Php 简明教程

PHP - Spaceship Operator

Spaceship 运算符是 PHP 7.0 版本中引入的众多新功能之一。它是一个三向比较运算符。

The Spaceship operator is one of the many new features introduced in PHP with its 7.0 version. It is a three-way comparison operator.

常规比较运算符 (<, >, !=, == 等) 返回 true 或 false(等同于 1 或 0)。另一方面,Spaceship 运算符有三个可能的返回值:-1、0 或 1。该运算符可用于整数、浮点数、字符串、数组、对象等。

The conventional comparison operators (<, >, !=, ==, etc.) return true or false (equivalent to 1 or 0). On the other hand, the spaceship operator has three possible return values: -1,0,or 1. This operator can be used with integers, floats, strings, arrays, objects, etc.


用于 Spaceship 运算符的符号为 "<⇒"

The symbol used for spaceship operator is "<⇒".

$retval = operand1 <=> operand2

此处,如果操作数 1 小于操作数 2,则 $retval 为 -1;如果两个操作数相等,则为 0;如果操作数 1 大于操作数 2,则为 1。

Here, $retval is -1 if operand1 is less than operand2, 0 if both the operands are equal, and 1 if operand1 is greater than operand2.

Spaceship 运算符作为组合比较运算符实现。常规比较运算符可以被认为仅仅是下表的简写 −

The spaceship operator is implemented as a combined comparison operator. Conventional comparison operators could be considered mere shorthands for <⇒ as the following table shows −


<⇒ equivalent

$a < $b

($a <⇒ $b) === -1

$a ⇐ $b

($a <⇒ $b) === -1

($a <⇒ $b) === 0

$a == $b

($a <⇒ $b) === 0

$a != $b

($a <⇒ $b) !== 0

$a >= $b

($a <⇒ $b) === 1

($a <⇒ $b) === 0

$a > $b

($a <⇒ $b) === 1

Example 1

以下示例展示了如何在 PHP 中使用 Spaceship 运算符 −

The following example shows how you can use the spaceship operator in PHP −

   $x = 5;
   $y = 10;
   $z = $x <=> $y/2;

   echo "$x <=> $y/2 = $z";

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

5 <=> 10/2 = 0

Example 2

更改 $x=4 并检查结果 −

Change $x=4 and check the result −

   $x = 4;
   $y = 10;
   $z = $x <=> $y/2;

   echo "$x <=> $y/2 = $z";

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

4 <=> 10/2 = -1

Example 3

更改 $y=7 并再次检查结果 −

Change $y=7 and check the result again −

   $x = 7;
   $y = 10;
   $z = $x <=> $y/2;

   echo "$x <=> $y/2 = $z";

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

7 <=> 10/2 = 1

Example 4

当用于字符串操作数时,Spaceship 操作数的作用与 strcmp() 函数相同。

When used with string operands, the spaceship operand works just like the strcmp() function.

   $x = "bat";
   $y = "ball";
   $z = $x <=> $y;

   echo "$x <=> $y = $z";

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

bat <=> ball = 1

Example 5

更改 $y = "baz" 并检查结果 −

Change $y = "baz" and check the result −

   $x = "bat";
   $y = "baz";
   $z = $x <=> $y;

   echo "$x <=> $y = $z";

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

bat <=> baz = -1

Spaceship Operator with Boolean Operands

Spaceship 运算符也可以用于布尔操作数 −

The spaceship operator also works with Boolean operands −

true <=> false returns 1
false <=> true returns -1
true <=> true as well as false <=> false returns 0