Phpmyadmin 简明教程

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phpMyAdmin 是最受欢迎的免费开源管理工具之一,可用于管理 MySQL 和 MariaDB。它在 GNU GPLv2 下获得许可。它具有基于 Web 的界面,可以在任何平台上轻松使用。它提供 79 种语言版本。它基于 PHP,几乎所有支持 WAMP/LAMP 开发堆栈的网络托管解决方案提供商都提供它。

phpMyAdmin is one the most popular, free and open source administration tool which can manage MySQL and MariaDB. It is licensed under GNU GPLv2. It has a web based interface and can be used on any platform easily. It is available in 79 languages. It is PHP based and is provided by almost all the Web hosting solution providers who supports WAMP/LAMP development stack.