Power Bi 简明教程
Power BI - Visualization Options
在本教程中,您将了解 Power BI 中的各种可视化选项。
In this chapter, you will learn about the various visualization options in Power BI.
Creating Simple Visualizations
可视化用于有效显示您的数据,是任何商业智能工具的基础组成部分。Power BI 包含各种默认数据可视化组件,其中包括从简单的条形图到饼图再到地图,还包括瀑布图、漏斗图、仪表以及许多其他组件等复杂模型。
Visualizations are used to effectively present your data and are the basic building blocks of any Business Intelligence tool. Power BI contains various default data visualization components that include simple bar charts to pie charts to maps, and also complex models such as waterfalls, funnels, gauges, and many other components.

在 Power BI 中,您可以通过两种方式创建可视化。首先是通过从右侧窗格添加到报告画布。默认情况下,它是 Power BI 中选中的表格类型的可视化。另一种方法是将右侧栏中的字段拖动到可视化下的轴和值轴。您可以根据要求向每个轴添加多个字段。
In Power BI, you can create visualization in two ways. First is by adding from the right side pane to Report Canvas. By default, it is the table type visualization, which is selected in Power BI. Another way is to drag the fields from right side bar to the axis and value axis under Visualization. You can add multiple fields to each axis as per the requirement.

在 Power BI 中,还可以通过单击然后拖动来移动报告画布上的可视化。您还可以在可视化窗格中切换不同的图表和可视化类型。Power BI 会尽力将您选定的字段尽可能准确地转换成新的可视化类型。
In Power BI, it is also possible to move your visualization on the reporting canvas by clicking and then dragging it. You can also switch between different type of charts and visualizations from the Visualization pane. Power BI attempts to convert your selected fields to the new visual type as closely as possible.
Creating Map Visualizations
在 Power BI 中,我们有两种类型的地图可视化 - 气泡图和形状图。如果您要创建一个气泡图,请从可视化窗格中选择地图选项。
In Power BI, we have two types of map visualization - bubble maps and shape maps. If you want to create a bubble map, select the map option from the visualization pane.

To use a bubble map, drag the map from Visualizations to the Report Canvas. To display values, you have to add any location object to the axis.

In the value fields, you can see that it accepts values axis such as City and State and or you can also add longitude and latitude values. To change the bubble size, you need to add a field to the value axis.
You can also use a filled map in data visualization, just by dragging the filled map to the Report Canvas.

Note - 如果你在地图可视化的顶部看到一个警告符号,这意味着你需要向地图图表添加更多位置。
Note − If you see a warning symbol on top of your map visualization, it means that you need to add more locations to your map chart.
Using Combination Charts
在数据可视化中,还需要在一个图表中绘制多维数据。Power BI 支持各种组合图表类型来绘制度量值。假设您想要在一个图表中绘制收入和 unit_solds。组合图表是此类要求最合适的选项。
In data visualization, it is also required to plot multiple measures in a single chart. Power BI supports various combination chart types to plot measure values. Let us say you want to plot revenue and unit_solds in one chart. Combination charts are the most suitable option for these kind of requirement.
Power BI 中最常见的组合图表之一是折线图和堆积柱状图。假设我们有一个收入字段,我们添加了一个新的数据源,其中包含以客户为单位的单位数量,并且我们希望在我们的可视化中绘制它。
One of the most common Combination chart in Power BI is Line and Stacked column charts. Let us say we have a revenue field and we have added a new data source that contains customer-wise unit quantity and we want to plot this in our visualization.

Once you add a data source, it will be added to the list of fields on the right side. You can add units to the column axis as shown in the following screenshot.

您可以在 Power BI 中使用其他类型的组合图表 - 折线图和簇状柱形图。
You have other type of combine chart that you can use in Power BI - Line and Clustered Column.

Using Tables
在 Power BI 中,当您向可视化对象添加数据集时,它会向报表画布中添加一个表格图表。您可以拖动您要添加到报表中的字段。您还可以勾选每个字段前面的复选框,以将它们添加到报表区域。
In Power BI, when you add a dataset to your visualization, it adds a table chart to the Report canvas. You can drag the fields that you want to add to the report. You can also select the checkbox in front of each field to add those to the Report area.
With the numerical values in a table, you can see a sum of values at the bottom.

You can also perform a sort in the table using an arrow key at the top of the column. To perform ascending/descending sort, just click the arrow mark, and the values in the column will be sorted.

The order of the columns in a table is determined by the order in the value bucket on the right side. If you want to change the order, you can delete any column and add the other one.

You can also undo summarize or apply different aggregate function on numerical values in the table. To change the aggregation type, click the arrow in the value bucket in front of the measure and you will see a list of formulas that can be used.

Power BI 中的另一种表格类型是矩阵表格,它提供了许多特性,例如自动调整大小、列表格和设置颜色等。
Another table type in Power BI is the matrix table that provides a lot of features such as auto sizing, column tables, and setting colors, etc.

Modify Colors in Charts
在 Power BI 中,您还可以修改图表中的颜色。当您选择任何可视化对象时,它都有一个选项来更改颜色。格式选项卡中有以下选项:
In Power BI, you can also modify the colors in the chart. When you select any visualization, it has an option to change the color. Following options are available under the Format tab −
Data Colors
Detail Label
Lock Aspect
To open these options, go to the Format tab as shown in the following screenshot. Once you click, you can see all the options available.

When you expand the Legend field, you have an option where you want to display the legend. You can select −
Legend Name
Text Size
Font Family

Similarly, you have data colors. In case, you want to change the color of any data field, you can use this option. It shows all objects and their corresponding colors in the chart.

You also have Analytics feature in the tool, where you can draw lines as per requirement in data visualization. You have the following line types in data visualization −
Constant Line
Min Line
Max Line
Average Line
Median Line
Percentile Line

You can opt for a dashed, dotted, or a solid line. You can select Transparency level, color, and position of the line. You can also switch on/off data label for this line.

Adding Shapes, Images and Text box
Sometimes it is required that you need to add static text, images, or shapes to your visualization. In case you want to add header/footer or any static signatures, messages to data visualization this option can be used.
您还可以在文本框中添加 URL,Power BI 使用这些链接使其保持活动状态。
You can also add URLs in the text box and Power BI uses those link to make it live.
To add shapes, images and text box, navigate to the Home tab and at the top you will find an option to add images.

You can insert different shapes in data visualization. To see the available shapes, click the arrow next to the Shapes button.

When you click on the text box, it adds a text box in your Report canvas. You can enter any text in the text box and use the rich text editor to make formatting changes.

Similarly, images can be added to data visualization to add logos or other images to data visualization. When you click the Image option, it asks for a path to pass the image file.
You can add shapes by selecting any shape from the dropdown list. You can also resize it using different options.

Styling Reports
在 Power BI 中,您有灵活的选项可用于调整页面布局和格式,例如方向和报表页面大小。从“开始”选项卡导航到“页面视图”菜单,系统将提供以下选项。
In Power BI, you have flexible options to adjust the page layout and formatting such as orientation and page size of your report. Navigate to Page View menu from the Home tab and the following options are provided.
Fit to Page
Fit to Width
Actual Size

默认情况下,报表中的页面大小为 16:9;但是,也可以更改报表的页面大小。若要更改页面大小,请导航到“可视化效果”窗格,然后选择“画笔”。
By default, the page size in a report is 16:9; however, it is also possible to change the page size of the report. To change the page size, navigate to the Visualization pane and select Paint brush.
Note - 若要更改页面大小,请勿向报表画布中添加任何可视化效果。在“页面布局”下有以下可用选项:
Note − To change page size, no visualization should be added to the Report canvas. You have the following options available under Page layout −
Page Information
Page Size
Page Background
Under Page Information, you have Name and Q&A.
Under Page Size, you can select from the following options −

Under Page Background, you can select from the following options:
Add Image

Duplicating Reports
在某些情况下,您可能想对不同的页面使用相同的布局和视觉对象。Power BI 提供了创建页面副本的选项。使用“复制页面”选项后,将添加一个具有类似布局和视觉对象的新页面。
In some scenarios, you may want to use the same layout and visuals for different pages. Power BI provides an option to create a copy of the page. When you use Duplicate Page option, a new page is added with similar layout and visuals.
若要复制页面,请右键单击“页面”,然后选择“复制页面”选项。这将创建一个具有相同页面名称的副本 - 复制的 Page1。
To duplicate a page, right-click the Page and select Duplicate Page option. This will create a copy of the same page with the name - Duplicate of Page1.

Now, if you want to rename an existing page or delete a page, you can use other options as shown in the above screenshot.