Rabbitmq 简明教程

RabbitMQ - Test Application Topic

Start the Publisher Application

在 eclipse 中,鼠标右键单击 Publisher.java 源,然后选择以 Java 应用程序运行。Publisher 应用程序将开始运行,您会看到如下所示的输出:

In eclipse, right click on the Publisher.java source, and select Run As → Java Application. Publisher application will start running and you’ll see the output as follows −

Enter message:

Start the Subscriber Application

在 eclipse 中,鼠标右键单击 Subscriber.java 源,然后选择以 Java 应用程序运行。Subscriber 应用程序将开始运行,您会看到如下所示的输出:

In eclipse, right click on the Subscriber.java source, and select Run As → Java Application. Subscriber application will start running and you’ll see the output as follows −

Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C

Start another Subscriber Application

在 eclipse 中,再次鼠标右键单击 Subscriber.java 源,然后选择以 Java 应用程序运行。另一个 Subscriber 应用程序将开始运行,您会看到如下所示的输出:

In eclipse, again right click on the Subscriber.java source, and select Run As → Java Application. Another Subscriber application will start running and you’ll see the output as follows −

Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C

Send Message

在 Publisher 控制台窗口中,输入 Hi 并按回车键以发送消息。

In Publisher console window, type Hi and press enter button to send the message.

Enter message:

Receive Message

在 Subscriber 控制台窗口中验证,消息在每个窗口中都能收到。

Verify in Subscriber console windows, the message is received in each window.

Received = Hi


Send Quit as message to terminate all publisher and subscriber console window sessions.


现在,在您的浏览器中打开 http://rabbitmq:15672/ 。它将要求输入凭据。使用 guest/guest 作为用户名/密码,它将加载 RabbitMQ 管理控制台,您可以在其中检查队列和交换以检查已传递的消息和绑定的状态。

Now open http://rabbitmq:15672/ in your browser. It will ask for credentials. Use guest/guest as username/password and it will load the RabbitMQ admin console where you can check Queues and Exchanges to check the status of messages delivered and bindings.