Phpmyadmin 简明教程
phpMyAdmin - Variables
phpMyAdmin 变量标签处理近 600 个 MySQL 变量,我们可以在其中编辑它们并将其设为启用/禁用以及更新其值。
phpMyAdmin Variables tab handles nearly 600 variables of MySQL where we can edit set them on/off and update their values.

Click on edit button, and you can edit the variable value.

更新值之后,点击保存按钮或按 esc 键取消。
After updating the value, click on save button or press esc key to cancel.
需要留意的一个重要事项是,只有以 root 用户身份登录的用户才能编辑这些变量。
An important point to note is that these variables can be edited only one user logged in as root user.