Python 简明教程

Python - Main Thread

在 Python 中, main thread 是 Python 解释器执行时启动的初始线程。它是 Python 进程中的默认线程,负责管理程序和创建其他线程。每个 Python 程序至少有一个称为主线程的执行线程。

In Python, the main thread is the initial thread that starts when the Python interpreter is executed. It is the default thread within a Python process, responsible for managing the program and creating additional threads. Every Python program has at least one thread of execution called the main thread.

默认情况下,主线程是非守护线程。在本教程中,你将看到有关 Python 编程中的主线程的详细解释及其相关示例。

The main thread by default is a non-daemon thread. In this tutorial you will see the detailed explanation with relevant examples about main thread in Python programming.

Accessing the Main Thread

Python 中的 threading 模块提供用于访问线程的函数。以下是主要功能−

The threading module in Python provides functions to access the threads. Here are the key functions −

  1. threading.current_thread(): This function returns a threading.Thread instance representing the current thread.

  2. threading.main_thread(): Returns a threading.Thread instance representing the main thread.


threading.current_thread() 函数返回表示当前线程的 threading.Thread 实例。这是一个示例。

The threading.current_thread() function returns a threading.Thread instance representing the current thread. Here is an example.

import threading

name = 'Tutorialspoint'
print('Output:', name)


It will produce the following output −

Output: Tutorialspoint
<_MainThread(MainThread, started 140260292161536)>


此示例演示如何使用 threading.main_thread() 函数获取对主线程的引用。它还展示了使用 threading.current_thread() 函数的主线程与其他线程之间的区别。

This example demonstrates how to use the threading.main_thread() function to get a reference to the main thread. And it is also shows the difference between the main thread and other threads using threading.current_thread() function.

import threading
import time

def func(x):
   if not threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread():
      print('threading.current_thread() not threading.main_thread()')

t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(0.5,))

print("Main thread finished")

执行上述代码后,将生成以下结果 −

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −

<_MainThread(MainThread, started 140032182964224)>
Main thread finished
threading.current_thread() not threading.main_thread()

Main Thread Behavior in Python

无论何时完成执行脚本中未在单独线程中启动的所有代码,主线程都将退出。例如,当您使用 start() 方法调用 start a new thread 时,主线程将继续执行脚本中剩余的代码,直到到达末尾然后退出。

The main thread will exit whenever it has finished executing all the code in your script that is not started in a separate thread. For instance, when you start a new thread using start() method, the main thread will continue to execute the remaining code in the script until it reaches the end and then exit.


Since the other threads are started in a non-daemon mode by default, they will continue running until they are finished, even if the main thread has exited.


以下示例显示了 Python 多线程程序中的主线程行为。

The following example shows the main thread behavior in a python multithreaded program.

import threading
import time

def func(x):
   print('Current Thread Details:',threading.current_thread())
   for n in range(x):
      print('Internal Thread Running', n)
   print('Internal Thread Finished...')

t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(6,))

for i in range(3):
   print('Main Thread Running',i)
print("Main Thread Finished...")


It will produce the following output −

Current Thread Details: Thread(Thread-1 (func), started 140562647860800)>
Main Thread Running 0
Internal Thread Running 0
Main Thread Running 1
Main Thread Running 2
Internal Thread Running 1
Main Thread Finished...
Internal Thread Running 2
Internal Thread Running 3
Internal Thread Running 4
Internal Thread Running 5
Internal Thread Finished...

Main Thread Waiting for Other Threads

若要确保主线程等待所有其他线程完成,可以使用 join() 方法调用 join the threads 。通过使用 join() 方法,可以控制执行流并确保主线程在退出之前适当地等待所有其他线程完成其任务。这有助于有效管理多线程 Python 程序中线程的生命周期。

To ensure that the main thread waits for all other threads to finish, you can join the threads using the join() method. By using the join() method, you can control the execution flow and ensure that the main thread properly waits for all other threads to complete their tasks before exiting. This helps in managing the lifecycle of threads in a multi-threaded Python program effectively.



This example demonstrates how to properly manage the main thread and ensure it does not exit before the worker threads have finished their tasks.

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

def my_function_1():
   print("Worker 1 started")
   print("Worker 1 done")

def my_function_2(main_thread):
   print("Worker 2 waiting for Worker 1 to finish")
   print("Worker 2 started")
   print("Worker 2 done")

worker1 = Thread(target=my_function_1)
worker2 = Thread(target=my_function_2, args=(worker1,))


for num in range(6):
   print("Main thread is still working on task", num)

print("Main thread Completed")

执行上述代码后,将生成以下结果 −

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −

Worker 1 started
Worker 2 waiting for Worker 1 to finish
Main thread is still working on task 0
Main thread is still working on task 1
Worker 1 done
Worker 2 started
Main thread is still working on task 2
Main thread is still working on task 3
Worker 2 done
Main thread is still working on task 4
Main thread is still working on task 5
Main thread Completed