Python Pyramid 简明教程

Python Pyramid - Route Prefix

很多时候,相同的 URL 模式会使用多个 Python 代码模块向不同的路由注册。例如,我们有一个 ,其中 /list 和 /add URL 模式分别向“列表”和“添加”路由注册。与这些路由关联的视图函数分别是 list()add()

Many times, similar URL patterns are registered with different routes in more than one Python code modules. For example, we have a where /list and /add URL patterns are registered with 'list' and 'add' routes. The view functions associated with these routes are list() and add(), respectively.
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.view import view_config

@view_config( route_name='add')
def add(request):
   return Response('add student')
def list(request):
   return Response('Student list')

def students(config):
   config.add_route('list', '/list')
   config.add_route('add', '/add')

当调用 students() 函数时,最终将注册这些路由。

These routes will eventually be registered when the students() function is called.

与此同时, 中注册了相同的 URL /listadd/ 到“显示”和“新建”路由。它们关联的视图分别是 list() 和 add()。该模块具有添加路由的 books() 函数。

At the same time, there is, in which the same URLs /list and add/ are registered to 'show' and 'new' routes. Their associated views are list() and add() respectively. The module has books() function which adds the routes.
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.view import view_config

@view_config( route_name='new')
def add(request):
   return Response('add book')
def list(request):
   return Response('Book list')
def books(config):
   config.add_route('show', '/list')
   config.add_route('new', '/add')

显然,URL 模式之间存在冲突,因为“/list”和“/add”各指向两个路由,并且必须解决此冲突。这是通过使用 config.include() 方法的 route_prefix 参数来完成的。

Obviously, there is a conflict between URL patterns as '/list' and '/add' point to two routes each and this conflict must be resolved. This is done by using the route_prefix parameter of the config.include() method.

config.include() 的第一个参数是添加 route 的函数,第二个参数是 route_prefix 字符串,它将添加到已包含函数中使用的 URL 模式。

The first parameter to config.include() is the function which adds the routes, and the second is the route_prefix string which will be prepended to the URL pattern used in the included function.


Hence, the statement

config.include(students, route_prefix='/student')

会将“/list”URL 模式更改为 '/student/list',而“/add”变为 'student/add'。类似地,我们可以在 books() 函数中为这些 URL 模式添加前缀。

will result in the '/list' URL pattern changed to '/student/list' and '/add' becomes 'student/add'. Similarly, we can add prefix to these URL patterns in the books() function.

config.include(books, route_prefix='/books')


用于启动服务器的代码如下 −

The code that starts the server is as below −

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.response import Response
from student_routes import students
from book_routes import books

if __name__ == '__main__':
   with Configurator() as config:
      config.include(students, route_prefix='/student')
      config.include(books, route_prefix='/book')
      app = config.make_wsgi_app()
   server = make_server('', 6543, app)


让我们运行以上代码,并通过执行 CURL 命令来测试这些路由。

Let us run the above code and test the routes by following CURL commands.

C:\Users\Acer>curl localhost:6543/student/list
Student list
C:\Users\Acer>curl localhost:6543/student/add
add student
C:\Users\Acer>curl localhost:6543/book/add
add book
C:\Users\Acer>curl localhost:6543/book/list
Book list