Python 简明教程
Python - Remove Set Items
Remove Set Items
移除 set 项意味着从集合中删除元素。在 Python 中,集合是可变的、无序的唯一元素集合,并且有几种方法可根据不同条件从集合中删除项。
Removing set items implies deleting elements from a set. In Python, sets are mutable, unordered collections of unique elements, and there are several methods available to remove items from a set based on different criteria.
我们可以使用 remove()、discard()、pop()、clear() 和集合解析等方法在 Python 中删除集合项。每种方法都提供了基于特定条件或标准从集合中删除元素的不同方式。
We can remove set items in Python using various methods such as remove(), discard(), pop(), clear(), and set comprehension. Each method provide different ways to eliminate elements from a set based on specific criteria or conditions.
Remove Set Item Using remove() Method
Python 中的 remove() 方法用于从集合中删除指定项的第一个匹配项。
The remove() method in Python is used to remove the first occurrence of a specified item from a set.
我们可以通过指定要从集合中删除的元素来使用 remove() 方法删除集合项。如果集合中存在该元素,则将其删除。但是,如果找不到该元素,则 remove() 方法将引发 KeyError 异常。
We can remove set items using the remove() method by specifying the element we want to remove from the set. If the element is present in the set, it will be removed. However, if the element is not found, the remove() method will raise a KeyError exception.
在下面的示例中,我们使用 remove() 方法从集合“my_set”中删除元素“Physics”−
In the following example, we are deleting the element "Physics" from the set "my_set" using the remove() method −
my_set = {"Rohan", "Physics", 21, 69.75}
print ("Original set: ", my_set)
print ("Set after removing: ", my_set)
It will produce the following output −
Original set: {21, 69.75, 'Rohan', 'Physics'}
Set after removing: {21, 69.75, 'Rohan'}
如果要删除的元素在集合中未找到,则 remove() 方法将引发 KeyError 异常−
If the element to delete is not found in the set, the remove() method will raise a KeyError exception −
my_set = {"Rohan", "Physics", 21, 69.75}
print ("Original set: ", my_set)
print ("Set after removing: ", my_set)
We get the error as shown below −
Original set: {'Physics', 21, 69.75, 'Rohan'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cg/root/664c365ac1c3c/", line 4, in <module>
KeyError: 'PHP'
Remove Set Item Using discard() Method
集合类中的 discard() 方法类似于 remove() 方法。唯一不同的是,即使要删除的对象尚未存在于集合集中,它也不会引发错误。
The discard() method in set class is similar to remove() method. The only difference is, it doesn’t raise error even if the object to be removed is not already present in the set collection.
在此示例中,我们使用 discard() 方法从集合中删除一个元素,无论该元素是否存在−
In this example, we are using the discard() method to delete an element from a set regardless of whether it is present or not −
my_set = {"Rohan", "Physics", 21, 69.75}
print ("Original set: ", my_set)
# removing an existing element
print ("Set after removing Physics: ", my_set)
# removing non-existing element
print ("Set after removing non-existent element PHP: ", my_set)
以下是上面代码的输出: -
Following is the output of the above code −
Original set: {21, 'Rohan', 69.75, 'Physics'}
Set after removing Physics: {21, 'Rohan', 69.75}
Set after removing non-existent element PHP: {21, 'Rohan', 69.75}
Remove Set Item Using pop() Method
我们还可以使用 pop() 方法删除集合项,通过从集合中删除并返回一个任意元素来实现此操作。如果集合为空,则 pop() 方法将引发 KeyError 异常。
We can also remove set items using the pop() method by removing and returning an arbitrary element from the set. If the set is empty, the pop() method will raise a KeyError exception.
在下例中,我们定义了一个包含元素“1”到“5”的集合,并使用 pop() 方法从中删除了一个任意元素 −
In the example below, we are defining a set with elements "1" through "5" and removing an arbitrary element from it using the pop() method −
# Defining a set
my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
# removing and returning an arbitrary element from the set
removed_element = my_set.pop()
# Printing the removed element and the updated set
print("Removed Element:", removed_element)
print("Updated Set:", my_set)
我们得到了如下输出 −
We get the output as shown below −
Removed Element: 1
Updated Set: {2, 3, 4, 5}
如果我们尝试从空集合中删除元素,pop() 方法将引发 KeyError 异常 −
If we try to remove element from an empty set, the pop() method will raise a KeyError exception −
# Defining an empty set
empty_set = set()
# Removing an arbitrary element from the empty set
removed_element = empty_set.pop()
产生的错误如下所示 −
The error produced is as shown below −
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cg/root/664c69620cd40/", line 5, in <module>
removed_element = empty_set.pop()
KeyError: 'pop from an empty set'
Remove Set Item Using clear() Method
set 类中的 clear() 方法删除 set 对象中的所有项,留空集合。
The clear() method in set class removes all the items in a set object, leaving an empty set.
我们可以使用 clear() 方法删除所有元素来删除集合项,使其有效地变为空。
We can remove set items using the clear() method by removing all elements from the set, effectively making it empty.
在以下示例中,我们定义了一个包含元素“1”到“5”的集合,然后使用 clear() 方法从集合中删除所有元素 −
In the following example, we are defining a set with elements "1" through "5" and then using the clear() method to remove all elements from the set −
# Defining a set with multiple elements
my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
# Removing all elements from the set
# Printing the updated set
print("Updated Set:", my_set)
It will produce the following output −
Updated Set: set()
Remove Items Existing in Both Sets
您可以使用 difference_update() 方法或减法运算符 (-=) 删除两个集合中存在的项(即两个集合的交集)。这将从原始集合中删除两个集合中都存在的元素。
You can remove items that exist in both sets (i.e., the intersection of two sets) using the difference_update() method or the subtraction operator (-=). This removes all elements that are present in both sets from the original set.
在此示例中,我们定义了两个集合“s1”和“s2”,然后使用 difference_update() 方法从“s1”中删除也存在于“s2”中的元素−
In this example, we are defining two sets "s1" and "s2", and then using the difference_update() method to remove elements from "s1" that are also in "s2" −
s1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
s2 = {4,5,6,7,8}
print ("s1 before running difference_update: ", s1)
print ("s1 after running difference_update: ", s1)
执行上面的代码后,我们得到以下输出: -
After executing the above code, we get the following output −
s1 before running difference_update: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
s1 after running difference_update: {1, 2, 3}
Remove Items Existing in Either of the Sets
To remove items that exist in either of two sets, you can use the symmetric difference operation. The symmetric difference between two sets results in a set containing elements that are in either of the sets but not in their intersection.
在 Python 中,可以使用 ^ 运算符或 symmetric_difference() 方法执行对称差运算。
In Python, the symmetric difference operation can be performed using the ^ operator or symmetric_difference() method.
在以下示例中,我们定义了两个集合“set1”和“set2”。然后我们使用对称差运算符 (^) 创建一个新集合“result_set”,其中包含存在于“set1”或“set2”但不同时存在于两个集合中的元素 −
In the following example, we are defining two sets "set1" and "set2". We are then using the symmetric difference operator (^) to create a new set "result_set" containing elements that are in either "set1" or "set2" but not in both −
set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set2 = {3, 4, 5, 6}
# Removing items that exist in either set
result_set = set1 ^ set2
print("Resulting Set:", result_set)
以下是上面代码的输出: -
Following is the output of the above code −
Resulting Set: {1, 2, 5, 6}
Remove Uncommon Set Items
您可以使用 intersection_update() 方法删除两个集合之间的非共同元素。两个集合的交集产生一个只包含两个集合中存在的元素的集合。
You can remove uncommon items between two sets using the intersection_update() method. The intersection of two sets results in a set containing only the elements that are present in both sets.
To keep only the common elements in one of the original sets and remove the uncommon ones, you can update the set with its intersection.
在此示例中,我们定义了两个集合“set1”和“set2”。然后我们使用 intersection_update() 方法修改“set1”,使其仅包含也存在于“set2”中的元素 −
In this example, we are defining two sets "set1" and "set2". We are then using the intersection_update() method to modify "set1" so that it only contains elements that are also in "set2" −
set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set2 = {3, 4, 5, 6}
# Keeping only common items in set1
print("Set 1 after keeping only common items:", set1)
以上代码的输出如下所示 −
Output of the above code is as shown below −
Set 1 after keeping only common items: {3, 4}
The intersection() Method
set 类中的 intersection() 方法与 intersection_update() 方法类似,不过它会返回一个仅包含现有集合中公有项的新集合对象。
The intersection() method in set class is similar to its intersection_update() method, except that it returns a new set object that consists of items common to existing sets.
以下是 intersection() 方法的基本语法 −
Following is the basic syntax of the intersection() method −
其中, obj 是一个集合对象。
Where, obj is a set object.
Return value
intersection() 方法返回一个集合对象,其中仅保留它本身和 obj 中的公有项。
The intersection() method returns a set object, retaining only those items common in itself and obj.
在以下示例中,我们定义了两个集合“s1”和“s2”,然后使用 intersection() 方法创建一个新集合“s3”,其中包含“s1”和“s2”共有的元素 −
In the following example, we are defining two sets "s1" and "s2", then using the intersection() method to create a new set "s3" containing elements that are common to both "s1" and "s2" −
s1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
s2 = {4,5,6,7,8}
print ("s1: ", s1, "s2: ", s2)
s3 = s1.intersection(s2)
print ("s3 = s1 & s2: ", s3)
It will produce the following output −
s1: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} s2: {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
s3 = s1 & s2: {4, 5}
Symmetric Difference Update of Set Items
两个集合之间的对称差集是所有非公有项的集合,排除了公有元素。symmetric_difference_update() 方法将集合更新为它本身与其作为参数传递的集合之间的对称差集。
The symmetric difference between two sets is the collection of all the uncommon items, rejecting the common elements. The symmetric_difference_update() method updates a set with symmetric difference between itself and the set given as argument.
在下例中,我们定义了两个集合“s1”和“s2”,然后使用 symmetric_difference_update() 方法修改“s1”,使其包含存在于“s1”或“s2”但不同时存在于两个集合中的元素−
In the example below, we are defining two sets "s1" and "s2", then using the symmetric_difference_update() method to modify "s1" so that it contains elements that are in either "s1" or "s2", but not in both −
s1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
s2 = {4,5,6,7,8}
print ("s1: ", s1, "s2: ", s2)
print ("s1 after running symmetric difference ", s1)
获得的结果如下所示 −
The result obtained is as shown below −
s1: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} s2: {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
s1 after running symmetric difference {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}
Symmetric Difference of Set Items
set 类中的 symmetric_difference() 方法与 symmetric_difference_update() 方法类似,不过它会返回一个新集合对象,其中包含来自两个集合的全部项目,减去公有项目。
The symmetric_difference() method in set class is similar to symmetric_difference_update() method, except that it returns a new set object that holds all the items from two sets minus the common items.
在以下示例中,我们定义了两个集合“s1”和“s2”。然后我们使用 symmetric_difference() 方法创建一个新集合“s3”,其中包含存在于“s1”或“s2”但不同时存在于两个集合中的元素 −
In the following example, we are defining two sets "s1" and "s2". We are then using the symmetric_difference() method to create a new set "s3" containing elements that are in either "s1" or "s2", but not in both −
s1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
s2 = {4,5,6,7,8}
print ("s1: ", s1, "s2: ", s2)
s3 = s1.symmetric_difference(s2)
print ("s1 = s1^s2 ", s3)
It will produce the following output −
s1: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} s2: {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
s1 = s1^s2 {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}