Python Pyramid 简明教程

Python Pyramid - Project Structure

如前所述,外部 testproj 文件夹包含 testproj 和 test 包。此外,它还有其他用于描述、运行和测试应用程序的文件。这些文件是 −

As mentioned earlier, the outer testproj folder contains testproj and test packages. In addition, it has other files used to describe, run, and test the application. These files are −

  1. contains list of files to be included in a source distribution of the package.

  2. development.ini is a PasteDeploy configuration file that can be used to execute your application during development.

  3. production.ini is a PasteDeploy configuration file that can be used to execute your application in a production configuration.

  4. pytest.ini is a configuration file for running tests.

  5. is the standard Setuptools file used to test and distribute the application.

  6. testing.ini is a configuration file used to execute the application’s tests.

".ini" 文件是 Cookiecutter 实用程序用来生成 Pyramid 应用程序结构的配置。这些文件使用一个称为 PasteDeploy 的系统,该系统由 Ian Bicking 开发。此库会随 Pyramid 自动安装。

The ".ini" files are the configurations used by Cookiecutter utility to generate the Pyramid application structure. These filesuse a system called PasteDeploy, which has been developed by Ian Bicking. This library is installed automatically along with Pyramid.

尽管可以在没有 PasteDeploy 支持的情况下开发 Pyramid 应用程序,但它提供了一种启动、调试和测试应用程序的标准化方法。

Although a Pyramid application can be developed without PasteDeploy support, it gives a standardized way of starting, debugging and testing the application.

预定义的设置从配置文件中读取(带有 .ini 扩展名)。这些文件主要包含应用程序配置设置、服务器设置和记录设置。

The predefined settings are read from the configuration files (with .ini extension). These files contain mainly the application configuration settings, server settings and logging settings.


如前所示,使用 Cookiecutter 构建的 Pyramid 应用程序由以下命令调用 −

As shown earlier, the Pyramid application built with Cookiecutter is invoked by the following command −

pserve development.ini

development.ini 中包含应用程序的 PasteDeploy 配置规范。该文件中的配置规范包含各种部分,如 [app:main]、[server:main]、[loggers] 等。

The development.ini contains the PasteDeploy configuration specifications of the application. The configuration specifications in this file are having various sections such as [app:main], [server:main], [loggers] etc.

最重要的部分是 [app:main]。它指定应用程序的起始点。

The most important section id [app:main]. It specifies the starting point of the application.

use = egg:testproj

pyramid.reload_templates = true
pyramid.debug_authorization = false
pyramid.debug_notfound = false
pyramid.debug_routematch = false
pyramid.default_locale_name = en
pyramid.includes = pyramid_debugtoolbar

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/testproj.sqlite

retry.attempts = 3

第一个条目“use = egg:testproj”表示 Pyramid WSGI 应用程序对象主函数的名称。它在 textproj 包的 文件(位于 testproj 项目文件夹中)中声明。此部分包含其它启动时间配置设置。

The very first entry "use = egg:testproj" indicates the name of the Pyramid WSGI application object main. It is declared in the file of the textproj package (inside the testproj project folder). This section contains other startup time configuration settings.

例如,“pyramid.includes”设置指定在运行时要包含的包。在上述示例中,包含 debugtoolbar 包,以便在单击 Pyramid 徽标时激活调试面板。我们在前一节中已经了解它的作用。

For instance, the "pyramid.includes" setting specifies the packages to be included in the runtime. In the above example, the debugtoolbar package is included so that the debug panel gets activated when the Pyramid logo is clicked. We have seen its functioning in the earlier section.

我们还会看到,此应用程序中要使用的数据库的 URL 也已指定。

We also see that the URL of the database to be used in this application has also been specified.

[server:main] 部分指定监听在 TCP 端口 6543 上的 WSGI 服务器的配置。它配置为仅监听 localhost (。

The [server:main] section specifies the configuration of a WSGI server which listens on TCP port 6543. It is configured to listen on localhost only (

use = egg:waitress#main
listen = localhost:6543

其它各种与日志记录相关的部分使用 Python 的日志记录库。这些“.ini”文件部分传递给日志记录模块的配置文件配置引擎。

Other various logging related sections use Python’s logging library. These ".ini" file sections are passed to the logging module’s config file configuration engine.



This file used to serve the application instead of the "development.ini" when the application is deployed in the production mode. Both these files are similar. However, in "production.ini", the debug toolbar is disabled, the reload options are disabled and turns off the debugging options.

下面是一个经过精简的典型“production.ini”文件版本 −

Here’s a stripped-down version of typical "production.ini" file −

use = egg:testproj
pyramid.reload_templates = false
pyramid.debug_authorization = false
pyramid.debug_notfound = false
pyramid.debug_routematch = false
pyramid.default_locale_name = en
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/testproj.sqlite
retry.attempts = 3
setup = testproj.pshell.setup
script_location = testproj/alembic
file_template = %%(year)d%%(month).2d%%(day).2d_%%(rev)s
use = egg:waitress#main
listen = *:6543
keys = root, testproj, sqlalchemy, alembic
keys = console
keys = generic
level = WARN
handlers = console
level = WARN
handlers =
qualname = testproj
level = WARN
handlers =
qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
level = WARN
handlers =
qualname = alembic
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s:%(lineno)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s