Python Falcon 简明教程
Python Falcon - Cookies
Cookie 以文本文件形式存储在客户端计算机上。其目的是记住并跟踪与客户端使用相关的数据,以便提供更好的访问者体验和网站统计信息。
A cookie is stored on a client’s computer in the form of a text file. Its purpose is to remember and track data pertaining to a client’s usage for better visitor experience and site statistics.
请求对象包含 Cookie 的属性。它是客户端已传输的所有 Cookie 变量及其相应值的字典对象。此外,Cookie 还存储其过期时间、路径和网站的域名。
A Request object contains a cookie’s attribute. It is a dictionary object of all the cookie variables and their corresponding values, a client has transmitted. In addition to it, a cookie also stores its expiry time, path and domain name of the site.
在 Falcon 中,使用 set_cookie() 方法在响应对象上设置 Cookie。
In Falcon, cookies are set on response object using set_cookie() method.
resp.set_cookie('cookiename', 'cookievalue')
此外,Cookie 的参数 max_age (以秒为单位)和域名也可以给出。
Additionally, the arguments max_age of cookie in seconds and domain name can also be given.
import falcon
import json
from waitress import serve
class resource1:
def on_post(self, req, resp):
resp.set_cookie("user", 'admin')
resp.text = "cookie set successfully."
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_OK
resp.content_type = falcon.MEDIA_TEXT
From the command line, invoke the responder method as −
http POST localhost:8000/cookie
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 24
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 06:56:30 GMT
Server: waitress
Set-Cookie: user=admin; HttpOnly; Secure
cookie set successfully.
也可以使用响应对象的 append_header() 方法设置 Cookie Set-cookie 头。
The cookie Set-cookie header can also be set using append_header() method of response object.
要检索 Cookie,请求对象具有 request.cookies 属性以及 get_cookie_values() 方法。
To retrieve the cookies, the request object has request.cookies property as well as get_cookie_values() method.
def on_get(self, req, resp):
values = req.get_cookie_values('user')
if values:
v = values[0]
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_OK
resp.content_type = falcon.MEDIA_JSON
响应对象的 unset_cookie 方法用于清除当前请求的 Cookie。
The unset_cookie method of response object clears the cookie for the current request.
对于 ASGI 应用程序, falcon.asgi.Request 与 falcon.Request 实现了相同的 Cookie 方法和属性。 set_cookie() 和 append_header() 的 ASGI 版本是同步的,因此不需要等候。
For ASGI applications, falcon.asgi.Request implements the same cookie methods and properties as falcon.Request. The ASGI versions of set_cookie() and append_header() are synchronous, so they do not need to be awaited.