Python Pandas 简明教程
Python Pandas - Working with Text Data
In this chapter, we will discuss the string operations with our basic Series/Index. In the subsequent chapters, we will learn how to apply these string functions on the DataFrame.
Pandas 提供了一组字符串函数,使其易于对字符串数据进行操作。最重要的是,这些函数忽略(或排除)缺失/NaN 值。
Pandas provides a set of string functions which make it easy to operate on string data. Most importantly, these functions ignore (or exclude) missing/NaN values.
几乎所有这些方法都适用于 Python 字符串函数(参考: )。因此,将Series对象转换为字符串对象,然后执行操作。
Almost, all of these methods work with Python string functions (refer: So, convert the Series Object to String Object and then perform the operation.
Let us now see how each operation performs.
Sr.No |
Function & Description |
1 |
lower() Converts strings in the Series/Index to lower case. |
2 |
upper() Converts strings in the Series/Index to upper case. |
3 |
len() Computes String length(). |
4 |
strip() Helps strip whitespace(including newline) from each string in the Series/index from both the sides. |
5 |
split(' ') Splits each string with the given pattern. |
6 |
cat(sep=' ') Concatenates the series/index elements with given separator. |
7 |
get_dummies() Returns the DataFrame with One-Hot Encoded values. |
8 |
contains(pattern) Returns a Boolean value True for each element if the substring contains in the element, else False. |
9 |
replace(a,b) Replaces the value a with the value b. |
10 |
repeat(value) Repeats each element with specified number of times. |
11 |
count(pattern) Returns count of appearance of pattern in each element. |
12 |
startswith(pattern) Returns true if the element in the Series/Index starts with the pattern. |
13 |
endswith(pattern) Returns true if the element in the Series/Index ends with the pattern. |
14 |
find(pattern) Returns the first position of the first occurrence of the pattern. |
15 |
findall(pattern) Returns a list of all occurrence of the pattern. |
16 |
swapcase Swaps the case lower/upper. |
17 |
islower() Checks whether all characters in each string in the Series/Index in lower case or not. Returns Boolean |
18 |
isupper() Checks whether all characters in each string in the Series/Index in upper case or not. Returns Boolean. |
19 |
isnumeric() Checks whether all characters in each string in the Series/Index are numeric. Returns Boolean. |
Let us now create a Series and see how all the above functions work.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom', 'William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t', np.nan, '1234','SteveSmith'])
print s
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 Tom
1 William Rick
2 John
3 Alber@t
4 NaN
5 1234
6 Steve Smith
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom', 'William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t', np.nan, '1234','SteveSmith'])
print s.str.lower()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 tom
1 william rick
2 john
3 alber@t
4 NaN
5 1234
6 steve smith
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom', 'William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t', np.nan, '1234','SteveSmith'])
print s.str.upper()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
4 NaN
5 1234
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom', 'William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t', np.nan, '1234','SteveSmith'])
print s.str.len()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 3.0
1 12.0
2 4.0
3 7.0
4 NaN
5 4.0
6 10.0
dtype: float64
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s
print ("After Stripping:")
print s.str.strip()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 Tom
1 William Rick
2 John
3 Alber@t
dtype: object
After Stripping:
0 Tom
1 William Rick
2 John
3 Alber@t
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s
print ("Split Pattern:")
print s.str.split(' ')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 Tom
1 William Rick
2 John
3 Alber@t
dtype: object
Split Pattern:
0 [Tom, , , , , , , , , , ]
1 [, , , , , William, Rick]
2 [John]
3 [Alber@t]
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
Tom _ William Rick_John_Alber@t
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.get_dummies()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
William Rick Alber@t John Tom
0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 1 0 0
contains ()
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.contains(' ')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 True
1 True
2 False
3 False
dtype: bool
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s
print ("After replacing @ with $:")
print s.str.replace('@','$')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 Tom
1 William Rick
2 John
3 Alber@t
dtype: object
After replacing @ with $:
0 Tom
1 William Rick
2 John
3 Alber$t
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.repeat(2)
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 Tom Tom
1 William Rick William Rick
2 JohnJohn
3 Alber@tAlber@t
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print ("The number of 'm's in each string:")
print s.str.count('m')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
The number of 'm's in each string:
0 1
1 1
2 0
3 0
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print ("Strings that start with 'T':")
print s.str. startswith ('T')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 True
1 False
2 False
3 False
dtype: bool
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print ("Strings that end with 't':")
print s.str.endswith('t')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
Strings that end with 't':
0 False
1 False
2 False
3 True
dtype: bool
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.find('e')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 -1
1 -1
2 -1
3 3
dtype: int64
"-1" indicates that there no such pattern available in the element.
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom ', ' William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.findall('e')
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 []
1 []
2 []
3 [e]
dtype: object
空列表([ ])表示元素中没有此类模式。
Null list([ ]) indicates that there is no such pattern available in the element.
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom', 'William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.swapcase()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 tOM
2 jOHN
dtype: object
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series(['Tom', 'William Rick', 'John', 'Alber@t'])
print s.str.islower()
它的 output 如下所示 −
Its output is as follows −
0 False
1 False
2 False
3 False
dtype: bool