Qlikview 简明教程
QlikView - Excel Files
QlikView 通过简单的拖放操作接受 Excel 电子表格以进行数据分析。您需要打开 QlikView 主窗口,并将 Excel 文件拖放到界面中。它会自动创建显示 Excel 数据的工作表。
QlikView accepts Excel spreadsheet for data analysis by simple drag and drop action. You need to open the QlikView main window and drag and drop the excel file into the interface. It will automatically create the sheet showing the excel data.
Select the Excel file
保持 QlikView 主窗口处于打开状态,并浏览至要使用的 Excel 文件。
Keep the main window of QlikView open and browse for the excel file you want to use.
Select a Data Source
将 Excel 文件拖放到主窗口中时,将出现文件向导。文件类型已选择为 Excel。在 Labels 下,选择 Embedded Labels 。单击“下一步”继续。
On dropping the excel file into the main window, the File wizard appears. The File Type is already chosen as Excel. Under Labels, choose Embedded Labels. Click "Next step" to proceed.
Load Script
会出现加载脚本,该脚本显示将数据加载到 QlikView 文档中的命令。可以编辑此命令。
The Load script appears which shows the command that loads the data into the QlikView document. This command can be edited.
现在,Excel 向导会提示以 .qvw file extension. It asks to select a location where you need to save the file. Click "Next step" to proceed. Now it is time to see the data that is loaded from the Excel file. We use a *Table Box 工作表对象的形式保存文件以显示此数据。
Now, the Excel wizard prompts to save the file in the form of .qvw file extension. It asks to select a location where you need to save the file. Click "Next step" to proceed. Now it is time to see the data that is loaded from the Excel file. We use a *Table Box sheet object to display this data.
Create Table Box
Table Box 是一个工作表对象,用于将可用数据显示为表格。它通过 Layout → New Sheet Object → Table Box 菜单进行调用。
The Table Box is a sheet object to display the available data as a table. It is invoked from the menu Layout → New Sheet Object → Table Box.
单击下一步后,我们可以选择表框中的字段。您可以使用 Promote or Demote 按钮重新排列字段。
On clicking Next, we get the option to choose the fields from the Table Box. You can use the Promote or Demote buttons to rearrange the fields.