Prompt Engineering 简明教程

Prompt Engineering - DESIGN SCRIPT Prompt

使用 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令,我们可以利用 ChatGPT 的能力来生成自定义脚本或代码片段,以完成特定任务或解决问题。此技术使我们能够利用 ChatGPT 的知识和编码能力来设计适合我们需求的脚本。

Using the DESIGN SCRIPT directive, we can leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to generate custom scripts or code snippets to accomplish specific tasks or solve problems. This technique empowers us to tap into ChatGPT’s knowledge and coding abilities to design scripts tailored to our needs.

Understanding the DESIGN SCRIPT Directive

DESIGN SCRIPT 指令提示 ChatGPT 生成自定义脚本或代码片段,以完成特定任务或解决问题。通过在提示中加入 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令,我们能够利用 ChatGPT 的编码技能和语言理解能力来设计满足我们要求的脚本或代码模板。

The DESIGN SCRIPT directive prompts ChatGPT to generate custom scripts or code snippets to accomplish specific tasks or solve problems. By incorporating the DESIGN SCRIPT directive in our prompts, we can harness ChatGPT’s coding skills and language understanding to design scripts or code templates that meet our requirements.

DESIGN SCRIPT 指令的基本 syntax 如下 −

The basic syntax for the DESIGN SCRIPT directive is as follows −

User: Can you design a script to sort an array in ascending order?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's a Python script to accomplish that:

在此示例中,用户要求提供一个按升序对数组进行排序的脚本。ChatGPT 的响应包括一个根据给定提示生成的自定义 Python 脚本。

In this example, the user asks for a script to sort an array in ascending order. The response from ChatGPT includes a custom Python script generated based on the given prompt.

Best Practices for Using the DESIGN SCRIPT Directive

要充分利用 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令,让我们考虑以下最佳实践 −

To make the most of the DESIGN SCRIPT directive, let’s consider the following best practices −

  1. Clearly Define the Task or Problem − Provide a clear and concise description of the task or problem for which you need a script. Clearly specify the input and desired output to ensure ChatGPT understands the requirements.

  2. Use Appropriate Language or Syntax − Prompt ChatGPT to generate scripts in the programming language or syntax of your choice. Specify the language or include relevant code snippets to guide ChatGPT in producing accurate scripts.

  3. Consider Efficiency and Optimization − If performance or efficiency is a concern, prompt ChatGPT to generate scripts that employ efficient algorithms or optimization techniques. This ensures the scripts are designed to handle large inputs or complex scenarios.

  4. Encourage Customization and Flexibility − Ask ChatGPT to design scripts that are easily customizable or parameterized. This allows you to adapt the generated code to suit specific requirements or variations of the task or problem.

Example Application − Python Implementation

让我们探索一个将 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令与与 ChatGPT 交互的 Python 脚本结合使用的实际示例。

Let’s explore a practical example of using the DESIGN SCRIPT directive with a Python script that interacts with ChatGPT.

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response

user_prompt = "User: Can you design a script to calculate the factorial of a number?\n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "ChatGPT: Absolutely! [DESIGN SCRIPT: calculate the factorial of a number]\n"

response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)

在此示例中,我们定义了一个函数 generate_chat_response() ,它接收提示并使用 OpenAI API 来使用 ChatGPT 生成响应。 chat_prompt 变量包含用户提示和 ChatGPT 响应,包括用来设计脚本以计算数字阶乘的 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令。

In this example, we define a function generate_chat_response() that takes a prompt and uses the OpenAI API to generate a response using ChatGPT. The chat_prompt variable contains the user’s prompt and the ChatGPT response, including the DESIGN SCRIPT directive to design a script to calculate the factorial of a number.


当我们运行脚本时,我们将收到 ChatGPT 生成的响应,其中包括一个用于计算数字阶乘的自定义 Python 脚本。

When we run the script, we will receive the generated response from ChatGPT, which includes a custom Python script to calculate the factorial of a number.

在我们的示例中,用户提示是“Can you design a script to calculate the factorial of a number?”,而 ChatGPT 将像下面显示的那样回复 −

In our example, the user prompt is "Can you design a script to calculate the factorial of a number?" and ChatGPT would respond with an output like the one shown below −

def factorial(n):
   if n == 0:
      return 1
      return n * factorial(n-1)

n = int(input("Enter a number to calculate its factorial: "))


在本章中,我们探索了 ChatGPT 提示工程中的 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令。通过使用 DESIGN SCRIPT 指令,我们可以提示 ChatGPT 生成自定义脚本或代码片段来完成特定任务或解决问题。

In this chapter, we explored the DESIGN SCRIPT directive in prompt engineering for ChatGPT. Using the DESIGN SCRIPT directive, we can prompt ChatGPT to generate custom scripts or code snippets to accomplish specific tasks or solve problems.