Pyqt5 简明教程
PyQt5 - BrushStyle Constants
In this chapter, we shall learn Brush Style Constants.
Brush Style Constants
Given below are the Brush Style Constants −
Qt.NoBrush |
No brush pattern |
Qt.SolidPattern |
Uniform color |
Qt.Dense1Pattern |
Extremely dense brush pattern |
Qt.HorPattern |
Horizontal lines |
Qt.VerPattern |
Vertical lines |
Qt.CrossPattern |
Crossing horizontal and vertical lines |
Qt.BDiagPattern |
Backward diagonal lines |
Qt.FDiagPattern |
Forward diagonal lines |
Qt.DiagCrossPattern |
Crossing diagonal lines |
Predefined QColor Styles
下面给出预定义的 QColor 样式:
Given below are the Predefined QColor Styles −
Qt.NoBrush |
No brush pattern |
Qt.SolidPattern |
Uniform color |
Qt.Dense1Pattern |
Extremely dense brush pattern |
Qt.HorPattern |
Horizontal lines |
Qt.VerPattern |
Vertical lines |
Qt.CrossPattern |
Crossing horizontal and vertical lines |
Qt.BDiagPattern |
Backward diagonal lines |
Qt.FDiagPattern |
Forward diagonal lines |
Qt.DiagCrossPattern |
Crossing diagonal lines |
Predefined QColor Objects
下面给出预定义的 QColor 对象:
Given below are the Predefined QColor Objects −
Qt.white | | |
Qt.darkRed | |
Qt.darkGreen | |
Qt.cyan |
Qt.magenta |
Qt.yellow |
Qt.darkYellow |
Qt.gray |
可以通过指定 RGB、CMYK 或 HSV 值选择自定义颜色。
Custom color can be chosen by specifying RGB or CMYK or HSV values.