Puppeteer 简明教程

Comparison Between Puppeteer & Cypress

Puppeteer 和 Cypress 之间的主要区别如下 −

The major differences between Puppeteer and Cypress are as follows −





Puppeteer is a module in node developed for Chromium engine.

Cypress is a dedicated test automation framework developed in JavaScript.


Puppeteer is mainly used for web page scraping and crawling SPA(Single Page Application).

Cypress is mainly used to automate test cases for a complete application.


Assertions in Puppeteer are based on the Mocha, Jasmine or Jest frameworks.

Cypress has its individual assertions.


VS Code and Webstorm are mostly used as an IDE for Puppeteer.

Cypress has its individual IDE.


Puppeteer is developed mainly for Chromium so the tests developed are mainly executed in Chrome.

Cypress can be used to execute tests on multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Electron and so on.


Puppeteer has no dashboard.

Cypress has its dashboard to see the recorded tests and gives us detail on the events that took place during execution.


Puppeteer is faster in executing tests than Cypress.

Cypress is slower in executing tests than Puppeteer.


Puppeteer APIs are not easier to use than Cypress.

Cypress APIs are easier to use than Puppeteer.


Puppeteer comes free of cost.

Cypress has both free and paid versions.


Puppeteer has no features of fixtures and group fixtures in tests.

Cypress has the features of fixtures and group fixtures applied in tests.


Grouping of tests for execution cannot be done in Puppeteer.

Grouping of tests for execution can be done in Cypress.


Puppeteer has no mocking capabilities.

Cypress has the mocking capabilities.

让我们观察一下过去两年的 Puppeteer 和 Cypress 的 npm 趋势。我们观察到 Puppeteer 和 Cypress 的使用趋势都在上升(可通过以下链接获得)−

Let us observe the npm trends of Puppeteer and Cypress for the last two years. We shall observe an upward trend towards the use of both Puppeteer and Cypress (available from the below link) −

cypress vs puppeteer