Phpmyadmin 简明教程
phpMyAdmin - Databases
启动 Apache 服务器并在 Web 浏览器中打开 /localhost/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin 以打开 phpMyAdmin 界面。
Start the Apache Server and open /localhost/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin in web browser to open the phpMyAdmin interface.
由于我们在 Environment Setup 期间配置了 MySQL 数据库,因此我们的 root 用户的密码为 root@123。phpMyAdmin 打开后,您需要输入相同的凭据才能登录数据库。
As we have configured a database MySQL during Environment Setup, we’ve root user with password as root@123. Once phpMyAdmin opens up, you need to enter same credential to login to database.

登录后,您可以在加载的 phpMyAdmin 页面上看到以下部分。左侧部分显示了可用的数据库,它显示了系统用户创建的数据库。
Once logged in, you can see the following sections on the phpMyAdmin page loaded. The left section shows the databases available, it shows system as well user created databases.

On the right side, dashboard shows a tabbed interface to do all the database administration operations as shown below.

Click on Database Tab, to see the list of databases with more details. We can create database, iterate databases and do other operations here.

Click on any listed database to see the list of tables with more details. Tabs changes as per the context. Now tabs will shows as per the database.

Now in the schema browser, click on any table, right side section will load the table details as shown with updated tabbed interface to do various operations on that table as shown below −

双击任何单元格,使其可编辑,您可以在其中编辑和保存数据。按 Esc 键不会保存数据。一旦您退出编辑单元格,它将显示更新查询和操作状态,如下所示:
Double clicking on any cell, makes it editable, where you can edit and save data. Pressing esc key, will not save data. Once you move out of editing cell, it will show the update query and status of operation as shown below −

You can verify the update statement as well as show below −
UPDATE `employees` SET `AGE` = '28' WHERE `employees`.`ID` = 1;
Now click on Structure tab, it will show the table structural details as shown below −