Python Forensics 简明教程

Python Forensics - Installation of Python

由于我们在所有计算法医学活动中都需要 Python,让我们逐步进行并了解如何安装它。

As we need Python for all the activities of computational forensics, let us move step by step and understand how to install it.

Step 1 − 转到 并根据系统上的操作系统下载 Python 的安装文件。

Step 1 − Go to and download the installation files of Python according to the Operating System you have on your system.

download installation files

Step 2 − 下载软件包/安装程序后,点击 exe 文件启动安装过程。

Step 2 − After downloading the package/installer, click on the exe file to start the installation process.

start installation


You will get to see the following screen after the installation is complete.

installation completed

Step 3 − 接下来的步骤是设置系统中的 Python 环境变量。

Step 3 − The next step is to set the environment variables of Python in your system.

set environment variables

Step 4 − 设置环境变量后,在命令提示符中输入命令“python”以验证安装是否成功。

Step 4 − Once the environment variables are set, type the command "python" on the command prompt to verify whether the installation was successful or not.


If the installation was successful, then you will get the following output on the console.

installation output