Phpmyadmin 简明教程
phpMyAdmin - Overview
phpMyAdmin 是最受欢迎的免费开源管理工具之一,可用于管理 MySQL 和 MariaDB。它在 GNU GPLv2 下获得许可。它具有基于 Web 的界面,可以在任何平台上轻松使用。它提供 79 种语言版本。它基于 PHP,几乎所有支持 WAMP/LAMP 开发堆栈的网络托管解决方案提供商都提供它。
phpMyAdmin is one the most popular, free and open source administration tool which can manage MySQL and MariaDB. It is licensed under GNU GPLv2. It has a web based interface and can be used on any platform easily. It is available in 79 languages. It is PHP based and is provided by almost all the Web hosting solution providers who supports WAMP/LAMP development stack.
phpMyAdmin 可用于执行有用功能,如使用其基于 Web 的用户界面管理数据库、表格、关系、索引、用户权限等。它还支持查询界面,用户可在其中键入 SQL 命令并运行。
phpMyAdmin can be used to do useful functions like managing databases, tables, relations, indexes, user permissions etc using its web based user interface. It also support a query interface, where user can type SQL commands and run.
phpMyAdmin 有条不紊地记录了文档,并以书籍、博客和文章的形式提供了大量的学习资料。phpMyAdmin 支持 LTR 和 RTL 语言。
phpMyAdmin is neatly documented and lots of learning material is available in form of books, blogs and articles for it. phpMyAdmin supports for LTR and RTL languages.
phpMyAdmin 的开发是社区驱动的,它托管在 GitHub 。它也是 Software Freedom Conservancy 的成员,后者是一个非营利组织,致力于促进、改进、开发和维护免费且开源的项目。
phpMyAdmin development is community driven and is hosted on GitHub. It is also a member of Software Freedom Conservancy which is not-for-profit organization and helps promote, improve, develop and defends free and open source projects.
以下是使用 phpMyAdmin 所需的重要组件。
Following are the vital components which are required to work with phpMyAdmin.
Web Server − Apache, Nginx, IIS.
PHP − PHP 7.1.3+ is required to work with phpMyAdmin 5.1.1. mysqli and openssl extensions should be enabled.
Database − MySQL 5.5 or MariaDB 5.5 onwards
Web Browser − As phpMyAdmin is a web based application, web browser is required to access it like Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox etc.
phpMyAdmin - Environment Setup
由于 phpMyAdmin 是基于 PHP 的,因此在安装 phpMyAdmin 之前,您的计算机系统上需要安装以下四个重要组件。
As phpMyAdmin is PHP based, following four vital components need to be installed on your computer system before installing phpMyAdmin.
Web Server − PHP works with virtually all Web Server software, including Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) but most often used is Apache Server. Download Apache for free here − Apache 2.4 is used in this tutorial.
Database − phpMyAdmin manages MySQL or MariaDB databases. In this tutorial, we can using MySQL database. Download MySQL for free here − MySQL 8.0 is used in this tutorial.
PHP Parser − In order to process PHP script instructions, a parser must be installed to generate HTML output that can be sent to the Web Browser. This tutorial will guide you how to install PHP parser on your computer. Php 7.4 is used in this tutorial.
Web Browser − phpMyAdmin is a web based software, so web browser is needed with javascript and cookies enabled. We are using Google Chrome in this tutorial.
PHP Parser Installation
在您进行之前,在计算机上确保设置好适当的环境,以使用 PHP 开发您的网络程序非常重要。将以下 php 文件储存在 Apache 的 htdocs 文件夹中。
Before you proceed, it is important to make sure that you have proper environment setup on your machine to develop your web programs using PHP. Store the following php file in Apache’s htdocs folder.
Type the following address into your browser’s address box.
如果这样做会显示一个页面,显示您的 PHP 安装相关信息,则表示已正确安装了 PHP 和 Web 服务器。否则,您必须按照给定的程序在计算机上安装 PHP。
If this displays a page showing your PHP installation related information, then it means you have PHP and Webserver installed properly. Otherwise, you have to follow the given procedure to install PHP on your computer.
本部分将指导您在以下四个平台上安装和配置 PHP −
This section will guide you to install and configure PHP over the following four platforms −
Apache Configuration
如果您使用 Apache 作为 Web 服务器,那么本部分将指导您编辑 Apache 配置文件。
If you are using Apache as a Web Server, then this section will guide you to edit Apache Configuration Files.
Check here − PHP Configuration in Apache Server
PHP.INI File Configuration
PHP 配置文件 php.ini 是影响 PHP 功能的最后一种直接方法。
The PHP configuration file, php.ini, is the final and immediate way to affect PHP’s functionality.
在此处查看 − PHP.INI File Configuration
Check here − PHP.INI File Configuration
Windows IIS Configuration
要在 Windows 机器上配置 IIS,您可以参考随 IIS 一起提供的 IIS 参考手册。
To configure IIS on your Windows machine, you can refer your IIS Reference Manual shipped along with IIS.
Install MySQL Database
The most important thing you will need, of course is an actual running database with a table that you can query and modify.
MySQL DB − MySQL is an open source database. You can download it from MySQL Official Site. We recommend downloading the full Windows installation.
此外,下载并安装 MySQL Administrator 及 MySQL Query Browser. 。它们是基于 GUI 的工具,可以让您的开发变得更加轻松。
In addition, download and install MySQL Administrator as well as MySQL Query Browser. These are GUI based tools that will make your development much easier.
最后,在方便的目录中下载并解压缩 MySQL Connector/J (MySQL JDBC 驱动程序)。出于本教程的目的,我们假设您已在 C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-connector-java-5.1.8 中安装了驱动程序。
Finally, download and unzip MySQL Connector/J (the MySQL JDBC driver) in a convenient directory. For the purpose of this tutorial we will assume that you have installed the driver at C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-connector-java-5.1.8.
相应地,将 CLASSPATH 变量设置为 C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-connector-java-5.1.8\mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar。您的驱动程序版本可能会因您的安装而异。
Accordingly, set CLASSPATH variable to C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-connector-java-5.1.8\mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar. Your driver version may vary based on your installation.
Set Database Credential
当我们安装 MySQL 数据库时,它的管理员 ID 设置为 root ,并提供设置密码的选项。
When we install MySQL database, its administrator ID is set to root and it gives provision to set a password of your choice.
使用 root ID 和密码,您可以创建另一个用户 ID 和密码,也可以为您的 JDBC 应用程序使用 root ID 和密码。
Using root ID and password you can either create another user ID and password, or you can use root ID and password for your JDBC application.
有各种数据库操作,例如数据库创建和删除,这需要管理员 ID 和密码。
There are various database operations like database creation and deletion, which would need administrator ID and password.
我们将使用 ID root 和密码 root@123 的 MySQL 数据库。
We would use MySQL Database with root as ID and root@123 as password.
如果您没有足够权限创建新用户,那么您可以请求数据库管理员 (DBA) 为您创建用户 ID 和密码。
If you do not have sufficient privilege to create new users, then you can ask your Database Administrator (DBA) to create a user ID and password for you.
要全面了解 MySQL 数据库,请学习 MySQL Tutorial 。
For a complete understanding on MySQL database, study the MySQL Tutorial.
phpMyAdmin installation
在方便的目录中下载并解压 phpMyAdmin Web 应用程序 。然后将该文件夹复制到 Apache Web 服务器的 htdocs 目录中。我们已将 phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages 重命名为 phpMyAdmin 并将其放在 htdocs 目录中。
Download and unzip phpMyAdmin web application in a convenient directory. Then copy the folder to htdocs directory of Apache Web Server. We’ve renamed the phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages to phpMyAdmin and placed it inside the htdocs directory.
在重新启动 Apache 服务器之前,我们需要对 Apache 配置和 PHP 配置进行更改,以允许 phpMyAdmin 与 MySQL 和 OpenSSL 配合工作。请执行以下更改。
Before restarting Apache Server, we need to make changes to Apache Configuration and PHP Configuration to allow phpMyAdmin to work with MySQL and OpenSSL. Please do the following changes.
Apache Configuration Update
在 Apache Web Server 目录中找到 /conf/httpd.conf 文件,并将 DirectoryIndex > index.html 更新为 index.php。
Locate /conf/httpd.conf file in Apache Web Server directory and update DirectoryIndex > index.html to index.php.
# DirectoryIndex: sets the file that Apache will serve if a directory
# is requested.
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php
PHP Configuration Updates
在 PHP 安装目录中找到 php.ini ,并取消注释 mysqli 和 openssl 的扩展。
Locate php.ini in PHP Installation directory and uncomment extensions for mysqli and openssl.
现在启用 extension_dir 以加载 mysqli 和 openssl 的扩展。
Now enable the extension_dir to load extensions for mysqli and openssl.
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
;extension_dir = "./"
; On windows:
extension_dir = "ext"
就是这个,现在启动 Apache 服务器并打开 Web 浏览器中的 localhost/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin 以打开 phpMyAdmin 界面。
That’s it, now start the Apache Server and open localhost/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin in web browser to open the phpMyAdmin interface.
phpMyAdmin - Features
以下是 phpMyAdmin 的一些主要功能。
Following is some of the key features of phpMyAdmin.
User friendly Web Interface − phpMyAdmin UI is quite intuitive and easy to use.
Most of Database Operations are supported − phpMyAdmin supports most of the MySQL/MariaDB features as listed below − Browse databases, tables, view, fields and indexes. Create/Copy/Drop/Rename databases, tables, view, fields and indexes. Server maintenance, database/tables configuration proposal. Execute, Edit and bookmark SQL statements, batch queries. Manage user accounts and privilleges. Manage stored procedures and triggers.
Import Data − Data can be imported from from CSV and SQL files.
Export Data − Data can be exported to various formats like CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, LATEX and others
Multiserver support − phpMyAdmin can be used to administrater multiple servers together.
Graphics Support − phpMyAdmin can show graphics of database layout in various formats.
Query-by-example − phpMyAdmin Query-by-example (QBE) can be used to create complex queries.
Search − phpMyAdmin allows to searching globally in a database or a subset of database.
Transformation − phpMyAdmin can help in transforming stored data into any format using a set of built-in functions, for example displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link.
phpMyAdmin - Pros & Cons
以下是 phpMyAdmin 提供的一些主要优势:
Following are some of the key advantages that phpMyAdmin provides −
Web Based − Being web based, phpMyAdmin UI is accessible using Web Browser and this interface is available on all the platforms where a web browser can work.
Graphical Interface phpMyAdmin provides graphical interface to run SQL commands and do SQL operations and makes it quite easy to use as compared to console based sql editors.
Script Interface phpMyAdmin provides script interface to run PHP scripts to connect to databases and do customized operations.
Multi-Server phpMyAdmin allows to operate multiple servers at a time.
Backup formats phpMyAdmin allows to take database backups in various formats like XML, CSV, SQL, PDF, OpenDocument Text, Excel, Word, and Spreadsheet, etc.
Complex Query Made Easy phpMyAdmin’s easy to use interface allows to create and run complex queries, create and edit functions, triggers etc easily.
在使用 phpMyAdmin 时也存在一定的缺点。
There are certain disadvantages as well in using phpMyAdmin.
Difficult Installation − phpMyAdmin installation is not straight forward. User needs to install Apache Web Server, PHP and MySQL and then configure each softwares seperately. As an alternate solution is to use XAMPP, which bundles them as a package and have phpMyAdmin module as well. In case of fresh installation, XAMPP is the best choice to install WAMP/LAMP stack to use phpMyAdmin.
No schema visualization − schema visualization capability is not present in phpMyAdmin.
No auto-compilation − Auto-compilation functionality is not available as well.
No scheduled backup − Automatic backup scheduling is not feasible.
No Encryption − phpMyAdmin exports database in common text files thus needs high storage and poor security.
phpMyAdmin vs MySQL WorkBench
MySQL WorkBench 是 MySQL 数据库的一部分,它提供了一个功能齐全的管理界面来执行 SQL 查询和 MySQL 管理,而 phpMyAdmin 是一个基于 Web 的工具,用于管理 MySQL 数据库。以下是在两个界面中的一些主要区别。
MySQL WorkBench is part of MySQL database and it provides a full featured administrative interface to execute SQL queries and MySQL management where as phpMyAdmin is a web based tool to administer the MySQL database. Following are the some of the key differences in both interfaces.
Supported Versions − phpMyAdmin supports MySQL 5.5 onwards whereas MySQL Workbench can support any version of MySQL database.
Graphical Interface phpMyAdmin provides an easy to understand graphical interface to run SQL commands and do SQL operations and makes it quite easy to use as compared to MySQL workbench which is quite complex for beginners.
Script Interface phpMyAdmin provides script interface to run PHP scripts to connect to databases and do customized operations. MySQL workbench has no such option.
Web Based phpMyAdmin is web based and may be slow and depends upon web browser heavily where as MySQL workbench is a specilized software to work with databases.
Code Highlight phpMyAdmin does not have smart code highlight capabilities or auto-complete functionalities whereas MySQL workbench provides code highlighting and auto-complete features.
Pricing phpMyAdmin is completely free to use. It is open source and is provided by almost all hosting service providers whereas MySQL Workbench has a community based version which is free and open source. There are other commercial versions for enterprises which are subscription based. These commercial versions have enterprise level features and support.
phpMyAdmin - Databases
启动 Apache 服务器并在 Web 浏览器中打开 /localhost/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin 以打开 phpMyAdmin 界面。
Start the Apache Server and open /localhost/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin in web browser to open the phpMyAdmin interface.
由于我们在 Environment Setup 期间配置了 MySQL 数据库,因此我们的 root 用户的密码为 root@123。phpMyAdmin 打开后,您需要输入相同的凭据才能登录数据库。
As we have configured a database MySQL during Environment Setup, we’ve root user with password as root@123. Once phpMyAdmin opens up, you need to enter same credential to login to database.

登录后,您可以在加载的 phpMyAdmin 页面上看到以下部分。左侧部分显示了可用的数据库,它显示了系统用户创建的数据库。
Once logged in, you can see the following sections on the phpMyAdmin page loaded. The left section shows the databases available, it shows system as well user created databases.

On the right side, dashboard shows a tabbed interface to do all the database administration operations as shown below.

Click on Database Tab, to see the list of databases with more details. We can create database, iterate databases and do other operations here.

Click on any listed database to see the list of tables with more details. Tabs changes as per the context. Now tabs will shows as per the database.

Now in the schema browser, click on any table, right side section will load the table details as shown with updated tabbed interface to do various operations on that table as shown below −

双击任何单元格,使其可编辑,您可以在其中编辑和保存数据。按 Esc 键不会保存数据。一旦您退出编辑单元格,它将显示更新查询和操作状态,如下所示:
Double clicking on any cell, makes it editable, where you can edit and save data. Pressing esc key, will not save data. Once you move out of editing cell, it will show the update query and status of operation as shown below −

You can verify the update statement as well as show below −
UPDATE `employees` SET `AGE` = '28' WHERE `employees`.`ID` = 1;
Now click on Structure tab, it will show the table structural details as shown below −

phpMyAdmin - SQL
phpMyAdmin 在 SQL 选项卡下提供一个 SQL 控制台。它的内容根据选择而有所不同。如果没有选择数据库,则 SQL 控制台会在 localhost 上下文中打开,否则会在相关的数据库上下文中打开。给出的示例中,我们选择了 TutorialsPoint 数据库。现在切换到 SQL 会显示以下屏幕。
phpMyAdmin provides a SQL console under SQL Tab. Its context varies as per the selection. If no database is selected, then SQL console opens in localhost context otherwise in relevant database context. In given example, we’ve selected a database TutorialsPoint. Now switching to SQL shows the following screen.

现在让我们运行一个简单查询来查看正在执行的 SQL 选项卡。在用户键入时,SQL 界面会不断建议关键字。您也可以同时按 Ctrl+Space 打开相关建议。
Now let’s run a simple query to see SQL Tab in action. SQL interface will keep suggesting keywords while user types. You can press Ctrl+Space to open the relevant suggestion as well.

现在单击“执行”按钮,phpMyAdmin 将运行查询并显示如下所示的结果−
Now click on Go Button and phpMyAdmin will run the query and show the result as shown below −

phpMyAdmin - Status
phpMyAdmin 在“状态”选项卡下提供六种类型状态。
phpMyAdmin provides a six types of statuses under Status Tab.
Server − Server Status tab describes the MySQL/MariaDB server status in terms of traffic and connections that server is handling. It also shares the replication status.

Processes − Processes like root, event scheduler are shared on this dashboard. We can kill them as well.

Queries − Query Statistics tell about the types and count of queries that has been run using phpMyAdmin interface. It includes the queries run plus the queries run by phpMyAdmin in background.

All Status Variables − All kind of status variables are listed here with their value and description. User can filter on these variables as well.
Monitor − Monitor dashboard helps in visual way to check and control traffic, cpu usages, connections, processes, questions, system memory and system swaps.
Advisor − Advisor helps in analyzing the problems and provides advices for performance bottlenecks. It also provides insights on generally faced problems.
phpMyAdmin - User Accounts
phpMyAdmin 为用户管理提供了直观的用户界面。我们可以查看用户、编辑其特权等。
phpMyAdmin provides an intuitive user interface for user management. We can view users, edit their previleges etc.

让我们使用 phpMyAdmin 创建一个用户,称为 testuser。在 New 部分下单击 Add User Account 链接。
Let’s create a user using phpMyAdmin say testuser. Click on the Add User Account link under New Section.
Create user with a strong password.

Grant Privileges.

现在单击“Go”按钮,phpMyAdmin 将创建用户,并显示用于创建用户的 SQL。
Now click on go button and phpMyAdmin will create the user and shows the SQL used to create the user.

Now click on User accounts and verify the user with required privileges.

phpMyAdmin - Exports
phpMyAdmin 提供直观的用户界面来导出数据库。
phpMyAdmin provides an intuitive user interface to export database(s).

单击转至按钮,phpMyAdmin 将生成创建数据库/表和其他相关实体所需的 SQL。
Click on Go button and phpMyAdmin will generate SQL required to create databases/tables and other relevant entities.
除了 SQL 之外,用户还可以选择其他流行选项,如 csv、json、yaml 等。
Instead of SQL, user can choose other popular options as well like csv, json, yaml etc.

现在选择自定义选项,phpMyAdmin 将显示很多选项,例如
Now select the custom option and phpMyAdmin will show lots of options like
Databases − A list of databases to be selected. User can select multiple databases.
Output − Options to save output to a file with customization options like name, charset, compression. It also provides options to skip large tables, rename exported databases/tables/columns and so on.
Format Specific Options − Options to display/hide comments, enclose export in a transaction, export views as tables, export metadata and database selection for compatabilities and so.
Object Creation Options − Options to add drop database/tables etc if exists, auto increment id, add create view, add create trigger statements, using backquotes to enclose table and column names etc.
Data Creation Options − Options to truncate table before insert delayed statements and insert ignore statements. Options to choose format while preparing sql for insert data, set the maximum length of created query, dump timestamp columns in UTC etc.
phpMyAdmin - Imports
phpMyAdmin 提供了一个直观的界面,用于导入数据库。
phpMyAdmin provides an intuitive user interface to import database(s).

选择要导入的文件。phpMyAdmin 允许导入 zip 文件和未压缩的文件。最大大小限制为 2GB。单击“执行”按钮,phpMyAdmin 将导入数据库并相应地显示成功/失败/错误消息。
Choose a file to import. phpMyAdmin allows to import zip file as well as uncompressed file. Max size limit is 2GB. Click on Go button and phpMyAdmin will import the databases and show the success/failure/error messages accordingly.

现在选择自定义选项,phpMyAdmin 将显示很多选项,例如
Now select the custom option and phpMyAdmin will show lots of options like

Partial Import − This option is very handy while importing large databases. It allows to prevent PHP timeout and allows to skip queries as well.
Other Options − Options to check foreign integrity checks.
Format − phpMyAdmin allows six differents format to be used in import process.

Format Specific Options − Options to choose database specific formats. For zero values, auto increment can be disabled.
phpMyAdmin - Settings
phpMyAdmin 提供一个直观的用户界面,用于管理和设置其界面的设置。
phpMyAdmin provides an intuitive user interface to manage and set settings for its interface.

Following is the description of various sections of Settings tab.
Manage Your Settings − Main Dashboard shows the Import/Export and Reset Options. User can set up a setup script to do this process automatically as well. Script provide more fine grain control as well. Saved settings can be exported in JSON/PHP format or to browser storage and in similar fashion, it can be imported.
Two Factor Authentication − Two factor authentication is very important for security purpose. It enables to authenticate user with additional authentication mechanism like HOTP and TOTP applications such as FreeOTP, Google Authenticator or Authy or using hardware security tokens supporting FIDO U2F, along with password authentication.
Features − Features covers the configuration setting related to databases, text fields, page titles, warning messages, console and general settings like natural order, version checks etc.
SQL Queries − Options related to SQL queries like show SQL queries, confirmation on drop queries and configurations on sql query box like to show explain SQL, create PHP Code, refresh options and so.
Navigation Panel − Options covering navigation panel, navigation tree and to configure display settings for servers, databases and tables display.
Main Panel − Options to customize startup screen, database structure, table structure, browse mode, edit mode, tabs and relational schema display.
Export/Import − Options to customize export and import settings.
phpMyAdmin - Binary Logs
phpMyAdmin 二进制日志选项卡有助于检查日志历史记录。它展示了我们使用 phpMyAdmin 所做的一切。
phpMyAdmin Binary Logs tabs helps in checking the log history. It shows a glimpse of whatever we’ve done using phpMyAdmin.

Let’s select any binary logs file and click on Go button, It will display the logs history of that log file.

在这里,您可以检查 phpMyAdmin 在幕后执行了哪些活动。
Here, you can check which activities has been carried out by phpMyAdmin behind the scene.
phpMyAdmin - Replication
phpMyAdmin 复制选项卡处理数据库复制。使用此功能很容易将一个数据库标记为主要数据库,将另一个数据库标记为从数据库。
phpMyAdmin Replication tab handles the database replication. Marking one database as master database and other as slave databases is made easy using this feature.

Master Replication − This section shows the master status and connected slaves status. We can add slave replication user as well using this section.

Slave Replication − This section allows to add a slave using username, password, host and port details.

phpMyAdmin - Variables
phpMyAdmin 变量标签处理近 600 个 MySQL 变量,我们可以在其中编辑它们并将其设为启用/禁用以及更新其值。
phpMyAdmin Variables tab handles nearly 600 variables of MySQL where we can edit set them on/off and update their values.

Click on edit button, and you can edit the variable value.

更新值之后,点击保存按钮或按 esc 键取消。
After updating the value, click on save button or press esc key to cancel.
需要留意的一个重要事项是,只有以 root 用户身份登录的用户才能编辑这些变量。
An important point to note is that these variables can be edited only one user logged in as root user.
phpMyAdmin - Charsets
phpMyAdmin 字符集选项卡显示 MySQL 服务器支持的所有字符集和校对。
phpMyAdmin Charsets tab displays all the charsets and collations which are supported by MySQL server.

You cannot edit anything here. It is a readonly information.
phpMyAdmin - Storage Engines
phpMyAdmin 存储引擎选项卡显示 MySQL 服务器支持的所有引擎。
phpMyAdmin Storage Engines tab displays all the engines which are supported by MySQL server.

您无法在此处编辑任何内容。这是一个只读信息。当我们单击任何引擎名称时,它会进一步显示详细信息。例如,当用户单击默认引擎 myISAM 时,它会显示如下所示:
You cannot edit anything here. It is a readonly information. When we click on any engine name, it displays the details further. For example, when user clicks on the default engine myISAM, it displays as following −

phpMyAdmin - Plugins
phpMyAdmin 插件选项卡显示目前安装在 MySQL 服务器中的所有插件。它包含有关其版本和描述的信息。
phpMyAdmin Plugins tab displays all the plugins which are presently installed in MySQL server. It contains information like their version and description.

Plugins are broadly categorized in six categories −
If you click on any of the category, it will scroll to the related list of plugins.