Redis 简明教程

Redis - HyperLogLog

Redis HyperLogLog 是一种算法,它使用随机化来近似集合中唯一元素的数量,只使用一个常量和少量内存。

Redis HyperLogLog is an algorithm that uses randomization in order to provide an approximation of the number of unique elements in a set using just a constant, and small amount of memory.

即使使用极少的内存(大约每个键 12 KB),HyperLogLog 也可以很好地近似集合的基数,标准误为 0.81%。您可以计数的项目数量没有限制,除非达到 264 个项目。

HyperLogLog provides a very good approximation of the cardinality of a set even using a very small amount of memory around 12 kbytes per key with a standard error of 0.81%. There is no limit to the number of items you can count, unless you approach 264 items.


下面的示例说明 Redis HyperLogLog 的工作原理。

Following example explains how Redis HyperLogLog works.

redis> PFADD tutorials "redis"
1) (integer) 1
redis> PFADD tutorials "mongodb"
1) (integer) 1
redis> PFADD tutorials "mysql"
1) (integer) 1
redis> PFCOUNT tutorials
(integer) 3

Redis HyperLogLog Commands

下表列出了一些与 Redis HyperLogLog 相关的基本命令。

Following table lists some basic commands related to Redis HyperLogLog.


Command & Description


PFADD key element [element …​]Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.


PFCOUNT key [key …​]Returns the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).


PFMERGE destkey sourcekey [sourcekey …​]Merges N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.