Python Network Programming 简明教程
Python - HTTP Authentication
Authentication is the process of determining if the request has come from a valid user who has the required privileges to use the system. In the world of computer networking this is a very vital requirement as many systems keep interacting with each other and proper mechanism needs to ensure that only valid interactions happen between these programs.
python 模块名称`@ {s2}`具有内置功能,可以调用由提供服务的网络应用程序提供的各种 API 及用户凭证。这些凭据必须嵌入到调用程序中。如果 API 成功验证凭据,则会进行有效的登录。
The python module names requests has in-built feature to call various APIs provided by the serving web apps along with the user credentials. These credentials have to be embedded in the calling program. If the APIs verify it successfully then a valid login happens.
Installing Requests
我们安装名为 requests 的必需 python 模块来运行身份验证程序。
We install the required python module named requests for running the authentication program.
pip install requests
Authenticating to Github
Below we see a simple authentication mechanism involving only the username and the password. A successful response indicates valid login.
import requests
r = requests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass'))
print r
When we run the above program, we get the following output −