Power Bi 简明教程
Power BI - Excel Integration
在本章中,您将学习如何将 Excel 与 Power BI 集成。
In this chapter, you will learn how to integrate excel with Power BI.
Using Excel Data
使用 Power BI,您还可以将 Excel 工作簿文件从本地驱动器导入到 Power BI 中。若要从 Excel 表格导入数据,您必须确保每列都有一个正确的名称。若要在 Power BI 中导入 Excel 文件,请导航到“获取数据 → 文件 → 本地文件”。
Using Power BI, you can also import Excel workbook file from the local drive into Power BI. To import data from the excel sheet, you have to ensure that each column has a proper name. To import an Excel file in Power BI, navigate to Get Data → Files → Local Files.

Importing xls Files
在 Power BI 服务中,导航到“我的工作区 → 文件 → 本地文件”。
In Power BI Service, navigate to My Workspace → File → Local File.

另外请注意,您的 Excel 文件不必只保存在本地驱动器上。您还可以从 OneDrive 甚至从 SharePoint 导入 Excel 工作簿。
Also note that it is not necessary your Excel file should only be saved on the Local Drive. You can also import an Excel workbook from OneDrive or even from SharePoint.
导入数据集后,您就可以在 Power BI 中创建报表了。已导入的数据集在 Power BI 菜单中的“数据集”选项下可用。
Once the dataset is imported, you are ready to create the reports in Power BI. Imported dataset is available under “DATASETS” option in Power BI menu.
Double-click Datasets. Then, navigate to the Explore tab. This will open a new Report Canvas. All the fields from your table and corresponding columns are available under the Fields option on the right side of the screen.

To create a report, select any visualization and add the fields from the table to visualization.