Power Bi 简明教程
Power BI Tutorial
Power BI 是一个数据可视化和商业智能工具,可以将来自不同数据源的数据转换为交互式仪表板和 BI 报告。Power BI 套件提供了多个软件、连接器和服务 - Power BI 桌面版、基于 Saas 的 Power BI 服务以及适用于不同平台的移动版 Power BI 应用。这套服务由业务用户用于使用数据和构建 BI 报告。本教程涵盖了 Power BI 中的所有重要概念,并提供了有关如何使用 Power BI 的基础理解。
Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that converts data from different data sources to interactive dashboards and BI reports. Power BI suite provides multiple software, connector, and services - Power BI desktop, Power BI service based on Saas, and mobile Power BI apps available for different platforms. These set of services are used by business users to consume data and build BI reports. This tutorial covers all the important concepts in Power BI and provides a foundational understanding on how to use Power BI.
本教程专为初学者编写,以帮助他们了解 Power BI 的基本概念。本教程将为您提供足够的 Power BI 理解,从中您可以提升自己的专业知识水平。
This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic concepts of Power BI. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on Power BI, from where you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.
在继续本教程之前,您应该熟悉 Microsoft Excel、数据建模,并且具备一些 DAX 语言知识。
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should be familiar with Microsoft Excel, data modeling, and have some knowledge of DAX language.
What is Power BI?
Power BI 是一个数据可视化和商业智能工具,可以将来自不同数据源的数据转换为用于业务驱动的决策的交互式仪表板和 BI 报告。Power BI 套件提供了多个软件、连接器和服务。Power BI 应用适用于不同平台。这套服务由业务用户用于使用数据和构建 BI 报告。
Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that converts data from different data sources to interactive dashboards and BI reports for business-driven decisions. The Power BI suite provides multiple software, connectors, and services. Power BI apps are available for different platforms. This set of services is used by business users to consume data and build BI reports.
What is Business Intelligence?
Business Intelligence assists companies in processing and filtering massive amounts of stored data and transforming it into actionable insights. Mining, Data Warehouse, and Data Analytics are the correlated names of Business Intelligence. Exploratory data analysis, dashboards, and predictive modeling are the core methods of business intelligence.
Why do we need a Business Intelligence Tool?
在当今数字时代,非结构化数据分散在世界各地。公司在处理和监控大量数据方面面临困难,这反过来又会对他们的业务战略和运营管理产生负面影响。这就是为什么公司需要强大的 BI 工具来快速决策,以提高其销售产量、增加结构化数据的可用性、生成大量报告、处理客户、跟踪员工绩效和提高运营效率。
In today’s digital era, unstructured data is dispersed all around the world. Companies face difficulty in handling and monitoring huge amounts of data, which in turn negatively affects their business strategies and operation management. This is why the companies require powerful BI tools for quick decision-making to increase their sales production, increase the availability of structured data, generate immense reports, handle customers, track employee performance, and enhance operational efficiency.
领先的财务公司和德勤、普华永道和安永等大公司正在使用 Power BI 和 Tableau 等流行的商业智能工具从各种来源编译数据,并将其呈现为可用于制定关键业务决策和识别市场趋势和模式的有吸引力的格式。
Popular business intelligence tools such as Power BI and Tableau are being used by financial companies and big firms like Deloitte, PwC, and EY to compile data from various sources and present it in an attractive format that can be used for making crucial business decisions and identifying market trends and patterns.
What are the Major Components of Power BI?
以下是 Power BI 的主要组件−
Following are the major components of Power BI −
Power Query
它是清洗和转换数据的过程,允许用户访问连接至多个来源的数据集。它包含在 Power BI 桌面应用程序中。业务用户可以查看来自不同数据库(如 MySQL、SQL 服务器、DB2 等)的数据。
It is the process of cleansing and transforming data and permits users to access datasets connecting from multiple sources. It is included on the Power BI desktop. Business users may view the data from distinct databases like MySQL, SQL servers, DB2, and many more.
Power View
It is a data visualization tool that assists users in developing stunning charts, and colorful maps, that turn data into a story.
Power Map
它是一款 3D 地图可视化工具,用于识别地图视觉效果上的地理空间数据。它可帮助组织无缝地在地理位置上检查最大销售产量,并可视化特定区域的人口分布。
It is a 3D map visualization tool to identify geospatial data on Map visuals. It seamlessly helps organizations to examine the maximum sales production geographically, visualizing the demographic populations of specific regions.
Power Pivot
它是一种数据建模技术,用于创建数据集之间的关系。它通过利用 DAX 函数执行复杂的计算。
It is a Data Modelling technique that is used to create relationships between datasets. It performs complex computations by utilizing DAX functions.
Power Q & A
在处理大型数据集时,了解数据的深入详细信息变得至关重要。幸运的是,它可以通过自然语言完成,用户可以提问并通过 Power Q&A 获得答案。
When dealing with giant datasets, it becomes crucial to get to know the in-depth details of the data. Luckily, it is done through natural language where users may ask questions and obtain the answer through Power Q & A.
Why Power BI as a Career?
希望从事 Power BI 开发人员、研究人员、业务分析师或数据分析师职业的候选人应该学习 Power BI 工具,并尝试 PL 300 考试获得认证。他们应该从头开始并学习 Power BI 的所有核心组件。
Aspirants who are willing to make their career as a Power BI developer, researcher, business analyst, or data analyst should learn the Power BI tool and get certified by attempting the PL 300 exam. They should start from scratch and learn all the core components of Power BI.
任何精通 Excel 的人都可以轻松学习 Power BI。对能够开发交互式仪表板和报表的 Power BI 专业人员的需求持续不断增加。Power BI 广泛用于医疗保健、金融、制造、零售等所有领域。这使得热衷于 Power BI 的学习者可以抓住这些领域的机遇。
Anyone who is well versed in Excel can easily learn Power BI. The growing demand for Power BI professionals who can develop interactive dashboards and reports has been increasing continuously. Power BI is widely used in all domains, like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, and more. This allows enthusiastic Power BI learners to grab opportunities in these domains.