Python Falcon 简明教程
Python Falcon - Uvicorn
Uvicorn 使用 uvloop 和 httptools 库。它还提供对 HTTP/2 和 Websocket 的支持,而 WSGI 无法处理它们。 uvloop 类似于内置 asyncio 事件循环。 httptools 库处理 http 协议。
Uvicorn uses uvloop and httptools libraries. It also provides support for HTTP/2 and WebSockets, which cannot be handled by WSGI. uvloop is similar to the built-in asyncio event loop. httptools library handles the http protocols.
Falcon 的 ASGI 兼容应用程序在 Uvicorn 服务器上使用以下命令启动:
Falcon’s ASGI compliant application is launched on Uvicorn server with following command −
Uvicorn hellofalcon:app – reload
--reload 选项启用调试模式,以便 中的任何更改都将自动反映,并且客户端浏览器上的显示将自动刷新。此外,可以使用以下命令行选项:
The --reload option enables the debug mode, so that any changes in will be automatically reflected and the display on the client browser will be automatically refreshed. In addition, the following command-line options may be used −
--host TEXT |
Bind socket to this host. [default] |
--port INTEGER |
Bind socket to this port. [default 8000] |
--uds TEXT |
Bind to a UNIX domain socket. |
--fd INTEGER |
Bind to socket from this file descriptor. |
--reload |
Enable auto-reload. |
--reload-dir PATH |
Set reload directories explicitly, default current working directory. |
--reload-include TEXT |
Include files while watching. Includes '*.py' by default |
--reload-exclude TEXT |
Exclude while watching for files. |
--reload-delay FLOAT |
Delay between previous and next check default 0.25 |
--loop [auto |
asyncio |
uvloop] |
Event loop implementation. [default auto] |
--http [auto |
h11 |
httptools] |
HTTP protocol implementation. [default auto] |
--interface auto |
asgi |
wsgi |
Select application interface. [default auto] |
--env-file PATH |
Environment configuration file. |
--log-config PATH |
Logging configuration file. Supported formats .ini, .json, .yaml. |
--version |
Display the Uvicorn version and exit. |
--app-dir TEXT |
Look for APP in the specified directory default current directory |
--help |
Show this message and exit. |
Uvicorn 服务器也可以在程序内部启动,而不是通过上述命令行。要执行该操作,请导入 uvicorn 模块并调用 方法,如下所示 −
The Uvicorn server can also be launched from within the program instead of the above command line. To do that, import uvicorn module and call method as shown below −
import uvicorn
if __name__ == "__main__":"hellofalcon:app", host="", port=8000, reload=True)
相应地更改 代码,并从命令提示符执行相同操作。可以使用 curl 命令或在浏览器中验证结果,如前所述。
Change the code accordingly, and execute the same from command prompt. The result can be verified by the curl command or in the browser as explained earlier.