Python Data Persistence 简明教程
File Handling with os Module
除了 open() 函数返回的文件对象,还可以使用 Python 内置库的 os 模块执行文件 IO 操作,该模块提供了实用的操作系统相关函数。这些函数对文件执行低级别的读/写操作。
In addition to File object returned by open() function, file IO operations can also be performed using Python’s built-in library has os module that provides useful operating system dependent functions. These functions perform low level read/write operations on file.
os 模块中的 open() 函数类似于内置 open()。但是,它不返回文件对象,而是返回文件描述符,它是一个与打开的文件相对应的唯一整数。文件描述符的值 0、1 和 2 分别表示标准输入、标准输出和标准错误流。其他文件将从 2 开始获得递增的文件描述符。
The open() function from os module is similar to the built-in open(). However, it doesn’t return a file object but a file descriptor, a unique integer corresponding to file opened. File descriptor’s values 0, 1 and 2 represent stdin, stdout, and stderr streams. Other files will be given incremental file descriptor from 2 onwards.
与 open() 内置函数的情况类似, 函数也需要指定文件访问模式。下表列出 os 模块中定义的各种模式。
As in case of open() built-in function, function also needs to specify file access mode. Following table lists various modes as defined in os module.
Sr.No. |
Os Module & Description |
1 |
os.O_RDONLY Open for reading only |
2 |
os.O_WRONLY Open for writing only |
3 |
os.O_RDWR Open for reading and writing |
4 |
os.O_NONBLOCK Do not block on open |
5 |
os.O_APPEND Append on each write |
6 |
os.O_CREAT Create file if it does not exist |
7 |
os.O_TRUNC Truncate size to 0 |
8 |
os.O_EXCL Error if create and file exists |
若要打开一个新文件以写入数据,请通过插入管道 (|) 运算符指定 O_WRONLY 和 O_CREAT 模式。 函数返回文件描述符。
To open a new file for writing data in it, specify O_WRONLY as well as O_CREAT modes by inserting pipe (|) operator. The function returns a file descriptor."test.dat", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT)
请注意,数据是以字节字符串的形式写入磁盘文件的。因此,通过使用 encode() 函数将普通字符串转换成字节字符串,如同之前一样。
Note that, data is written to disk file in the form of byte string. Hence, a normal string is converted to byte string by using encode() function as earlier.
data="Hello World".encode('utf-8')
os 模块中的 write() 函数接受此字节字符串和文件描述符。
The write() function in os module accepts this byte string and file descriptor.
别忘了使用 close() 函数关闭文件。
Don’t forget to close the file using close() function.
要使用 函数读取文件的内容,请使用以下语句:
To read contents of a file using function, use following statements:"test.dat", os.O_RDONLY),20)
print (data.decode('utf-8'))
请注意, 函数需要文件描述符和要读取的字节数(字节字符串的长度)。
Note that, the function needs file descriptor and number of bytes to be read (length of byte string).
如果要同时打开一个文件进行读/写操作,请使用 O_RDWR 模式。下表显示了 os 模块中与文件操作相关的重要函数。
If you want to open a file for simultaneous read/write operations, use O_RDWR mode. Following table shows important file operation related functions in os module.
Sr.No |
Functions & Description |
1 |
os.close(fd) Close the file descriptor. |
2 |, flags[, mode]) Open the file and set various flags according to flags and possibly its mode according to mode. |
3 |, n) Read at most n bytes from file descriptor fd. Return a string containing the bytes read. If the end of the file referred to by fd has been reached, an empty string is returned. |
4 |
os.write(fd, str) Write the string str to file descriptor fd. Return the number of bytes actually written. |