Power Bi 简明教程
Power BI - Administration Role
Power BI 管理角色分配给那些在不授予 Office 365 访问权限的情况下在 BI 管理员门户上需要管理员权限的人员。
Power BI administration role is assigned to those who require admin privilege on BI Admin portal, without granting Office 365 access.
若要提供管理员访问权限,请导航到 Office 365 管理中心,选择“用户”,然后选择“活动用户”。
To provide admin access, navigate to Office 365 Admin Center, select Users and then Active Users.
Navigate to the Roles tab and click the Edit option.

导航到“自定义管理员”选项卡,然后选择“Power BI 服务管理员”。
Navigate to the Customized Administrator tab and select Power BI Service Administrator.

Power BI 是 Microsoft 新设计的工具,由以下组件组成 −
Power BI is a newly designed tool from Microsoft, which consists of the following components −
Power BI Desktop
Power BI Service
Connector Gateway
Power BI 桌面版是一个可以从 Microsoft 网站安装且没有任何额外费用的免费工具。
Power BI desktop is a free tool that can be installed from the Microsoft site without any additional cost.

这是直接下载 Power BI 文件的链接 -
This is the link to directly download Power BI files −

Power BI Pro 有 60 天的免费试用期,之后可按 9.99 美元/用户/月的价格购买。Power BI Premium 按每个节点/月容量定价。
Power BI Pro has 60-days free trial and then it can be purchased for 9.99$/user/month. Power BI Premium is as per the capacity pricing per node/month.
Power BI 还提供内部部署报表服务器,该服务器可用于发布报表,并具备日后移至云环境的灵活性。
Power BI also provides on-premise report server, which can be used for publishing a report with the flexibility to move to the cloud environment later.

Power BI Pro 报表服务器也有试用版,根据公司网站所示,Power BI 报表服务器可以在现代内部部署解决方案中访问数据和见解,并具备 SQL Server Reporting Services 的企业级报告功能。
A trial version is also available for Power BI Pro Report Server and as per the company website - Power BI Report Server provides access to data and insights, and the enterprise reporting capabilities of SQL Server Reporting Services in a modern, on-premises solution.
它有助于以可视化方式浏览数据并快速发现模式,以便更快地做出更佳决策。同时,它根据业务需求生成格式准确的报表。此外,由于 Power BI 报表服务器基于久经考验的企业级平台,因此还可以自信地扩展到数千个用户。
It assists in visually exploring data and quickly discovering patterns to make better, faster decisions. At the same time, it generates precisely formatted reports based on the business needs. You’ll also be able to confidently scale to thousands of users as Power BI Report Server is based on a proven, enterprise-grade platform.
在 Power BI 中,还可以使用 REST API 实时推送数据。借助 Power BI REST API,您可以创建数据集、仪表板、添加和删除行以及获取组。
In Power BI, it is also possible to push data in real time using REST APIs. With Power BI REST API, you can create data sets, dashboards, add and delete rows and get groups.
可以使用以下任何技术创建 Power BI REST API−
A Power BI REST API can be created using any of the following technologies −
要验证 Power BI 的身份,您需要获取 Azure Active Directory 令牌,这可以允许您的应用访问 Power BI 仪表板。
To authenticate Power BI, you need to get an Azure Active Directory token and this can allow your app to access Power BI dashboards.
以下是从 Power BI 服务中的 Azure AD 获取授权代码的 C# 代码。
Following is the C# code to get an authorization code from Azure AD in Power BI service.

当用户使用 Power BI 服务验证身份时,将在 Power BI 中使用 Azure Active Directory (AAD) 验证。Power BI 登录凭据可以是用户用于设置其 BI 帐户的电子邮件帐户,并且是一个有效的用户名。
Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication is used in Power BI when a user authenticates using Power BI service. Power BI login credentials can be an email account used by users to set up their BI account and is an effective username.
Power BI 提供了 Azure 云使用的安全级别,包括以下安全级别−
Power BI provides security level used by Azure cloud that includes the following level of security −
Multitenant Environment Security
Networking Security
AAD based Security
在数据存储方面,Power BI 中使用了两种不同的存储库−
For data storage, there are two different repositories used in Power BI −
Azure BLOB
Azure SQL Database
用户上传的数据使用 Azure BLOB 存储,Azure SQL 数据库用于存储系统数据。Power BI 安全性主要基于 Azure 云中可用的数据和网络安全功能,并且验证也基于 Azure AD。
Azure BLOB storage is used for data uploaded by users and Azure SQL database is used to store system data. Power BI security is mostly based on data and network security features available in Azure cloud and authentication is also based on Azure AD.