Python 简明教程

Python - Bitwise Operators

Python Bitwise Operators

Python bitwise operators 通常用于对整数类型对象执行按位操作。但是,不是将 object 视为一个整体,而是将其视为一个位串。对 string 中的每个位执行不同的操作。

Python bitwise operators are normally used to perform bitwise operations on integer-type objects. However, instead of treating the object as a whole, it is treated as a string of bits. Different operations are done on each bit in the string.

Python 有六个按位运算符 - &、|、^、~、<< 和 >>。除了 ~ 之外,所有这些 operators 在本质上都是二进制的,因为它们对两个操作数进行操作。每个操作数都是二进制数字(位)1 或 0。

Python has six bitwise operators - &, |, ^, ~, << and >>. All these operators (except ~) are binary in nature, in the sense they operate on two operands. Each operand is a binary digit (bit) 1 or 0.

以下是 Python 中的按位运算符 -

The following are the bitwise operators in Python -

  1. Bitwise AND Operator

  2. Bitwise OR Operator

  3. Bitwise XOR Operator

  4. Bitwise NOT Operator

  5. Bitwise Left Shift Operator

  6. Biwtise Right Shift Operator

Python Bitwise AND Operator (&)

按位 AND 运算符有点类似于逻辑与运算符。仅当两个位操作数均为 1(即 True)时,它才返回 True。所有组合如下所示:

Bitwise AND operator is somewhat similar to logical and operator. It returns True only if both the bit operands are 1 (i.e. True). All the combinations are −

0 & 0 is 0
1 & 0 is 0
0 & 1 is 0
1 & 1 is 1

当您使用整数作为操作数时,这两个整数都会转换为等效的二进制,& 操作针对每个数字的对应位执行,从最低有效位开始朝最高有效位移动。

When you use integers as the operands, both are converted in equivalent binary, the & operation is done on corresponding bit from each number, starting from the least significant bit and going towards most significant bit.

Example of Bitwise AND Operator in Python

我们取两个整数 60 和 13,并将它们分别赋值给 variables a 和 b。

Let us take two integers 60 and 13, and assign them to variables a and b respectively.

print ("a:",a, "b:",b, "a&b:",a&b)

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 60 b: 13 a&b: 12

要了解 Python 如何执行操作,请获取每个变量的二进制等效值。

To understand how Python performs the operation, obtain the binary equivalent of each variable.

print ("a:", bin(a))
print ("b:", bin(b))

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 0b111100
b: 0b1101

为方便起见,为每个数字使用标准 8 位格式,这样“a”就是 00111100,“b”就是 00001101。让我们手动对这两个数字的每个对应位执行 and 操作。

For the sake of convenience, use the standard 8-bit format for each number, so that "a" is 00111100 and "b" is 00001101. Let us manually perform and operation on each corresponding bits of these two numbers.

0011 1100
0000 1101
0000 1100

将结果二进制值转换回整数。您将得到 12,这就是之前获得的结果。

Convert the resultant binary back to integer. You’ll get 12, which was the result obtained earlier.

>>> int('00001100',2)

Python Bitwise OR Operator (|)

“|”符号(称为 pipe )是按位 OR 运算符。如果任何一位操作数为 1,则结果为 1,否则为 0。

The "|" symbol (called pipe) is the bitwise OR operator. If any bit operand is 1, the result is 1 otherwise it is 0.

0 | 0 is 0
0 | 1 is 1
1 | 0 is 1
1 | 1 is 1

Example of Bitwise OR Operator in Python

取 a=60、b=13 的相同值。“|”操作的结果为 61。获得它们的二进制等效值。

Take the same values of a=60, b=13. The "|" operation results in 61. Obtain their binary equivalents.

print ("a:",a, "b:",b, "a|b:",a|b)
print ("a:", bin(a))
print ("b:", bin(b))

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 60 b: 13 a|b: 61
a: 0b111100
b: 0b1101

要手动执行“|”操作,请使用 8 位格式。

To perform the "|" operation manually, use the 8-bit format.

0011 1100
0000 1101
0011 1101

将二进制数转换回整数以比较结果 −

Convert the binary number back to integer to tally the result −

>>> int('00111101',2)

Python Bitwise XOR Operator (^)

术语 XOR 代表或排除。这意味着如果只有其中一个位为 1,则对两个位执行或运算的结果将为 1。

The term XOR stands for exclusive OR. It means that the result of OR operation on two bits will be 1 if only one of the bits is 1.

0 ^ 0 is 0
0 ^ 1 is 1
1 ^ 0 is 1
1 ^ 1 is 0

Example of Bitwise XOR Operator in Python

让我们对 a=60 和 b=13 执行 XOR 运算。

Let us perform XOR operation on a=60 and b=13.

print ("a:",a, "b:",b, "a^b:",a^b)

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 60 b: 13 a^b: 49

现对位进行手动 XOR 运算。

We now perform the bitwise XOR manually.

0011 1100
0000 1101
0011 0001

int() 函数将 00110001 显示为 49。

The int() function shows 00110001 to be 49.

>>> int('00110001',2)

Python Bitwise NOT Operator (~)

这个运算符是逻辑 NOT 运算符的二进制等价项。它会翻转每个位,使 1 变成 0,0 变成 1,并返回原始数字的补数。Python 使用 2 的补码方法。对于正整数,可以通过简单地颠倒位来获得它。对于负数 -x,它使用 (x-1) 的位模式来编写,并且所有这些位都进行了补码(将 1 转换为 0 或 0 转换为 1)。因此:(对于 8 位表示)

This operator is the binary equivalent of logical NOT operator. It flips each bit so that 1 is replaced by 0, and 0 by 1, and returns the complement of the original number. Python uses 2’s complement method. For positive integers, it is obtained simply by reversing the bits. For negative number, -x, it is written using the bit pattern for (x-1) with all of the bits complemented (switched from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1). Hence: (for 8 bit representation)

-1 is complement(1 - 1) = complement(0) = "11111111"
-10 is complement(10 - 1) = complement(9) = complement("00001001") = "11110110".

Example of Bitwise NOT Operator in Python

对于 a=60,其补数为 −

For a=60, its complement is −

print ("a:",a, "~a:", ~a)

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 60 ~a: -61

Python Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<)

左移位运算符将最显着的位向 “<<” 符号右侧的数字右移。因此,“x << 2” 将二进制表示中的两个位向右移动。

Left shift operator shifts most significant bits to right by the number on the right side of the "<<" symbol. Hence, "x << 2" causes two bits of the binary representation of to right.

Example of Bitwise Left Shift Operator in Python

让我们对 60 执行左移。

Let us perform left shift on 60.

print ("a:",a, "a<<2:", a<<2)

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 60 a<<2: 240

这是如何发生的?让我们使用 60 的二进制等价项,并向左移位 2。

How does this take place? Let us use the binary equivalent of 60, and perform the left shift by 2.

0011 1100
1111 0000

将二进制转换为整数。它为 240。

Convert the binary to integer. It is 240.

>>> int('11110000',2)

Python Bitwise Right Shift Operator (>>)

右移位运算符将最低有效位向 “>>” 符号右侧的数字左移。因此,“x >> 2” 将二进制表示中的两个位向左移动。

Right shift operator shifts least significant bits to left by the number on the right side of the ">>" symbol. Hence, "x >> 2" causes two bits of the binary representation of to left.

Example of Bitwise Right Shift Operator in Python

让我们对 60 执行右移。

Let us perform right shift on 60.

print ("a:",a, "a>>2:", a>>2)

它将生成以下 output

It will produce the following output

a: 60 a>>2: 15

对 60 执行的手动右移位运算如下 −

Manual right shift operation on 60 is shown below −

   0011 1100
   0000 1111

使用 int() 函数将上述二进制数转换为整数。它是 15。

Use int() function to covert the above binary number to integer. It is 15.

>>> int('00001111',2)