Qtp 简明教程
QTP - Automated Testing Results
Test Results
The Test Results Window gives us sufficient information to show the steps passed, failed etc. Results window opens automatically after the execution of the test (as per default settings). The following information is displayed −
Steps Passed
Steps Failed
Environment Parameters
Graphical Statistics

Operations performed in Test Results
Converting Results to HTML
In the Results Viewer window, navigate to "File" → "Export to File". Export Run Results dialog box opens as shown below −

我们可以选择要导出的报告类型。它可以是简要结果、详细结果,甚至可以选择节点。选择文件名并导出后,文件将保存为 .HTML 文件
We can choose what type of report is to be exported. It can be short results, detailed results or even, we can select nodes. After selecting the File Name and exporting it, the file is saved as .HTML File
Test Results
The Automatic Test Results Window can be configured under "Tools" → "Options" → "Run Sessions" Tab. We can turn it OFF, if required, and also, we can switch ON "Automatically Export Results when session Ends".

The screenshot or the movie can be recorded based on the settings. The same can be configured under "Tools" → "Options" → "Screen Capture" Tab. We can save the screenshot or movies based on the following three conditions −
For Errors
For Errors and Warnings