Power Bi 简明教程
Sharing Power BI Dashboards
在本章中,您将了解如何共享 Power BI 仪表板以用于报表共享、打印、发布等操作。
In this chapter, you will learn how to share Power BI dashboard for report sharing, printing, publishing, etc.
Using Power BI Desktop for Report Sharing
在 Power BI 桌面中创建了 BI 报表后,您还可以与其他业务用户共享这些报表。组织中的所有 BI 报表、仪表板和数据都可以与其他同事和业务用户共享。
Once BI reports are created in Power BI desktop, you can also share the reports with other business users. All BI reports, dashboards, and data can be shared with other colleagues and business users in the organization.
您可以使用以下方法共享报表 −
You can share reports using the following methods −
Publish reports using Power BI Service
Content Packs combine dashboard, report, and datasets obtained in BI desktop tool
Create Groups and assign specific rights to different users for report sharing
Use Power BI mobile apps to access share dashboards and reports
让我们了解如何使用 Power BI 桌面工具发布 BI 报表。
Let us see how to publish a BI report using Power BI desktop tool.
创建报表后,导航到 Power BI 桌面中“开始”选项卡上的“发布”按钮。
Once the report is created, navigate to the Publish button on the Home tab in Power BI desktop.

一旦您选择“发布服务”,您的可视化、自定义度量和报表将全部打包并发布到 Power BI 服务。Power BI 文件具有 .pbix 文件扩展名。当上传过程正在进行时,您将看到一个“正在发布”对话框。
Once you select the Publish service, your visuals, custom measures and reports are all packaged and published to Power BI service. Power BI files have an extension .pbix files. When the upload is in process, you get a dialog box that Publishing is in process.

Once the upload is complete, you will get a confirmation message announcing the “Success”. You can also view Quick Insights and open the shared report from the dialog box.

Printing Power BI Dashboards
有时还需要打印报表和仪表板。使用 Power BI,您可以打印 BI 报表和仪表板。要打印报表,请导航到 Power BI 服务并单击“…”选项。
It is also required sometimes to take printouts of your reports and dashboards. With Power BI, you can take prints of your BI reports and dashboards. To take a Printout of the report, navigate to Power BI service and click the “…” option.

It will open a Print dialog box. You can select the Printer on which you want to take the printout of the report. You can also select different Print options such as Portrait/Landscape, Margins, Header or Scale.

Export Options
在 Power BI 中,您还可以使用不同的“导出”选项从 BI 报表中导出数据。要使用导出选项,请导航到 Power BI 服务并选择您要导出的 BI 报表。
In Power BI, you can also use different Export options to export data from BI report. To use the export option, navigate to Power BI service and select the BI report you want to export.

当您单击“导出到”选项时,它将生成一个 CSV 文件。在 Power BI 中,您还可以通过导航到“文件 → 打印”选项直接导出/查看报表。
When you click the Export to option, it generates a CSV file. In Power BI, you can also export/view a report directly by navigating to File → Print option.

Publishing Report to Web
在 Power BI 中,还可以将 BI 报表发布到网络或通过电子邮件进行共享。要将报表发布到网络,您必须导航到 Power BI 服务 → 我的工作区。
In Power BI, it is also possible to publish a BI report to web or share it via email. To publish a report to the web, you have to navigate to Power BI service → My Workspace.

打开您想要发布的报表后,导航到“文件”选项卡 → “发布到网络”。选中此选项后,它将打开一个新对话框,为该报表创建一个嵌入代码以包含在网站或电子邮件中。
Once you open the report that you want to publish, navigate to the File tab → Publish to Web. Once you select this option, it opens a new dialog that creates an embed code for this report to include in the website or email.
选项说:获取您可以在公共网站上包含的链接或嵌入代码。您可能使用发布到网络功能在公开网站上共享内容。您可能不会使用此功能在内部共享内容,包括通过您的电子邮件、内部网络或内部网站。发布一个实时版本,该版本将保持与 Power BI 中的源报表同步。您对报表所做的任何更改将立即反映在已发布的公开版本中。
Option says: Get a link or embed code that you can include on a public website. You may use publish to web functionality to share content on a publicly available website. You may not use this functionality to share content internally, which includes through your email, your internal network, or intranet site. Publish a live version that will remain synchronized with the source report in Power BI. Any changes you make to the report will immediately be reflected in the published public version.

当您选择 - 创建嵌入代码时,Power BI 会提示您希望与互联网上的每个人共享您的数据。
When you select - Create Embed code, Power BI prompts that you want to share your data with everyone on the internet.
显示以下消息:您正准备为此报表创建一个嵌入代码。一旦发布,互联网上的任何人都将能够访问该报表及其包含的数据,并且 Microsoft 可能会在公共网站或公共图库中展示该报表。
The following message is displayed: You are about to create an embed code for this report. Once published, anyone on the Internet will be able to access the report and the data it contains, and Microsoft may display the report on a public website or a public gallery.
Before publishing this report, ensure you have the right to share the data and visualizations publicly. Do not publish confidential or proprietary information, or an individual’s personal data. If in doubt, check your organization’s policies before publishing.
Note - 您可以将报告发布为网页,拥有链接的任何用户都可以查看它。可以通过电子邮件发送链接或将其用作网页中的 iframe。
Note − You can publish the report as a web page and any user with the link can view it. The link can be sent via email or it can be used as an iframe in a web page.

Deleting an Embed Code
Let us say, you want to delete an embed code. Navigate to the Gear icon at the top of the screen as shown in the following screenshot. Then go to Manage Embed codes.

要删除嵌入代码,请单击报告名称前方的省略号标记 (…) 并选择“删除”选项。
To remove an embed code click the ellipsis mark (…) in front of the report name and select the Delete option.

When you click the Delete option, it will ask you if you want to delete publish to web code. Once you are sure, click Delete.

Using Content Pack
在 Power BI 中,你还可以与同事共享仪表板、报告和数据集作为包。要创建内容包,请单击 Power BI 工作区中的齿轮箱图标,如下面的屏幕截图所示。
In Power BI, you can also share dashboard, report, and dataset as a package with your colleagues. To create a content pack, click the Gear box icon in Power BI workspace as shown in the following screenshot.

Once you select Create content pack, you will be prompted with a new dialog box. You can choose if you want to distribute this content pack with Specific Groups or My Entire Organization.
If you want to share this with specific people, you have to enter email addresses. You can also add a Title and description of the content pack as shown in the following screenshot.

在页面的底部,你有一个选项可以让你选择你想要发布的组件。你可以从以下选项中进行选择 -
At the bottom of the page, you have an option to select the components you want to publish. You can select from the following −

Editing Content Pack
创建内容包后,你还可以返回并编辑内容包的共享对象。每当你更新任何仪表板、BI 报告时,系统会提示你是否要更新共享内容。
When a content pack is created, you can also go back and edit the shared objects of the content pack. Whenever you update any dashboard, BI report, you are prompted if you want to update the shared content.
单击“我的工作区”下的齿轮箱图标 → “查看内容包”。
Click the Gear box icon under My Workspace → View Content Pack.

If you see a small icon in front of the name of the content pack, it shows that the content pack is updated. When you select the edit button, you will reach the home screen, where you can create a new content pack.

Power BI 会接受你对内容包所做的所有更改,并将更新后的内容包发布到内容包库。
Power BI accepts all the changes you make to the content pack and publishes the updated content pack to the content pack gallery.