Pycharm 简明教程

Pycharm - Pyramid

你可以使用 PyCharm 编辑器的欢迎窗口创建 Pyramid Framework 项目。

You can create a project of Pyramid Framework in PyCharm editor by using its Welcome Window.

用户可以设置项目的解释器和 Python 位置,默认选择脚手架和模板语言。Pyramid 框架中的脚手架使用 URL 分派来映射 URL 并查看代码,并使用 SQLAlchemy 来持久性属性。

A user can set the project’s interpreter and Python location, choosing scaffold, and a template language by default. The scaffold in Pyramid framework uses URL dispatch to map URLs and to view code and SQLAlchemy for persistence properties.

pyramid framework

PyCharm 编辑器将在 文件中询问用户所需包的列表,并提示用户下载所需包。

PyCharm editor will ask user with list of required packages in the file and prompts the user to download the required packages.

tools setup

用户在运行 .py 文件时应选择 develop task ,如下面的窗口所示−

A user should select develop task while running a .py file as mentioned in the below window −

develop task

使用以下命令使用名为 initialize <project_name> 的控制台脚本初始化数据库非常重要−

It is important to initialize the database using console script named initialize <project_name> using the following command −

initialize_pyramiddemo_db development.ini
project name