Python 简明教程

Python - Metaprogramming with Metaclasses

在 Python 中, Metaprogramming 的含义是书写代码,让代码具有自我认知能力,可以进行处理。 * metaclasses* 是 Python 中元编程的强大工具,它让你可以自定义类创建和执行的方式。使用元类,你可以通过动态代码生成和反射功能创建更灵活、更高效的程序。

In Python, Metaprogramming refers to the practice of writing code that has knowledge of itself and can be manipulated. The metaclasses are a powerful tool for metaprogramming in Python, allowing you to customize how classes are created and behave. Using metaclasses, you can create more flexible and efficient programs through dynamic code generation and reflection.

Python 中的 Metaprogramming 涉及 decorators 和元类等技术。在本教程中,你将通过探索动态代码生成和 reflection 学习 metaprogramming with metaclasses

Metaprogramming in Python involves techniques such as decorators and metaclasses. In this tutorial, you will learn about metaprogramming with metaclasses by exploring dynamic code generation and reflection.

Defining Metaclasses

在 Python 中使用元类进行元编程会提供高级功能,让你的程序拥有高级功能。 prepare() 方法就是这样一个功能,它允许自定义执行类正文的命名空间。

Metaprogramming with metaclasses in Python offer advanced features of enabling advanced capabilities to your program. One such feature is the prepare() method, which allows customization of the namespace where a class body will be executed.

此方法会在任何类正文代码执行前调用,提供一种通过其他属性或方法初始化类命名空间的方式。应该将 prepare() 方法作为 classmethod 实现。

This method is called before any class body code is executed, providing a way to initialize the class namespace with additional attributes or methods. The prepare() method should be implemented as a classmethod.


下面是一个使用 prepare() 方法创建带有高级功能的元类的示例。

Here is an example of creating metaclass with advanced features using the prepare() method.

class MyMetaClass(type):
   def __prepare__(cls, name, bases, **kwargs):
      print(f'Preparing namespace for {name}')

      # Customize the namespace preparation here
      custom_namespace = super().__prepare__(name, bases, **kwargs)
      custom_namespace['CONSTANT_VALUE'] = 100

      return custom_namespace

# Define a class using the custom metaclass
class MyClass(metaclass=MyMetaClass):
   def __init__(self, value):
      self.value = value

   def display(self):
       print(f"Value: {self.value}, Constant: {self.__class__.CONSTANT_VALUE}")

# Instantiate the class
obj = MyClass(42)


执行上述代码后,你将获得以下结果 −

While executing above code, you will get the following results −

Preparing namespace for MyClass
Value: 42, Constant: 100

Dynamic Code Generation with Metaclasses


Metaprogramming with metaclasses enables the creation or modification of code during runtime.


此示例演示了 Python 元编程中的 metaclasses 如何用于动态代码生成。

This example demonstrates how metaclasses in Python metaprogramming can be used for dynamic code generation.

class MyMeta(type):
   def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
      print(f"Defining class: {name}")

      # Dynamic attribute to the class
      attrs['dynamic_attribute'] = 'Added dynamically'

      # Dynamic method to the class
      def dynamic_method(self):
         return f"This is a dynamically added method for {name}"

      attrs['dynamic_method'] = dynamic_method

      return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

# Define a class using the metaclass
class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta):

obj = MyClass()


执行上述代码后,你将获得以下结果 −

On executing above code, you will get the following results −

Defining class: MyClass
Added dynamically
This is a dynamically added method for MyClass

Reflection and Metaprogramming


Metaprogramming with metaclasses often involves reflection, allowing for introspection and modification of class attributes and methods at runtime.


在此示例中, MyMeta 元类会内省 MyClass 及其创建期间的属性,并打印出来,演示了元类如何以动态方式内省和修改类定义。

In this example, the MyMeta metaclass inspects and prints the attributes of the MyClass during its creation, demonstrating how metaclasses can introspect and modify class definitions dynamically.

class MyMeta(type):
   def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
      # Inspect class attributes and print them
      print(f"Class attributes for {name}: {dct}")
      return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta):
   data = "example"


执行上述代码后,你将获得以下结果 −

On executing above code, you will get the following results −

Class attributes for MyClass: {'__module__': '__main__', '__qualname__': 'MyClass', 'data': 'example'}