Prompt Engineering 简明教程

Prompt Engineering - Perspective Prompts


在本章中,我们将深入研究透视提示的概念及其在引导 ChatGPT 从特定视点或角度做出响应中的应用。

What is Perspective Prompting?

透视提示涉及编写提示,指示 ChatGPT 作为具有独特视角或背景的特定个人、角色或专业人士做出响应。通过提供预定义的视角,模型可以生成针对该视点的定制化响应。

Benefits of Perspective Prompting

透视提示提供了多种好处 −

  1. Persona-Based Responses − 该技术允许创建以角色为导向的响应,使 ChatGPT 能够以不同的角色、专家或角色进行响应。

  2. Enhanced Personalization − 用户可以收到与他们的特定兴趣或需求产生共鸣的回复,从而带来更个性化的用户体验。

  3. Improved Contextual Understanding − 通过采用不同的视角,ChatGPT 可以理解和响应相关语境中的查询。

Implementing Perspective Prompting

Designing Perspective-Based Prompts − 要实施透视提示,请构造指定模型应采用的所需角色或透视的提示。使用明确的指令来指示 ChatGPT 应扮演什么角色或观点。这是一个 example

User: As a technology expert, explain the concept of blockchain in simple terms.

Model Interaction − 当 ChatGPT 遇到透视提示时,它会像指定的虚拟角色一样做出回应,提供与该视角一致的答案。请看以下 example

User: As a technology expert, explain the concept of blockchain in simple terms.
ChatGPT: Blockchain is a decentralized and immutable digital ledger technology. It securely records and verifies transactions across a network of computers, ensuring transparency and tamper resistance.

Multiple Perspectives for Balanced Responses − 对于某些问题或场景,探索不同的视角可能有利于提供平衡或多样化的响应。这是一个 example

User: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources.

Contextual Understanding − 透视提示允许 ChatGPT 根据上下文定制响应,提供与指定视角一致的答案。请看以下 example

User: What is the best way to invest money?
ChatGPT: As a financial advisor, I recommend considering a diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and investment goals.

Applications of Perspective Prompting

视角提示可应用于各种场景 −

  1. Customer Support − 使用不同的角色进行个性化的客户支持响应。

  2. Content Creation − 生成各种专家或影响者的观点内容,以迎合特定受众。

  3. Debate Simulations − 在辩论或论证场景中采用不同的观点,促进角色扮演练习。

Best Practices for Perspective Prompting


  1. Clear Persona Definition − 确保提示中的角色或视角定义明确,以有效指导模型的响应。

  2. Varied Perspective Exploration − 鼓励不同的观点,在适当的情况下提供平衡且全面的响应。

  3. Authenticity and Context − 将响应与所选的观点保持一致,确保它们相关且真实。

Example Application − Python Implementation

让我们探索一个使用指令与 ChatGPT 交互的 Python 脚本的实际示例。

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response

user_prompt = "User: What is the best way to invest money? \n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "[Perspective]"

response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)


The best way to invest money depends largely on individual factors such as available funds, risk tolerance, and timeline. It is important to research different investment options and speak to a financial professional to determine which strategy is best suited to your individual needs and goals.
Investing in stocks or bonds can provide a steady stream of income, while mutual funds or index funds enable diversification of one's portfolio.
Real estate can provide a stable long-term return, while cryptocurrency is a high-risk, high-reward option.
Ultimately, the best way to invest money is to choose an option that fits your individual financial goals and risk tolerance.



随着您将视角提示融入与 ChatGPT 的互动中,您可以期待针对不同视角和角色的更具针对性和相关性的响应。