Pycharm 简明教程

Pycharm - Web Frameworks

本章重点关注 Web 框架及其部署。PyCharm 具有部署代码和文件的简单功能。要使用 PyCharm 部署代码,我们需要使用菜单选项 Settings → Build, Execution→ Deployment 添加一个 Web 服务器。

This chapter focusses on web frameworks and its deployment. PyCharm has a simple functionality to deploy code and files. To deploy code with PyCharm, we need to add a web server with Menu Option Settings → Build, Execution→ Deployment.



Now, include all the settings with various configurations required for deployment of the project.


Mappings 选项卡中,用户可以指定本地代码所在的位置以及应将其远程复制到的位置。

In the Mappings tab, a user can specify where the local code is and where it should be copied to remotely.


可以使用工具菜单栏下的 Tools → Deployment 选项来部署代码。

The code can be deployed using Tools → Deployment option under the Tools menu bar.

PyCharm 中的部署非常细粒度:用户可以部署单个文件或整个源代码。

Deployment in PyCharm is very granular: a user can deploy one single file or the whole source code.

tools deployment

PyCharm 还包含各种操作以比较远程和本地版本。该编辑器更可靠地使用自动部署和版本控制系统来比较本地和远程版本。

PyCharm also includes various actions to compare remote and local versions. The editor is more reliable to use automatic deployments and a version control system to compare local and remote versions.