Python Design Patterns 简明教程

Python Design Patterns - Quick Guide

Python Design Patterns - Introduction

设计模式用于表示开发人员创建软件或 Web 应用程序所用的模式。这些模式基于需求分析进行选择。模式描述了问题的解决方案、何时何地应用解决方案以及实现的后果。

Design patterns are used to represent the pattern used by developers to create software or web application. These patterns are selected based on the requirement analysis. The patterns describe the solution to the problem, when and where to apply the solution and the consequences of the implementation.

Structure of a design pattern


The documentation of design pattern is maintained in a way that focuses more on the technology that is used and in what ways. The following diagram explains the basic structure of design pattern documentation.

design pattern

Pattern Name


It describes the pattern in short and effective manner.



It describes what the pattern does.



It describes the list of situations where pattern is applicable.

Participants and consequences


Participants include classes and objects that participate in the design pattern with a list of consequences that exist with the pattern.

Why Python?

Python 是一种开源脚本语言。它拥有支持各种设计模式的库。Python 的语法易于理解并使用英语关键字。

Python is an open source scripting language. It has libraries that support a variety of design patterns. The syntax of python is easy to understand and uses English keywords.

Python 提供对下面列出的设计模式的支持。这些设计模式将在本教程中用到 -

Python provides support for the list of design patterns that are mentioned below. These design patterns will be used throughout this tutorial −

  1. Model View Controller Pattern

  2. Singleton pattern

  3. Factory pattern

  4. Builder Pattern

  5. Prototype Pattern

  6. Facade Pattern

  7. Command Pattern

  8. Adapter Pattern

  9. Prototype Pattern

  10. Decorator Pattern

  11. Proxy Pattern

  12. Chain of Responsibility Pattern

  13. Observer Pattern

  14. State Pattern

  15. Strategy Pattern

  16. Template Pattern

  17. Flyweight Pattern

  18. Abstract Factory Pattern

  19. Object Oriented Pattern

Benefits of using design pattern

以下是设计模式的不同优点 -

Following are the different benefits of design pattern −

  1. Patterns provide developer a selection of tried and tested solutions for the specified problems.

  2. All design patterns are language neutral.

  3. Patterns help to achieve communication and maintain well documentation.

  4. It includes a record of accomplishment to reduce any technical risk to the project.

  5. Design patterns are highly flexible to use and easy to understand.

Python Design Patterns - Gist

Python 是一种开源脚本语言,具有高级、解释性、交互性和面向对象。它的设计高度可读。Python 语言的语法易于理解,并且经常使用英语关键字。

Python is an open source scripting language, which is high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented. It is designed to be highly readable. The syntax of Python language is easy to understand and uses English keywords frequently.

Features of Python Language

在本节中,我们将学习 Python 语言的不同特性。

In this section, we will learn about the different features of Python language.


Python 在运行时使用解释器进行处理。在执行前无需编译程序。它类似于 PERL 和 PHP。

Python is processed at runtime using the interpreter. There is no need to compile program before execution. It is similar to PERL and PHP.


Python 遵从面向对象风格和设计模式。它包括具有封装、多态等多种功能的类定义。

Python follows object-oriented style and design patterns. It includes class definition with various features like encapsulation, polymorphism and many more.


以 Windows 操作系统编写的 Python 代码可在 Mac 操作系统中使用。代码可以根据要求进行重复使用并且可移植。

Python code written in Windows operating system and can be used in Mac operating system. The code can be reused and portable as per the requirements.

Easy to code

Python 语法易于理解和编码。任何开发人员都可以在几个小时内理解 Python 的语法。Python 可以被描述为“面向程序员”。

Python syntax is easy to understand and code. Any developer can understand the syntax of Python within few hours. Python can be described as “programmer-friendly”


如果需要,用户也可以用 C 语言编写一些 Python 代码。还可以将 Python 代码放入其他语言(如 C++)的源代码中。这使得 Python 成为一种可扩展语言。

If needed, a user can write some of Python code in C language as well. It is also possible to put python code in source code in different languages like C++. This makes Python an extensible language.

Important Points

考虑与 Python 编程语言相关的以下重要要点:

Consider the following important points related to Python programming language −

  1. It includes functional and structured programming methods as well as object-oriented programming methods.

  2. It can be used as scripting language or as a programming language.

  3. It includes automatic garbage collection.

  4. It includes high-level dynamic data types and supports various dynamic type checking.

  5. Python includes a feature of integration with C, C++ and languages like Java.

How to download python language in your system?

要下载系统中的 Python 语言,请访问此链接:

To download Python language in your system, follow this link −

python language

它包括适用于 Windows、MacOS 和 Linux 发行版等多种操作系统的包。

It includes packages for various operating systems like Windows, MacOS and Linux distributions.

The Important Tools in Python

在本节中,我们将简要了解 Python 中的一些重要工具。

In this section, we will learn in brief about a few important tools in Python.

Python Strings


The basic declaration of strings is as follows −

str = 'Hello World!'

Python Lists

Python 列表可以声明为用逗号分隔并用方括号([])括起来的复合数据类型。

The lists of python can be declared as compound data types separated by commas and enclosed within square brackets ([]).

list = [ 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 ]
tinylist = [123, 'john']

Python Tuples

元组是 Python 的动态数据类型,由用逗号分隔的多个值组成。元组用括号括起来。

A tuple is dynamic data type of Python, which consists of number of values separated by commas. Tuples are enclosed with parentheses.

tinytuple = (123, 'john')

Python Dictionary

Python 字典是一种哈希表。字典键可以是 Python 的几乎任何数据类型,数据类型通常是数字或字符串。

Python dictionary is a type of hash table. A dictionary key can be almost any data type of Python. The data types are usually numbers or strings.

tinydict = {'name': 'omkar','code':6734, 'dept': 'sales'}

What constitutes a design pattern in Python?

Python 有助于使用以下参数构成设计模式:

Python helps in constituting a design pattern using the following parameters −

  1. Pattern Name

  2. Intent

  3. Aliases

  4. Motivation

  5. Problem

  6. Solution

  7. Structure

  8. Participants

  9. Constraints

  10. Sample Code

Model View Controller Pattern


Model View Controller is the most commonly used design pattern. Developers find it easy to implement this design pattern.

以下是模型视图控制器的基本架构 −

Following is a basic architecture of the Model View Controller −



Let us now see how the structure works.



It consists of pure application logic, which interacts with the database. It includes all the information to represent data to the end user.


视图表示与最终用户交互的 HTML 文件。它为用户表示模型数据。

View represents the HTML files, which interact with the end user. It represents the model’s data to user.



It acts as an intermediary between view and model. It listens to the events triggered by view and queries model for the same.

Python code

我们考虑一个称为“人”的基本对象并创建一个 MVC 设计模式。

Let us consider a basic object called “Person” and create an MVC design pattern.

import json

class Person(object):
   def __init__(self, first_name = None, last_name = None):
      self.first_name = first_name
      self.last_name = last_name
   #returns Person name, ex: John Doe
   def name(self):
      return ("%s %s" % (self.first_name,self.last_name))

   #returns all people inside db.txt as list of Person objects
   def getAll(self):
      database = open('db.txt', 'r')
      result = []
      json_list = json.loads(
      for item in json_list:
         item = json.loads(item)
         person = Person(item['first_name'], item['last_name'])
      return result

它调用一个方法,该方法获取数据库中“人”表的全部记录。记录以 JSON 格式表示。

It calls for a method, which fetches all the records of the Person table in database. The records are presented in JSON format.



It displays all the records fetched within the model. View never interacts with model; controller does this work (communicating with model and view).

from model import Person
def showAllView(list):
   print 'In our db we have %i users. Here they are:' % len(list)
   for item in list:
def startView():
   print 'MVC - the simplest example'
   print 'Do you want to see everyone in my db?[y/n]'
def endView():
   print 'Goodbye!'


控制器通过 getAll() 方法与模型交互,该方法获取显示给最终用户的所有记录。

Controller interacts with model through the getAll() method which fetches all the records displayed to the end user.

from model import Person
import view

def showAll():
   #gets list of all Person objects
   people_in_db = Person.getAll()
   #calls view
   return view.showAllView(people_in_db)

def start():
   input = raw_input()
   if input == 'y':
      return showAll()
      return view.endView()

if __name__ == "__main__":
   #running controller function

Python Design Patterns - Singleton


This pattern restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is a type of creational pattern and involves only one class to create methods and specified objects.


It provides a global point of access to the instance created.

singleton pattern

How to implement a singleton class?


The following program demonstrates the implementation of singleton class where it prints the instances created multiple times.

class Singleton:
   __instance = None
   def getInstance():
      """ Static access method. """
      if Singleton.__instance == None:
      return Singleton.__instance
   def __init__(self):
      """ Virtually private constructor. """
      if Singleton.__instance != None:
         raise Exception("This class is a singleton!")
         Singleton.__instance = self
s = Singleton()
print s

s = Singleton.getInstance()
print s

s = Singleton.getInstance()
print s


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

implementation of singleton


The number of instances created are same and there is no difference in the objects listed in output.

Python Design Patterns - Factory


The factory pattern comes under the creational patterns list category. It provides one of the best ways to create an object. In factory pattern, objects are created without exposing the logic to client and referring to the newly created object using a common interface.

在 Python 中使用工厂方法来实现工厂模式。当用户调用一个方法以便我们传入一个字符串,并且返回值作为通过工厂方法实现的新对象时。在工厂方法中使用的对象类型由通过方法传递的字符串决定。

Factory patterns are implemented in Python using factory method. When a user calls a method such that we pass in a string and the return value as a new object is implemented through factory method. The type of object used in factory method is determined by string which is passed through method.


In the example below, every method includes object as a parameter, which is implemented through factory method.

How to implement a factory pattern?


Let us now see how to implement a factory pattern.

class Button(object):
   html = ""
   def get_html(self):
      return self.html

class Image(Button):
   html = "<img></img>"

class Input(Button):
   html = "<input></input>"

class Flash(Button):
   html = "<obj></obj>"

class ButtonFactory():
   def create_button(self, typ):
      targetclass = typ.capitalize()
      return globals()[targetclass]()

button_obj = ButtonFactory()
button = ['image', 'input', 'flash']
for b in button:
   print button_obj.create_button(b).get_html()

按钮类有助于创建 HTML 标记和关联的 HTML 页面。客户端将无法访问代码的逻辑,并且输出表示 HTML 页面的创建。

The button class helps to create the html tags and the associated html page. The client will not have access to the logic of code and the output represents the creation of html page.


factory pattern


python 代码包括 HTML 标记的逻辑,该逻辑指定值。最终用户可以查看由 Python 代码创建的 HTML 文件。

The python code includes the logic of html tags, which specified value. The end user can have a look on the HTML file created by the Python code.

Python Design Patterns - Builder

Builder 模式是一种独特的观察模式,它有助于使用简单的对象构建复杂的对象并使用算法方法。该设计模式属于创建模式类别。在此设计模式中,生成器类分步构建最终对象。该生成器独立于其他对象。

Builder Pattern is a unique design pattern which helps in building complex object using simple objects and uses an algorithmic approach. This design pattern comes under the category of creational pattern. In this design pattern, a builder class builds the final object in step-by-step procedure. This builder is independent of other objects.

Advantages of Builder Pattern

  1. It provides clear separation and a unique layer between construction and representation of a specified object created by class.

  2. It provides better control over construction process of the pattern created.

  3. It gives the perfect scenario to change the internal representation of objects.

How to implement builder pattern?


In this section, we will learn how to implement the builder pattern.

class Director:
   __builder = None

   def setBuilder(self, builder):
      self.__builder = builder

   def getCar(self):
      car = Car()

      # First goes the body
      body = self.__builder.getBody()

      # Then engine
      engine = self.__builder.getEngine()

      # And four wheels
      i = 0
      while i < 4:
         wheel = self.__builder.getWheel()
         i += 1
      return car

# The whole product
class Car:
   def __init__(self):
      self.__wheels = list()
      self.__engine = None
      self.__body = None

   def setBody(self, body):
      self.__body = body

   def attachWheel(self, wheel):

   def setEngine(self, engine):
      self.__engine = engine

   def specification(self):
      print "body: %s" % self.__body.shape
      print "engine horsepower: %d" % self.__engine.horsepower
      print "tire size: %d\'" % self.__wheels[0].size

class Builder:
      def getWheel(self): pass
      def getEngine(self): pass
      def getBody(self): pass

class JeepBuilder(Builder):

   def getWheel(self):
      wheel = Wheel()
      wheel.size = 22
      return wheel

   def getEngine(self):
      engine = Engine()
      engine.horsepower = 400
      return engine

   def getBody(self):
      body = Body()
      body.shape = "SUV"
      return body

# Car parts
class Wheel:
   size = None

class Engine:
   horsepower = None

class Body:
   shape = None

def main():
   jeepBuilder = JeepBuilder() # initializing the class

   director = Director()

   # Build Jeep
   print "Jeep"
   jeep = director.getCar()
   print ""

if __name__ == "__main__":


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

builder pattern

Python Design Patterns - Prototype


Prototype design pattern helps to hide the complexity of the instances created by the class. The concept of the existing object will differ with that of the new object, which is created from scratch.


The newly copied object may have some changes in the properties if required. This approach saves time and resources that go in for the development of a product.

How to implement a prototype pattern?


Let us now see how to implement a prototype pattern.

import copy

class Prototype:

   _type = None
   _value = None

   def clone(self):

   def getType(self):
      return self._type

   def getValue(self):
      return self._value

class Type1(Prototype):

   def __init__(self, number):
      self._type = "Type1"
      self._value = number

   def clone(self):
      return copy.copy(self)

class Type2(Prototype):

   """ Concrete prototype. """

   def __init__(self, number):
      self._type = "Type2"
      self._value = number

   def clone(self):
      return copy.copy(self)

class ObjectFactory:

   """ Manages prototypes.
   Static factory, that encapsulates prototype
   initialization and then allows instatiation
   of the classes from these prototypes.

   __type1Value1 = None
   __type1Value2 = None
   __type2Value1 = None
   __type2Value2 = None

   def initialize():
      ObjectFactory.__type1Value1 = Type1(1)
      ObjectFactory.__type1Value2 = Type1(2)
      ObjectFactory.__type2Value1 = Type2(1)
      ObjectFactory.__type2Value2 = Type2(2)

   def getType1Value1():
      return ObjectFactory.__type1Value1.clone()

   def getType1Value2():
      return ObjectFactory.__type1Value2.clone()

   def getType2Value1():
      return ObjectFactory.__type2Value1.clone()

   def getType2Value2():
      return ObjectFactory.__type2Value2.clone()

def main():

   instance = ObjectFactory.getType1Value1()
   print "%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())

   instance = ObjectFactory.getType1Value2()
   print "%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())

   instance = ObjectFactory.getType2Value1()
   print "%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())

   instance = ObjectFactory.getType2Value2()
   print "%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())

if __name__ == "__main__":


上面的程序将生成以下输出 −

The above program will generate the following output −

prototype pattern


The output helps in creating new objects with the existing ones and it is clearly visible in the output mentioned above.

Python Design Patterns - Facade


Facade design pattern provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. It defines a higher-level interface that any subsystem can use.


A facade class knows which subsystem is responsible for a request.

How to design a facade pattern?


Let us now see how to design a facade pattern.

class _IgnitionSystem(object):

   def produce_spark():
      return True

class _Engine(object):

   def __init__(self):
      self.revs_per_minute = 0

   def turnon(self):
      self.revs_per_minute = 2000

   def turnoff(self):
      self.revs_per_minute = 0

class _FuelTank(object):

   def __init__(self, level=30):
      self._level = level

   def level(self):
      return self._level

	def level(self, level):
      self._level = level

class _DashBoardLight(object):

   def __init__(self, is_on=False):
      self._is_on = is_on

   def __str__(self):
      return self.__class__.__name__

   def is_on(self):
      return self._is_on

   def is_on(self, status):
      self._is_on = status

   def status_check(self):
      if self._is_on:
         print("{}: ON".format(str(self)))
         print("{}: OFF".format(str(self)))

class _HandBrakeLight(_DashBoardLight):

class _FogLampLight(_DashBoardLight):

class _Dashboard(object):

   def __init__(self):
      self.lights = {"handbreak": _HandBrakeLight(), "fog": _FogLampLight()}

   def show(self):
	   for light in self.lights.values():

# Facade
class Car(object):

   def __init__(self):
      self.ignition_system = _IgnitionSystem()
      self.engine = _Engine()
      self.fuel_tank = _FuelTank()
      self.dashboard = _Dashboard()

   def km_per_litre(self):
      return 17.0

   def consume_fuel(self, km):
      litres = min(self.fuel_tank.level, km / self.km_per_litre)
      self.fuel_tank.level -= litres

   def start(self):
      if self.ignition_system.produce_spark():
         print("Can't start. Faulty ignition system")

   def has_enough_fuel(self, km, km_per_litre):
      litres_needed = km / km_per_litre
      if self.fuel_tank.level > litres_needed:
         return True
         return False

      def drive(self, km = 100):
         if self.engine.revs_per_minute > 0:
            while self.has_enough_fuel(km, self.km_per_litre):
               print("Drove {}km".format(km))
               print("{:.2f}l of fuel still left".format(self.fuel_tank.level))
            print("Can't drive. The Engine is turned off!")

         def park(self):
            self.dashboard.lights["handbreak"].is_on = True

         def switch_fog_lights(self, status):
            print("\nSwitching {} fog lights...".format(status))
            boolean = True if status == "ON" else False
            self.dashboard.lights["fog"].is_on = boolean

         def fill_up_tank(self):
            print("\nFuel tank filled up!")
            self.fuel_tank.level = 100

# the main function is the Client
def main():
   car = Car()

if __name__ == "__main__":


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

facade pattern



This program is designed with a scenario. It is that of starting the engine of a car or any driving vehicle. If you observe the code, it includes the associated functions to drive, to park and to consume fuel as well.

Python Design Patterns - Command


Command Pattern adds a level of abstraction between actions and includes an object, which invokes these actions.


In this design pattern, client creates a command object that includes a list of commands to be executed. The command object created implements a specific interface.


Following is the basic architecture of the command pattern −

architecture of command pattern

How to implement the command pattern?


We will now see how to implement the design pattern.

def demo(a,b,c):
   print 'a:',a
   print 'b:',b
   print 'c:',c

class Command:
   def __init__(self, cmd, *args):

   def __call__(self, *args):
      return apply(self._cmd, self._args+args)
cmd = Command(dir,__builtins__)
print cmd()

cmd = Command(demo,1,2)


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

command pattern


该输出实现了 Python 语言中列出的所有命令和关键字。它打印变量的必要值。

The output implements all the commands and keywords listed in Python language. It prints the necessary values of the variables.

Python Design Patterns - Adapter


Adapter pattern works as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces. This type of design pattern comes under structural pattern as this pattern combines the capability of two independent interfaces.


This pattern involves a single class, which is responsible to join functionalities of independent or incompatible interfaces. A real life example could be the case of a card reader, which acts as an adapter between memory card and a laptop. You plug in the memory card into the card reader and the card reader into the laptop so that memory card can be read via the laptop.


The adapter design pattern helps to work classes together. It converts the interface of a class into another interface based on requirement. The pattern includes a speciation a polymorphism which names one name and multiple forms. Say for a shape class which can use as per the requirements gathered.


There are two types of adapter pattern −

Object Adapter Pattern


This design pattern relies on object implementation. Hence, it is called the Object Adapter Pattern.

Class Adapter Pattern


This is an alternative way to implement the adapter design pattern. The pattern can be implemented using multiple inheritances.

How to implement the adapter pattern?


Let us now see how to implement the adapter pattern.

class EuropeanSocketInterface:
   def voltage(self): pass

   def live(self): pass
   def neutral(self): pass
   def earth(self): pass

# Adaptee
class Socket(EuropeanSocketInterface):
   def voltage(self):
      return 230

	def live(self):
      return 1

   def neutral(self):
      return -1

   def earth(self):
      return 0

# Target interface
class USASocketInterface:
   def voltage(self): pass
   def live(self): pass
   def neutral(self): pass

# The Adapter
class Adapter(USASocketInterface):
   __socket = None
   def __init__(self, socket):
      self.__socket = socket

   def voltage(self):
      return 110

   def live(self):

   def neutral(self):
      return self.__socket.neutral()

# Client
class ElectricKettle:
   __power = None

   def __init__(self, power):
	   self.__power = power

   def boil(self):
      if self.__power.voltage() > 110:
         print "Kettle on fire!"
         if == 1 and \
            self.__power.neutral() == -1:
            print "Coffee time!"
            print "No power."

def main():
   # Plug in
   socket = Socket()
   adapter = Adapter(socket)
   kettle = ElectricKettle(adapter)

   # Make coffee

   return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

adapter pattern



The code includes adapter interface with various parameters and attributes. It includes Adaptee along with Target interface that implements all the attributes and displays the output as visible.

Python Design Patterns - Decorator


Decorator pattern allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure. This type of design pattern comes under structural pattern as this pattern acts as a wrapper to existing class.


This pattern creates a decorator class, which wraps the original class and provides additional functionality keeping the class methods signature intact.


The motive of a decorator pattern is to attach additional responsibilities of an object dynamically.

How to implement decorator design pattern

下面提到的代码是一个简单的演示,说明如何在 Python 中实现装饰器设计模式。说明涉及以类的格式演示一家咖啡店。创建的咖啡类是一个抽象类,这意味着它不能被实例化。

The code mentioned below is a simple demonstration of how to implement decorator design pattern in Python. The illustration involves demonstration of a coffee shop in the format of class. The coffee class created is an abstract, which means that it cannot be instantiated.

import six
from abc import ABCMeta

class Abstract_Coffee(object):

   def get_cost(self):

   def get_ingredients(self):

   def get_tax(self):
      return 0.1*self.get_cost()

class Concrete_Coffee(Abstract_Coffee):

   def get_cost(self):
      return 1.00

   def get_ingredients(self):
      return 'coffee'

class Abstract_Coffee_Decorator(Abstract_Coffee):

   def __init__(self,decorated_coffee):
      self.decorated_coffee = decorated_coffee

   def get_cost(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_cost()

   def get_ingredients(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_ingredients()

class Sugar(Abstract_Coffee_Decorator):

   def __init__(self,decorated_coffee):

   def get_cost(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_cost()

   def get_ingredients(self):
	   return self.decorated_coffee.get_ingredients() + ', sugar'

class Milk(Abstract_Coffee_Decorator):

   def __init__(self,decorated_coffee):

   def get_cost(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_cost() + 0.25

   def get_ingredients(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_ingredients() + ', milk'

class Vanilla(Abstract_Coffee_Decorator):

   def __init__(self,decorated_coffee):

   def get_cost(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_cost() + 0.75

   def get_ingredients(self):
      return self.decorated_coffee.get_ingredients() + ', vanilla'


The implementation of the abstract class of the coffee shop is done with a separate file as mentioned below −

import coffeeshop

myCoffee = coffeeshop.Concrete_Coffee()
print('Ingredients: '+myCoffee.get_ingredients()+
   '; Cost: '+str(myCoffee.get_cost())+'; sales tax = '+str(myCoffee.get_tax()))

myCoffee = coffeeshop.Milk(myCoffee)
print('Ingredients: '+myCoffee.get_ingredients()+
   '; Cost: '+str(myCoffee.get_cost())+'; sales tax = '+str(myCoffee.get_tax()))

myCoffee = coffeeshop.Vanilla(myCoffee)
print('Ingredients: '+myCoffee.get_ingredients()+
   '; Cost: '+str(myCoffee.get_cost())+'; sales tax = '+str(myCoffee.get_tax()))

myCoffee = coffeeshop.Sugar(myCoffee)
print('Ingredients: '+myCoffee.get_ingredients()+
   '; Cost: '+str(myCoffee.get_cost())+'; sales tax = '+str(myCoffee.get_tax()))


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

decorator pattern

Python Design Patterns - Proxy


The proxy design pattern includes a new object, which is called “Proxy” in place of an existing object which is called the “Real Subject”. The proxy object created of the real subject must be on the same interface in such a way that the client should not get any idea that proxy is used in place of the real object. Requests generated by the client to the proxy are passed through the real subject.

代理模式的 UML 表示如下 -

The UML representation of proxy pattern is as follows −

proxy pattern

How to implement the proxy pattern?


Let us now see how to implement the proxy pattern.

class Image:
   def __init__( self, filename ):
      self._filename = filename

   def load_image_from_disk( self ):
      print("loading " + self._filename )

   def display_image( self ):
      print("display " + self._filename)

class Proxy:
   def __init__( self, subject ):
      self._subject = subject
      self._proxystate = None

class ProxyImage( Proxy ):
   def display_image( self ):
      if self._proxystate == None:
         self._proxystate = 1
      print("display " + self._subject._filename )

proxy_image1 = ProxyImage ( Image("HiRes_10Mb_Photo1") )
proxy_image2 = ProxyImage ( Image("HiRes_10Mb_Photo2") )

proxy_image1.display_image() # loading necessary
proxy_image1.display_image() # loading unnecessary
proxy_image2.display_image() # loading necessary
proxy_image2.display_image() # loading unnecessary
proxy_image1.display_image() # loading unnecessary


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

proxy pattern output

代理模式设计有助于复制我们创建的图像。 display_image() 函数有助于检查值是否在命令提示符中打印。

The proxy pattern design helps in replicating the images that we created. The display_image() function helps to check if the values are getting printed in the command prompt.

Chain of Responsibility


The chain of responsibility pattern is used to achieve loose coupling in software where a specified request from the client is passed through a chain of objects included in it. It helps in building a chain of objects. The request enters from one end and moves from one object to another.


This pattern allows an object to send a command without knowing which object will handle the request.

How to implement the chain of responsibility pattern?


We will now see how to implement the chain of responsibility pattern.

class ReportFormat(object):
   PDF = 0
   TEXT = 1
class Report(object):
   def __init__(self, format_):
      self.title = 'Monthly report'
      self.text = ['Things are going', 'really, really well.']
      self.format_ = format_

class Handler(object):
   def __init__(self):
      self.nextHandler = None

   def handle(self, request):

class PDFHandler(Handler):

   def handle(self, request):
      if request.format_ == ReportFormat.PDF:
         self.output_report(request.title, request.text)
         super(PDFHandler, self).handle(request)

   def output_report(self, title, text):
      print '<html>'
      print ' <head>'
      print ' <title>%s</title>' % title
      print ' </head>'
      print ' <body>'
      for line in text:
         print ' <p>%s' % line
      print ' </body>'
      print '</html>'

class TextHandler(Handler):

   def handle(self, request):
      if request.format_ == ReportFormat.TEXT:
         self.output_report(request.title, request.text)
         super(TextHandler, self).handle(request)

   def output_report(self, title, text):
      print 5*'*' + title + 5*'*'
      for line in text:
         print line

class ErrorHandler(Handler):
   def handle(self, request):
      print "Invalid request"

if __name__ == '__main__':
   report = Report(ReportFormat.TEXT)
   pdf_handler = PDFHandler()
   text_handler = TextHandler()

   pdf_handler.nextHandler = text_handler
   text_handler.nextHandler = ErrorHandler()


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

design chain pattern


上面的代码为每月任务创建了一个报告,其中它通过每个函数发送命令。它需要两个处理程序 - 用于 PDF 和文本。一旦所需对象执行每个函数,它便会打印输。

The above code creates a report for monthly tasks where it sends commands through each function. It takes two handlers – for PDF and for text. It prints the output once the required object executes each function.

Python Design Patterns - Observer


In this pattern, objects are represented as observers that wait for an event to trigger. An observer attaches to the subject once the specified event occurs. As the event occurs, the subject tells the observers that it has occurred.

以下 UML 图表示观察程序模式 -

The following UML diagram represents the observer pattern −

observer pattern

How to implement the observer pattern?


Let us now see how to implement the observer pattern.

import threading
import time
import pdb

class Downloader(threading.Thread):

   def run(self):
      print 'downloading'
      for i in range(1,5):
         self.i = i
			print 'unfunf'
         return 'hello world'

class Worker(threading.Thread):
   def run(self):
      for i in range(1,5):
         print 'worker running: %i (%i)' % (i, t.i)

         print 'done'

t = Downloader()


t1 = Worker()

t2 = Worker()

t3 = Worker()


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

observer pattern output



The above code explains the procedure of downloading a particular result. As per the observer pattern logic, every object is treated as observer. It prints the output when event is triggered.

Python Design Patterns - State


It provides a module for state machines, which are implemented using subclasses, derived from a specified state machine class. The methods are state independent and cause transitions declared using decorators.

How to implement the state pattern?

状态模式的基本实现如下 -

The basic implementation of state pattern is shown below −

class ComputerState(object):

   name = "state"
   allowed = []

   def switch(self, state):
      """ Switch to new state """
      if in self.allowed:
         print 'Current:',self,' => switched to new state',
         self.__class__ = state
         print 'Current:',self,' => switching to',,'not possible.'

   def __str__(self):

class Off(ComputerState):
   name = "off"
   allowed = ['on']

class On(ComputerState):
   """ State of being powered on and working """
   name = "on"
   allowed = ['off','suspend','hibernate']

class Suspend(ComputerState):
   """ State of being in suspended mode after switched on """
   name = "suspend"
   allowed = ['on']

class Hibernate(ComputerState):
   """ State of being in hibernation after powered on """
   name = "hibernate"
   allowed = ['on']

class Computer(object):
   """ A class representing a computer """

   def __init__(self, model='HP'):
      self.model = model
      # State of the computer - default is off.
      self.state = Off()

   def change(self, state):
      """ Change state """

if __name__ == "__main__":
   comp = Computer()


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

design pattern output

Python Design Patterns - Strategy


The strategy pattern is a type of behavioral pattern. The main goal of strategy pattern is to enable client to choose from different algorithms or procedures to complete the specified task. Different algorithms can be swapped in and out without any complications for the mentioned task.


This pattern can be used to improve flexibility when external resources are accessed.

How to implement the strategy pattern?


The program shown below helps in implementing the strategy pattern.

import types

class StrategyExample:
   def __init__(self, func = None): = 'Strategy Example 0'
      if func is not None:
         self.execute = types.MethodType(func, self)

   def execute(self):

def execute_replacement1(self):
   print( + 'from execute 1')

def execute_replacement2(self):
   print( + 'from execute 2')

if __name__ == '__main__':
   strat0 = StrategyExample()
   strat1 = StrategyExample(execute_replacement1) = 'Strategy Example 1'
   strat2 = StrategyExample(execute_replacement2) = 'Strategy Example 2'


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

strategy pattern



It provides a list of strategies from the functions, which execute the output. The major focus of this behavior pattern is behavior.

Python Design Patterns - Template


A template pattern defines a basic algorithm in a base class using abstract operation where subclasses override the concrete behavior. The template pattern keeps the outline of algorithm in a separate method. This method is referred as the template method.

以下是模板模式的不同特点 −

Following are the different features of the template pattern −

  1. It defines the skeleton of algorithm in an operation

  2. It includes subclasses, which redefine certain steps of an algorithm.

class MakeMeal:

   def prepare(self): pass
   def cook(self): pass
   def eat(self): pass

   def go(self):

class MakePizza(MakeMeal):
   def prepare(self):
      print "Prepare Pizza"

   def cook(self):
      print "Cook Pizza"

   def eat(self):
      print "Eat Pizza"

class MakeTea(MakeMeal):
   def prepare(self):
      print "Prepare Tea"

   def cook(self):
      print "Cook Tea"

   def eat(self):
      print "Eat Tea"

makePizza = MakePizza()

print 25*"+"

makeTea = MakeTea()


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

template pattern



This code creates a template to prepare meal. Here, each parameter represents the attribute to create a part of meal like tea, pizza, etc.


The output represents the visualization of attributes.

Python Design Patterns - Flyweight

享元模式属于结构设计模式类别。它提供了一种减少对象数量的方法。它包括有助于改进应用程序结构的各种功能。享元对象最重要的特点是不变的。这意味着创建后它们不能被修改。该模式使用 HashMap 来存储引用对象。

The flyweight patterb comes under the structural design patterns category. It provides a way to decrease object count. It includes various features that help in improving application structure. The most important feature of the flyweight objects is immutable. This means that they cannot be modified once constructed. The pattern uses a HashMap to store reference objects.

How to implement the flyweight pattern?

以下程序有助于实现享元模式 −

The following program helps in implementing the flyweight pattern −

class ComplexGenetics(object):
   def __init__(self):

   def genes(self, gene_code):
      return "ComplexPatter[%s]TooHugeinSize" % (gene_code)
class Families(object):
   family = {}

   def __new__(cls, name, family_id):
         id =[family_id]
      except KeyError:
         id = object.__new__(cls)[family_id] = id
      return id

   def set_genetic_info(self, genetic_info):
      cg = ComplexGenetics()
      self.genetic_info = cg.genes(genetic_info)

   def get_genetic_info(self):
      return (self.genetic_info)

def test():
   data = (('a', 1, 'ATAG'), ('a', 2, 'AAGT'), ('b', 1, 'ATAG'))
   family_objects = []
   for i in data:
      obj = Families(i[0], i[1])

   for i in family_objects:
      print "id = " + str(id(i))
      print i.get_genetic_info()
   print "similar id's says that they are same objects "

if __name__ == '__main__':


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

flyweight pattern

Python Design Patterns - Abstract Factory


The abstract factory pattern is also called factory of factories. This design pattern comes under the creational design pattern category. It provides one of the best ways to create an object.


It includes an interface, which is responsible for creating objects related to Factory.

How to implement the abstract factory pattern?


The following program helps in implementing the abstract factory pattern.

class Window:
   __toolkit = ""
   __purpose = ""

   def __init__(self, toolkit, purpose):
      self.__toolkit = toolkit
      self.__purpose = purpose

   def getToolkit(self):
      return self.__toolkit

   def getType(self):
      return self.__purpose

class GtkToolboxWindow(Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Window.__init__(self, "Gtk", "ToolboxWindow")

class GtkLayersWindow(Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Window.__init__(self, "Gtk", "LayersWindow")

class GtkMainWindow(Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Window.__init__(self, "Gtk", "MainWindow")

class QtToolboxWindow(Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Window.__init__(self, "Qt", "ToolboxWindow")

class QtLayersWindow(Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Window.__init__(self, "Qt", "LayersWindow")

class QtMainWindow(Window):
   def __init__(self):
      Window.__init__(self, "Qt", "MainWindow")

# Abstract factory class
class UIFactory:
   def getToolboxWindow(self): pass
   def getLayersWindow(self): pass
   def getMainWindow(self): pass

class GtkUIFactory(UIFactory):
   def getToolboxWindow(self):
      return GtkToolboxWindow()
   def getLayersWindow(self):
      return GtkLayersWindow()
   def getMainWindow(self):
      return GtkMainWindow()

class QtUIFactory(UIFactory):
   def getToolboxWindow(self):
      return QtToolboxWindow()
   def getLayersWindow(self):
      return QtLayersWindow()
   def getMainWindow(self):
      return QtMainWindow()

if __name__ == "__main__":
   gnome = True
   kde = not gnome

   if gnome:
      ui = GtkUIFactory()
   elif kde:
      ui = QtUIFactory()

   toolbox = ui.getToolboxWindow()
   layers = ui.getLayersWindow()
   main = ui.getMainWindow()

   print "%s:%s" % (toolbox.getToolkit(), toolbox.getType())
   print "%s:%s" % (layers.getToolkit(), layers.getType())
   print "%s:%s" % (main.getToolkit(), main.getType())


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

abstract factory pattern



In the above program, the abstract factory creates objects for each window. It calls for each method, which executes the output as expected.

Python Design Patterns - Object Oriented


The object oriented pattern is the most commonly used pattern. This pattern can be found in almost every programming language.

How to implement the object oriented pattern?


Let us now see how to implement the object oriented pattern.

class Parrot:
   # class attribute
   species = "bird"

   # instance attribute
   def __init__(self, name, age): = name
      self.age = age

# instantiate the Parrot class
blu = Parrot("Blu", 10)
woo = Parrot("Woo", 15)

# access the class attributes
print("Blu is a {}".format(blu.__class__.species))
print("Woo is also a {}".format(woo.__class__.species))

# access the instance attributes
print("{} is {} years old".format(, blu.age))
print("{} is {} years old".format(, woo.age))



The above program generates the following output

object oriented



The code includes class attribute and instance attributes, which are printed as per the requirement of the output. There are various features that form part of the object oriented pattern. The features are explained in the next chapter.

Object Oriented Concepts Implementation

在本章中,我们将重点关注使用面向对象概念的模式及其在 Python 中的实现。当我们围绕语句块设计我们的程序时,这些语句块围绕函数处理数据,这称为过程化编程。在面向对象编程中,有两个称为类和对象的主实例。

In this chapter, we will focus on patterns using object oriented concepts and its implementation in Python. When we design our programs around blocks of statements, which manipulate the data around functions, it is called procedure-oriented programming. In object-oriented programming, there are two main instances called classes and objects.

How to implement classes and object variables?

类和对象变量的实现如下 −

The implementation of classes and object variables are as follows −

class Robot:
   population = 0

   def __init__(self, name): = name
      print("(Initializing {})".format(
      Robot.population += 1

   def die(self):
      print("{} is being destroyed!".format(
      Robot.population -= 1
      if Robot.population == 0:
         print("{} was the last one.".format(
         print("There are still {:d} robots working.".format(

   def say_hi(self):
      print("Greetings, my masters call me {}.".format(

   def how_many(cls):
      print("We have {:d} robots.".format(cls.population))
droid1 = Robot("R2-D2")

droid2 = Robot("C-3PO")

print("\nRobots can do some work here.\n")

print("Robots have finished their work. So let's destroy them.")



上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

object oriented concepts implementation



This illustration helps to demonstrate the nature of class and object variables.

  1. “population” belongs to the “Robot” class. Hence, it is referred to as a class variable or object.

  2. Here, we refer to the population class variable as Robot.population and not as self.population.

Python Design Patterns - Iterator


The iterator design pattern falls under the behavioral design patterns category. Developers come across the iterator pattern in almost every programming language. This pattern is used in such a way that it helps to access the elements of a collection (class) in sequential manner without understanding the underlying layer design.

How to implement the iterator pattern?


We will now see how to implement the iterator pattern.

import time

def fib():
   a, b = 0, 1
   while True:
      yield b
      a, b = b, a + b

g = fib()

   for e in g:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
   print("Calculation stopped")


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


如果您关注该模式,将使用迭代器模式打印斐波纳契数列。在用户强制结束时,将打印以下输出 -

If you focus on the pattern, Fibonacci series is printed with the iterator pattern. On forceful termination of user, the following output is printed −

fibonacci series


此 Python 代码遵循迭代器模式。此处,递增运算符用于启动计数。计数在用户强制结束时结束。

This python code follows the iterator pattern. Here, the increment operators are used to start the count. The count ends on forceful termination by the user.

Python Design Patterns - Dictionaries

字典是包含键值组合的数据结构。这些已广泛用于 JSON - JavaScript 对象表示法。字典用于 API(应用程序编程接口)编程。字典将一组对象映射到另一组对象。字典是可变的;这意味着可以根据需要随时更改它们。

Dictionaries are the data structures, which include a key value combination. These are widely used in place of JSON – JavaScript Object Notation. Dictionaries are used for API (Application Programming Interface) programming. A dictionary maps a set of objects to another set of objects. Dictionaries are mutable; this means they can be changed as and when needed based on the requirements.

How to implement dictionaries in Python?

以下程序展示了 Python 中字典的基本实现,从创建到实现。

The following program shows the basic implementation of dictionaries in Python starting from its creation to its implementation.

# Create a new dictionary
d = dict() # or d = {}

# Add a key - value pairs to dictionary
d['xyz'] = 123
d['abc'] = 345

# print the whole dictionary

# print only the keys

# print only values

# iterate over dictionary
for i in d :
   print("%s %d" %(i, d[i]))

# another method of iteration
for index, value in enumerate(d):
   print (index, value , d[value])

# check if key exist 23. Python Data Structure –print('xyz' in d)

# delete the key-value pair
del d['xyz']

# check again
print("xyz" in d)


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


*注意 - * Python 中字典的实现存在缺点。

*Note −*There are drawbacks related to the implementation of dictionaries in Python.



Dictionaries do not support the sequence operation of the sequence data types like strings, tuples and lists. These belong to the built-in mapping type.

Lists Data Structure

Lists 数据结构是 Python 中一个通用的数据类型,它可以写成方括号中逗号分隔的值列表。

The Lists data structure is a versatile datatype in Python, which can be written as a list of comma separated values between square brackets.


以下是结构的基本语法 -

Here is the basic syntax for the structure −

List_name = [ elements ];


If you observe, the syntax is declared like arrays with the only difference that lists can include elements with different data types. The arrays include elements of the same data type. A list can contain a combination of strings, integers and objects. Lists can be used for the implementation of stacks and queues.


Lists are mutable. These can be changed as and when needed.

How to implement lists?

以下程序显示了列表的实现 -

The following program shows the implementations of lists −

my_list = ['p','r','o','b','e']
# Output: p

# Output: o

# Output: e

# Error! Only integer can be used for indexing
# my_list[4.0]

# Nested List
n_list = ["Happy", [2,0,1,5]]

# Nested indexing

# Output: a

# Output: 5


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

list data structure

Python 列表的内置函数如下 -

The built-in functions of Python lists are as follows −

  1. Append()− It adds element to the end of list.

  2. Extend()− It adds elements of the list to another list.

  3. Insert()− It inserts an item to the defined index.

  4. Remove()− It deletes the element from the specified list.

  5. Reverse()− It reverses the elements in list.

  6. sort() − It helps to sort elements in chronological order.

Python Design Patterns - Sets

集合可以定义为可迭代、可变且不包含重复元素的无序集合。在 Python 中,集合类是数学集合的表示形式。使用集合的主要优点是它包括检查特定元素的高度优化方法。

A set can be defined as unordered collection that is iterable, mutable and there is no inclusion of duplicate elements in it. In Python, set class is a notation of mathematical set. The main advantage of using a set is that it includes highly optimized method for checking specific element.

Python 包含一个称为冻结集合的单独类别。这些集合是不可变对象,只支持产生所需结果的方法和运算符。

Python includes a separate category called frozen sets. These sets are immutable objects that only support methods and operators that produce a required result.

How to implement sets?

以下程序有助于实现集合 −

The following program helps in the implementation of sets −

# Set in Python

# Creating two sets
set1 = set()
set2 = set()

# Adding elements to set1
for i in range(1, 6):

# Adding elements to set2
for i in range(3, 8):

print("Set1 = ", set1)
print("Set2 = ", set2)

# Union of set1 and set2
set3 = set1 | set2# set1.union(set2)
print("Union of Set1 & Set2: Set3 = ", set3)

# Intersection of set1 and set2
set4 = set1 & set2# set1.intersection(set2)
print("Intersection of Set1 & Set2: Set4 = ", set4)

# Checking relation between set3 and set4
if set3 > set4: # set3.issuperset(set4)
   print("Set3 is superset of Set4")
elif set3 < set4: # set3.issubset(set4)
   print("Set3 is subset of Set4")
else : # set3 == set4
   print("Set3 is same as Set4")

# displaying relation between set4 and set3
if set4 < set3: # set4.issubset(set3)
   print("Set4 is subset of Set3")

# difference between set3 and set4
set5 = set3 - set4
print("Elements in Set3 and not in Set4: Set5 = ", set5)

# checkv if set4 and set5 are disjoint sets
if set4.isdisjoint(set5):
   print("Set4 and Set5 have nothing in common\n")

# Removing all the values of set5

print("After applying clear on sets Set5: ")
print("Set5 = ", set5)


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


冻结集合可以使用以下程序进行演示 −

The frozen set can be demonstrated using the following program −

normal_set = set(["a", "b","c"])

# Adding an element to normal set is fine

print("Normal Set")

# A frozen set
frozen_set = frozenset(["e", "f", "g"])

print("Frozen Set")


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

frozen set

Python Design Patterns - Queues

队列是一组对象,它定义一个遵循 FIFO(快速进先出)和 LIFO(后进先出)程序的简单数据结构。插入和删除操作分别称为 enqueuedequeue 操作。

Queue is a collection of objects, which define a simple data structure following the FIFO (Fast In Fast Out) and the LIFO (Last In First Out) procedures. The insert and delete operations are referred as enqueue and dequeue operations.


Queues do not allow random access to the objects they contain.

How to implement the FIFO procedure?

以下程序有助于实现 FIFO−

The following program helps in the implementation of FIFO −

import Queue

q = Queue.Queue()

#put items at the end of the queue
for x in range(4):
   q.put("item-" + str(x))

#remove items from the head of the queue
while not q.empty():
   print q.get()


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


How to implement the LIFO procedure?

以下程序有助于实现 LIFO 程序−

The following program helps in the implementation of the LIFO procedure −

import Queue

q = Queue.LifoQueue()

#add items at the head of the queue
for x in range(4):
   q.put("item-" + str(x))

#remove items from the head of the queue
while not q.empty():
   print q.get()


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


What is a Priority Queue?


Priority queue is a container data structure that manages a set of records with the ordered keys to provide quick access to the record with smallest or largest key in specified data structure.

How to implement a priority queue?


The implementation of priority queue is as follows −

import Queue

class Task(object):
   def __init__(self, priority, name):
      self.priority = priority = name

   def __cmp__(self, other):
      return cmp(self.priority, other.priority)

q = Queue.PriorityQueue()

q.put( Task(100, 'a not agent task') )
q.put( Task(5, 'a highly agent task') )
q.put( Task(10, 'an important task') )

while not q.empty():
   cur_task = q.get()
	print 'process task:',


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −

priority queues

Strings and Serialization

字符串序列化是将对象的状态写入字节流的过程。在 Python 中,“pickle”库用于启用序列化。该模块包括用于序列化和反序列化 Python 对象结构的强大算法。“酸洗”是将 Python 对象层次结构转换为字节流的过程,“去酸洗”是相反的过程。

String serialization is the process of writing a state of object into a byte stream. In python, the “pickle” library is used for enabling serialization. This module includes a powerful algorithm for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure. “Pickling” is the process of converting Python object hierarchy into byte stream and “unpickling” is the reverse procedure.

pickle 模块的演示如下−

The demonstration of the pickle module is as follows −

import pickle

#Here's an example dict
grades = { 'Alice': 89, 'Bob': 72, 'Charles': 87 }

#Use dumps to convert the object to a serialized string
serial_grades = pickle.dumps( grades )

#Use loads to de-serialize an object
received_grades = pickle.loads( serial_grades )


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


Concurrency in Python

并发经常被误解为并行。并发意味着以系统化的方式计划执行独立的代码。本章重点介绍使用 Python 为操作系统执行并发性。

Concurrency is often misunderstood as parallelism. Concurrency implies scheduling independent code to be executed in a systematic manner. This chapter focuses on the execution of concurrency for an operating system using Python.


The following program helps in the execution of concurrency for an operating system −

import os
import time
import threading
import multiprocessing


def only_sleep():
   print("PID: %s, Process Name: %s, Thread Name: %s" % (

def crunch_numbers():
   print("PID: %s, Process Name: %s, Thread Name: %s" % (
   x = 0
   while x < 10000000:
      x += 1
for _ in range(NUM_WORKERS):
end_time = time.time()
print("Serial time=", end_time - start_time)

# Run tasks using threads
start_time = time.time()
threads = [threading.Thread(target=only_sleep) for _ in range(NUM_WORKERS)]
[thread.start() for thread in threads]
[thread.join() for thread in threads]
end_time = time.time()

print("Threads time=", end_time - start_time)

# Run tasks using processes
start_time = time.time()
processes = [multiprocessing.Process(target=only_sleep()) for _ in range(NUM_WORKERS)]
[process.start() for process in processes]
[process.join() for process in processes]
end_time = time.time()

print("Parallel time=", end_time - start_time)


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −



“multiprocessing”是一个类似于 threading 模块的包。该包支持本地和远程并发。由于该模块,程序员可以利用给定系统上的多个进程。

“multiprocessing” is a package similar to the threading module. This package supports local and remote concurrency. Due to this module, programmers get the advantage to use multiple processes on the given system.

Python Design Patterns - Anti


Anti-patterns follow a strategy in opposition to predefined design patterns. The strategy includes common approaches to common problems, which can be formalized and can be generally considered as a good development practice. Usually, anti-patterns are opposite and undesirable. Anti- patterns are certain patterns used in software development, which are considered as bad programming practices.

Important features of anti-patterns


Let us now see a few important features of anti-patterns.



These patterns literally break your code and make you do wrong things. Following is a simple illustration of this −

class Rectangle(object):
def __init__(self, width, height):
self._width = width
self._height = height
r = Rectangle(5, 6)
# direct access of protected member
print("Width: {:d}".format(r._width))



A program is said to be maintainable if it is easy to understand and modify as per the requirement. Importing module can be considered as an example of maintainability.

import math
x = math.ceil(y)
# or
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.pool(8)

Example of anti-pattern

以下示例有助于演示反模式 −

Following example helps in the demonstration of anti-patterns −

def filter_for_foo(l):
   r = [e for e in l if e.find("foo") != -1]
   if not check_some_critical_condition(r):
      return None
   return r

res = filter_for_foo(["bar","foo","faz"])

if res is not None:
   #continue processing

def filter_for_foo(l):
   r = [e for e in l if e.find("foo") != -1]
   if not check_some_critical_condition(r):
      raise SomeException("critical condition unmet!")
   return r

   res = filter_for_foo(["bar","foo","faz"])
   #continue processing

except SomeException:
   i = 0
while i < 10:
   #we forget to increment i


该示例包括展示在 Python 中创建函数的良好和不良标准。

The example includes the demonstration of good and bad standards for creating a function in Python.

Python Design Patterns - Exception Handling


Handling exceptions is also a primary criterion of design patterns. An exception is an error that happens during the execution of a program. When a particular error occurs, it is important to generate an exception. This helps in curbing program crashes.

Why use exceptions?


Exceptions are convenient ways of handling errors and special conditions in a program. When a user thinks that the specified code can produce an error then it is important to use exception handling.

Example – Division by zero

import sys

randomList = ['a', 0, 2]

for entry in randomList:
      print("The entry is", entry)
      r = 1/int(entry)
      print("Next entry.")
print("The reciprocal of",entry,"is",r)


上述程序生成以下输出 −

The above program generates the following output −


Raising Exceptions

在 Python 编程中,特别是当运行时发生相应的代码错误时,会引发异常。这可以用 “raise” 关键字强制引发。

In Python programming specifically, exceptions are raised when corresponding error of code occurs at run time. This can be forcefully raised using the “raise” keyword.


   raise KeyboardInterrupt
Traceback (most recent call last):