Php 简明教程
PHP – Frameworks
PHP生态系统中有很多Web框架。一些流行的PHP Web框架包括Laravel、Yii、CakePHP 等。尽管可以通过核心PHP构建Web应用程序,但开发人员越来越倾向于使用Web框架来快速开发应用程序。
The PHP ecosystem has a number of web frameworks. Some of the popular PHP web frameworks are Laravel, Yii, CakePHP etc. While one can build a web application with the help of core PHP, developers are increasingly preferring web frameworks for rapid application development.
What are Software Frameworks?
在计算机编程中, software framework 是库和类的集合,它提供了通用的功能,使开发人员能够更多地专注于应用程序逻辑,而不是为例行程序但繁琐的低级流程编写代码。
In computer programming, a software framework is a collection of libraries and classes that provide a generic functionality that allows the developer to concentrate more on the application logic, rather than writing code for routine but tedious low-level processes.
A framework provides a reusable software environment that quickly builds a minimal working template application. Developer can then modify these blocks for additional functionality.
每个框架都是为了帮助开发者构建一定类型应用程序而构建的。例如, web frameworks (有时也被称为“Web应用程序框架”)用于开发包括Web服务、Web资源和Web API在内的Web应用程序。
Each framework is built to help the developer build an application of a certain type. For example, web frameworks (sometimes also called "web application framework") are used for the development of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs.
在本章中,我们简要概述了其中一些流行的PHP frmeworks。
In this chapter, let us take a brief overview of some of the popular PHP frmeworks.
FuelPHP ( ) 基于模型视图控制器,并拥有创新插件。FuelPHP 支持基于路由的理论,您可以在其中直接路由到较近的输入uri,使闭包成为控制器并使其控制进一步执行。
FuelPHP ( works based on Model View Control and having innovative plug ins. FuelPHP supports router-based theory where you might route directly to a nearer the input uri, making the closure the controller and giving it control of further execution.

CakePHP ( ) 是以简单的方式构建简单而强大的Web应用程序的极好来源。PHP中内置的一些强大功能包括输入验证、SQL注入预防,它们可以使您的应用程序保持安全。
CakePHP ( is a great source to build up simple and great web application in an easy way. Some great features which are inbuilt in PHP are input validation, SQL injection prevention that keeps you application safe and secure.

FlightPHP ( ) 对于创建RESTful Web服务非常有帮助,并且它在MIT许可证下。
FlightPHP ( is very helpful to make RESTful web services and it is under MIT licence.

Symfony is for highly professional developers to build websites with PHP components such as Drupal, PHPBB, laravel, eX, OROCRM and piwik.

YiiFramework ( ) 基于具有高端安全性的Web 2.0。它包括输入验证、输出过滤和SQL注入。
YiiFramework ( works based on web 2.0 with high end security. It included input Validation, output filtering, and SQL injection.

Laravel ( ) 最适用于RESRful路由和轻量级blading引擎。Laravel已与某些经过良好测试且可靠的代码模块集成在一起。
Laravel ( is most useful for RESRful Routing and light weight bled tempting engine. Laravel has integrated with some of great components of well tested and reliable code.

Zend ( ) 是一个现代框架,用于执行高端Web应用程序。它基于加密和安全编码工具工作。Zend Framework是专业PHP包的集合,安装量超过5.7亿次。
Zend ( is Modern frame work for performing high end web applications. This works based on Cryptographic and secure coding tools. Zend Framework is a collection of professional PHP packages with more than 570 million installations.
它可用于使用PHP 5.6+开发Web应用程序和服务,并使用广泛的语言功能提供100%面向对象代码。
It can be used to develop web applications and services using PHP 5.6+, and provides 100% object-oriented code using a broad spectrum of language features.

Codeigiter is simple to develop small footprint for developer who need simple and elegant tool kit to create innovative web applications.

Phalcon PHP
Pholcon ( ) 是一个基于MVC并与创新架构集成以提高执行速度的PHP框架。
Pholcon ( is a PHP framework that works based on MVC and integrated with innovative architecture to do perform faster.

PHPixie ( ) 基于MVC,专为快速和可靠地开发网站而设计。
PHPixie ( works based on MVC and designed for fast and reliability to develop web sites.