Python Digital Forensics 简明教程

Python Digital Forensics - Introduction


This chapter will give you an introduction to what digital forensics is all about, and its historical review. You will also understand where you can apply digital forensics in real life and its limitations.

What is Digital Forensics?


Digital forensics may be defined as the branch of forensic science that analyzes, examines, identifies and recovers the digital evidences residing on electronic devices. It is commonly used for criminal law and private investigations.


For example, you can rely on digital forensics extract evidences in case somebody steals some data on an electronic device.

Brief Historical Review of Digital Forensics


The history of computer crimes and the historical review of digital forensics is explained in this section as given below −

1970s-1980s: First Computer Crime

在这一年代之前,没有计算机犯罪被承认。然而,如果它发生了,那时现有的法律会处理它们。后来,在 1978 年,弗罗里达州计算机犯罪法案中承认了第一起计算机犯罪,其中包括针对计算机系统上数据未经授权修改或删除的法规。但随着时间的推移,由于技术的进步,计算机犯罪的范围也在增加。为了处理与版权、隐私和儿童色情有关的犯罪,通过了各种其他法律。

Prior to this decade, no computer crime has been recognized. However, if it is supposed to happen, the then existing laws dealt with them. Later, in 1978 the first computer crime was recognized in Florida Computer Crime Act, which included legislation against unauthorized modification or deletion of data on a computer system. But over the time, due to the advancement of technology, the range of computer crimes being committed also increased. To deal with crimes related to copyright, privacy and child pornography, various other laws were passed.

1980s-1990s: Development Decade

这一年代是数字取证的发展年代,所有这一切都是因为有史以来第一次调查(1986 年),Cliff Stoll 追踪了名为 Markus Hess 的黑客。在此期间,发展了两种数字取证学科——第一种在将此作为一种爱好来进行操作的执业者帮助下,利用特设工具和技术;而第二种由科学界开发。1992 年,术语 “计算机取证” 在学术文献中使用。

This decade was the development decade for digital forensics, all because of the first ever investigation (1986) in which Cliff Stoll tracked the hacker named Markus Hess. During this period, two kind of digital forensics disciplines developed – first was with the help of ad-hoc tools and techniques developed by practitioners who took it as a hobby, while the second being developed by scientific community. In 1992, the term *“Computer Forensics”*was used in academic literature.

2000s-2010s: Decade of Standardization

在数字取证发展到一定程度后,需要制定一些在进行调查时可以遵循的具体标准。相应地,各种科学机构和机构已经公布了数字取证指南。2002 年,数字证据科学工作组 (SWGDE) 发表了一篇名为“计算机取证最佳实践”的论文。另一项成就是一个由欧洲主导的国际条约,即 “The Convention on Cybercrime” 由 43 个国家签署,并由 16 个国家批准。即使有这样的标准,仍然需要解决研究人员发现的一些问题。

After the development of digital forensics to a certain level, there was a need of making some specific standards that can be followed while performing investigations. Accordingly, various scientific agencies and bodies have published guidelines for digital forensics. In 2002, Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) published a paper named “Best practices for Computer Forensics”. Another feather in the cap was a European led international treaty namely “The Convention on Cybercrime” was signed by 43 nations and ratified by 16 nations. Even after such standards, still there is a need to resolve some issues which has been identified by researchers.

Process of Digital Forensics

自 1978 年第一起计算机犯罪以来,数字犯罪活动大幅增加。由于这种增加,需要以结构化的方式来处理它们。1984 年,已经引入了一个正式的流程,在此之后,已经开发了许多新的和改进的计算机取证调查流程。

Since first ever computer crime in 1978, there is a huge increment in digital criminal activities. Due to this increment, there is a need for structured manner to deal with them. In 1984, a formalized process has been introduced and after that a great number of new and improved computer forensics investigation processes have been developed.


A computer forensics investigation process involves three major phases as explained below −

Phase 1: Acquisition or Imaging of Exhibits

数字取证的第一阶段涉及保存数字系统状态,以便以后进行分析。它非常类似于从犯罪现场拍摄照片、抽取血样等。例如,它涉及捕获硬盘或 RAM 的已分配和未分配区域的图像。

The first phase of digital forensics involves saving the state of the digital system so that it can be analyzed later. It is very much similar to taking photographs, blood samples etc. from a crime scene. For example, it involves capturing an image of allocated and unallocated areas of a hard disk or RAM.

Phase 2: Analysis


The input of this phase is the data acquired in the acquisition phase. Here, this data was examined to identify evidences. This phase gives three kinds of evidences as follows −

  1. Inculpatory evidences − These evidences support a given history.

  2. Exculpatory evidences − These evidences contradict a given history.

  3. Evidence of tampering − These evidences show that the system was tempered to avoid identification. It includes examining the files and directory content for recovering the deleted files.

Phase 3: Presentation or Reporting


As the name suggests, this phase presents the conclusion and corresponding evidences from the investigation.

Applications of Digital Forensics

数字取证涉及收集、分析和保存包含在任何数字设备中的证据。数字取证的使用取决于应用程序。正如前面提到的,它主要用于以下两个应用程序 -

Digital forensics deals with gathering, analyzing and preserving the evidences that are contained in any digital device. The use of digital forensics depends on the application. As mentioned earlier, it is used mainly in the following two applications −

Criminal Law


In criminal law, the evidence is collected to support or oppose a hypothesis in the court. Forensics procedures are very much similar to those used in criminal investigations but with different legal requirements and limitations.

Private Investigation


Mainly corporate world uses digital forensics for private investigation. It is used when companies are suspicious that employees may be performing an illegal activity on their computers that is against company policy. Digital forensics provides one of the best routes for company or person to take when investigating someone for digital misconduct.

Branches of Digital Forensics

然而,数字犯罪并不仅限于计算机,黑客和罪犯也在大规模使用平板电脑、智能手机等小型数字设备。一些设备具有易失性内存,而另一些则具有非易失性内存。因此,根据设备类型,数字取证有以下分支 -

The digital crime is not restricted to computers alone, however hackers and criminals are using small digital devices such as tablets, smart-phones etc. at a very large scale too. Some of the devices have volatile memory, while others have non-volatile memory. Hence depending upon type of devices, digital forensics has the following branches −

Computer Forensics

数字取证的这一分支涉及计算机、嵌入式系统和 USB 驱动器等静态内存。可以在计算机取证中调查从日志到驱动器上实际文件的广泛信息。

This branch of digital forensics deals with computers, embedded systems and static memories such as USB drives. Wide range of information from logs to actual files on drive can be investigated in computer forensics.

Mobile Forensics


This deals with investigation of data from mobile devices. This branch is different from computer forensics in the sense that mobile devices have an inbuilt communication system which is useful for providing useful information related to location.

Network Forensics

这涉及监视和分析计算机网络流量,包括本地和广域网 (WAN),以进行信息收集、证据收集或入侵检测。

This deals with the monitoring and analysis of computer network traffic, both local and WAN(wide area network) for the purposes of information gathering, evidence collection, or intrusion detection.

Database Forensics


This branch of digital forensics deals with forensics study of databases and their metadata.

Skills Required for Digital Forensics Investigation

数字取证检查员帮助追踪黑客、恢复被盗数据、追踪计算机攻击的来源,并协助涉及计算机的其他类型的调查。下面讨论成为数字取证检查员所需的一些关键技能 -

Digital forensics examiners help to track hackers, recover stolen data, follow computer attacks back to their source, and aid in other types of investigations involving computers. Some of the key skills required to become digital forensics examiner as discussed below −

Outstanding Thinking Capabilities


A digital forensics investigator must be an outstanding thinker and should be capable of applying different tools and methodologies on a particular assignment for obtaining the output. He/she must be able to find different patterns and make correlations among them.

Technical Skills


A digital forensics examiner must have good technological skills because this field requires the knowledge of network, how digital system interacts.

Passionate about Cyber Security


Because the field of digital forensics is all about solving cyber-crimes and this is a tedious task, it needs lot of passion for someone to become an ace digital forensic investigator.

Communication Skills


Good communication skills are a must to coordinate with various teams and to extract any missing data or information.

Skillful in Report Making


After successful implementation of acquisition and analysis, a digital forensic examiner must mention all the findings the final report and presentation. Hence he/she must have good skills of report making and an attention to detail.


数字取证调查提供了一定的限制,如下所述 -

Digital forensic investigation offers certain limitations as discussed here −

Need to produce convincing evidences


One of the major setbacks of digital forensics investigation is that the examiner must have to comply with standards that are required for the evidence in the court of law, as the data can be easily tampered. On the other hand, computer forensic investigator must have complete knowledge of legal requirements, evidence handling and documentation procedures to present convincing evidences in the court of law.

Investigating Tools


The effectiveness of digital investigation entirely lies on the expertise of digital forensics examiner and the selection of proper investigation tool. If the tool used is not according to specified standards then in the court of law, the evidences can be denied by the judge.

Lack of technical knowledge among the audience


Another limitation is that some individuals are not completely familiar with computer forensics; therefore, many people do not understand this field. Investigators have to be sure to communicate their findings with the courts in such a way to help everyone understand the results.



Producing digital evidences and preserving them is very costly. Hence this process may not be chosen by many people who cannot afford the cost.