Plsql 简明教程
Discuss PL/SQL
PL/SQL 结合了 SQL 以及编程语言的过程化特性。它是由 Oracle Corporation 在 90 年代早期开发的,目的是增强 SQL 的功能。PL/SQL 是嵌入 Oracle 数据库的三个主要编程语言之一,另外两个是 SQL 本身和 Java。本教程将帮助你深入理解 PL/SQL,以继续学习 Oracle 数据库和其他高级关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS) 概念。
PL/SQL is a combination of SQL along with the procedural features of programming languages. It was developed by Oracle Corporation in the early 90’s to enhance the capabilities of SQL. PL/SQL is one of three key programming languages embedded in the Oracle Database, along with SQL itself and Java. This tutorial will give you great understanding on PL/SQL to proceed with Oracle database and other advanced RDBMS concepts.