Power Bi 简明教程
Power BI - Dashboard Options
在本章中,您将了解 Power BI 中的各种仪表盘选项。
In this chapter, you will learn about the various dashboard options available in Power BI.
Exploring Different Datasets
Power BI 工具提供了很多选项来探索数据集。当您处理 BI 报表或仪表盘时,您可以使用 Power BI 查找快速见解。导航到工具用户界面的左侧数据集部分,单击 3 个点 (…) 并单击获取见解。
Power BI tool provides a lot of options to explore the datasets. When you are working on your BI report or dashboards, you can use Power BI look for quick insights. Navigate to the datasets section on the left side of the tool UI, click the 3 dots (…) and click Get Insights.

When you select the Get Insights option, it runs all the algorithms in your dataset and once it is complete, you get a notification that insight is ready for your dataset.

You can click the View Insights option and the tool will show you all chart representations of your data insights. You can any time go to this option and check insights option in your dataset.
当您将报告发布到 Power BI 服务时,您还可以在首页获得快速见解选项。
When you publish a report to Power BI service, you also get an option of Quick Insight on the first page.

Creating Dashboards
在 Power BI 中,您可以通过钉住使用 Power BI 电脑版发布的 BI 报告中的可视化效果来创建仪表板。使用 Power BI 服务创建的所有可视化效果也可用于钉住以创建仪表板。
In Power BI, you can create a dashboard by pinning visualizations from BI reports that are published using Power BI desktop. All the visualizations that are created using Power BI service are also available for pinning to create dashboards.
在 Power BI 中,如果您想钉住可视化效果,请在 Power BI 服务中打开 BI 报告。在可视化效果顶部,选择图钉图标。
In Power BI, if you want to pin a visual, open the BI report on the Power BI service. At the top of the visual, select the pin icon.

When you use the Pin option as shown as shown in the above screenshot, a new dialog box appears as shown in the following screenshot. It asks you to create a new dashboard or select an existing dashboard to put the visual from the dropdown list. If you don’t have an existing dashboard, then this option is greyed out.

Once you click the Pin button, you will get a confirmation that your visualization is “Pinned” to the dashboard. You can click My Workspace and check the dashboard.
Once your dashboard is created, you can use different options to configure the dashboard.

Sharing Dashboards
当您将 BI 报告发布到 Power BI 服务时,您可以与组织中的其他用户共享报告和仪表板。在 Power BI 中共享仪表板非常容易。
When you publish your BI report to Power BI service, you can share reports and dashboards with other users in your organization. Sharing a dashboard is very easy in Power BI.
您必须在 Power BI 服务中打开仪表板,并单击屏幕右上角的“共享”选项。
You have to open the dashboard in Power BI service and click the Share option at the top right corner of the screen.

共享功能仅适用于 Power BI Pro 版本。您还可以使用 Power BI Pro 的 60 天免费试用版,如下图所示。
The sharing feature is only available with Power BI Pro version. You can also use the 60-days free trial for Power BI Pro as shown in the following screenshot.

单击“免费试用 Pro”以开始试用。选择“开始试用”和“完成”,您将收到确认已开始 60 天的试用。当您单击“共享仪表板”时,您会在一个新窗口中获得选项。您必须输入您希望与其共享此仪表板的用户的电子邮件 ID。
Click the Try Pro for free to start a trial. Select the Start Trial and Finish, and you will get a confirmation that 60-days trial has started. When you click the Share dashboard, you will get options in a new window. You have to enter the email Id of the user with whom you want to share this dashboard.
您可以允许收件人与其他用户共享仪表板或发送电子邮件通知。您还可以为用户提供直接 URL,他们可以直接访问仪表板。
You can allow recipients to share the dashboard with other users or send email notifications. You can also provide a direct URL to users and they can access the dashboard directly.

Tiles in Dashboard
When you check More Options in the dashboard, you can see an option of Focus Mode and other different options in the dashboard.
Focus Mode 用于详细了解仪表板数据。当仪表板中有多个值时,您可以使用焦点模式来更好地查看仪表板中的对象。如果有由于空间问题而未显示的任何列,您还可以使用焦点模式查看它们。
Focus Mode is used to take a closer look at your dashboard data. When you have multiple values in the dashboard, you can use the Focus Mode for a better view of the objects in the dashboard. If there are any columns, which are not shown due to space issues, you can also view those using the Focus Mode.

Focus Mode is used to see all the data in the dashboard/report. It is also possible to pin the visual directly from Focus Mode to a different dashboard by selecting the Pin icon.
To exit the Focus Mode, you can select the Exit Focus Mode option.

You can also use the Tile Details option to edit few formatting changes. This option allows to change the tile’s title, subtitle, last refresh time and date, and other details, such as creating a custom link for your dashboard.

Data Gateway
您可以使用数据网关将本地数据源连接到 Power BI 服务。您还可以使用无需任何管理配置的数据网关版本,它称为个人网关。
You can connect on-premise data sources to Power BI service using a data gateway. You can also use a version of data gateway that doesn’t include any administration configuration and it is called as Personal Gateway.
您可以登录 Power BI 服务来设置个人网关。您必须选择屏幕右上角的下载图标,然后单击数据网关。
You can set up Personal Gateway by logging into Power BI service. You have to select the download icon on the top right hand corner of the screen and click Data Gateway.

根据 Power BI 官方网站,使用数据网关与本地网关,您可以连接到本地数据源,保持数据完整,而无需移动数据。查询大型数据集,并从现有投资中受益。网关提供了满足个人需求和组织需求的灵活性。
As per Power BI official site, using Data Gateway with the on-premises gateways, you can keep your data fresh by connecting to your on-premises data sources without the need to move the data. Query large datasets and benefit from your existing investments. The gateways provide the flexibility you need to meet individual needs, and the needs of your organization.

To set up download gateways, you have to run the setup till it is downloaded and the installation wizard is complete.

You have an option to select either −
On-premise data gateway or
Personal gateway (Power BI only)
启动 Power BI 网关后,您必须登录到 Power BI 网关服务。
Once you launch Power BI Gateway, you have to login to Power BI gateway service.
You can also enable automatic updates by navigating to Schedule Refresh and frequency of the schedule.