Puppeteer 简明教程

Puppeteer - VS Code Configuration

安装 Visual Studio (VS) Code 的步骤如下−

The steps to install the Visual Studio (VS) Code are listed below −

Step 1 - 导航到以下链接 -

Step 1 − Navigate to the below link −

Step 2 − 根据本地操作系统(例如 macOS、Linux 或 Windows),我们需要选择下载链接。

Step 2 − Depending on the local operating system we have for example - macOS, Linux or Windows, we need to choose the link for download.

local operating system

Step 3 − 单击“下载”按钮后,将下载一个 zip 文件。下载此文件完成后,单击该文件,Visual Studio Code 应用程序应该可供使用。

Step 3 − A zip file gets downloaded after clicking the Download button. After downloading this file has completed, click on it and the Visual Studio Code application should become available for use.

visual studio code

Step 4 − 双击它,Visual Studio Code 应用程序应随欢迎页面一起启动。

Step 4 − Double-click it and the Visual Studio Code application should launch along with the welcome page.

visual studio code application