上的 Web 浏览器。这使得程序员可以设计可管理会话、处理表单、与数据库通信并执行各种其他必要的在线应用程序任务的动态网页。
PHP is mainly used for server-side scripting, which runs scripts on the web server and then forwards the HTML they process to the web browser on the client. This makes it possible for programmers to design dynamic webpages that can manage sessions, handle forms, communicate with databases, and carry out a variety of other duties necessary for online applications.
Features of PHP
多年来,PHP 结合了许多特性。它不断通过新特性和代码修订进行升级。在本章中,让我们重点介绍 PHP 的一些关键特性:
Over the years, PHP has incorporated numerous features. It is being consistently upgraded with new features and code revisions. In this chapter, let’s highlight some of the key features of PHP:

PHP is Simple and Easy to Learn
与 C、Java 和 Perl 相比,PHP 的语法较为简单,开发人员很容易理解,特别是那些已经熟悉其他编程语言的开发人员。由于有丰富的预定义函数,可以快速开发 Web 应用程序。
The syntax of PHP compared to that of C, Java, and Perl, which makes it rather simple for developers to comprehend, particularly for those who are already familiar with other programming languages. Web apps can be developed quickly because of its generous pre-defined functions.
PHP is Open Source
PHP 是免费且开源的,意味着我们可以免费下载它,任何人都可以使用、修改和分发它。这鼓励了一个庞大且充满活力的开发人员社区,他们使用论坛、教程和文档来支持和促进其开发。
PHP is free and open-source, meaning we can download it for free, and anyone can use it, modify it, and distribute. This encourages a sizable and vibrant developer community that uses forums, tutorials, and documentation to support and contribute to its development.
PHP is Cross-Platform Compatible
PHP 与多种操作系统兼容,包括 Windows、Linux、macOS 和 UNIX;以及不同的数据库,如 MongoDB、PostgreSQL、MySQL。
Numerous operating systems including Windows, Linux, macOS, and UNIX; and different databases like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL are compatible with PHP.
由于具有跨平台互操作性,基于 PHP 的应用程序可以在多种环境中运行,无需进行任何修改。
PHP-based apps can operate on several environments without requiring any modifications due to this cross-platform inter-operability.
Server-Side Scripting in PHP
PHP 主要用于服务端脚本编写,它在 Web 服务器上运行脚本,然后将处理后的 HTML 转发给客户端上的 Web 浏览器。它帮助开发人员在多个请求中处理表单提交和用户会话管理。
PHP is mainly used for server-side scripting, which runs scripts on the web server and then forwards the HTML they process to the web browser on the client. It helps the developers in Form Submission and Session Management with users across multiple requests.
PHP Supports Easy Integration with Databases
PHP 为各种 DBMS 提供强大的数据库交互支持。它提供多种内置函数来实现数据库连接。
PHP offers strong database interaction support for various DBMS. It offers numerous built-in functions to achieve the database connection.
PHP 还包括数据库抽象层,它集成了应用程序与数据库之间的通信。这使得开发人员可以轻松设计基于数据库的 Web 应用程序。
PHP also includes database abstraction layer which integrates the communication between the application and the database. This makes it simple for developers to design database-driven web applications.
PHP Provides Extensive Library Support
PHP 为多种功能提供了丰富的库,例如图像处理、加密、PDF 生成、解析 XML 和 JSON、处理会话和 Cookie 等。
PHP provides extensive libraries for various functionalities like image processing, encryption, PDF generation, parsing XML and JSON, handling sessions and cookies, and much more.
Security Features in PHP
PHP 为数据加密提供了大量内置函数。开发人员还可以利用第三方应用程序来保障安全性。
PHP provides a plethora of built-in functions for data encryption. Developers can also leverage third-party applications for security.
PHP 采用 Sha1 和 MD5 等安全算法来加密字符串。此外,诸如 filter_var 和 strip_tags 等函数有助于为用户维护一个安全的环境。PHP 还支持 HTTPS 等安全通信协议。
PHP employs security algorithms like Sha1 and MD5 to encrypt strings. Additionally, functions like filter_var and strip_tags contribute in maintaining a secure environment for the users. PHP also supports secure communication protocols like HTTPS.
Efficient Memory and Session Management in PHP
PHP 是一款可靠的语言,因为它具有高效的内存管理和会话管理。它避免了不必要的内存分配。
PHP is a reliable language due to its efficient memory management and session management. It avoids unnecessary memory allocation.
PHP 代码在其自己的内存空间中运行,与其他脚本语言相比速度更快,使其更高效。在 PHP 中,数据库连接也很快。
PHP code runs in its own memory space which makes it faster compared to other scripting languages making it more efficient. In PHP, the database connections are also fast.
PHP Has Active Community and Support
由于 PHP 是一个开源平台,它拥有一个充满活力的开发人员社区,他们积极为其发展做出贡献、分享知识、提供支持并创建第三方工具和框架。
Since PHP is an open-source platform, it has a vibrant community of developers who actively contribute to its development, share knowledge, provide support, and create third-party tools and frameworks.
由于这个活跃的社区支持,PHP 保持最新状态,开发人员可以轻松地在编写 PHP 代码时遇到任何错误或异常时从其他社区成员那里寻求帮助。
Due to this active community support, PHP remains up-to-date and developers can easily seek help from other community members in case they get any errors or exceptions while writing PHP codes.