Redis 简明教程
Redis - Security
可以保护 Redis 数据库,以便任何连接客户端在执行命令之前需要进行身份验证。要保护 Redis,需要在配置文件中设置密码。
Redis database can be secured, such that any client making a connection needs to authenticate before executing a command. To secure Redis, you need to set the password in the config file.
以下示例演示了保护 Redis 实例的步骤。
Following example shows the steps to secure your Redis instance.> CONFIG get requirepass
1) "requirepass"
2) ""
By default, this property is blank, which means no password is set for this instance. You can change this property by executing the following command.> CONFIG set requirepass "tutorialspoint"
OK> CONFIG get requirepass
1) "requirepass"
2) "tutorialspoint"
设置密码后,如果任何客户端在未经过身份验证的情况下运行命令,则 (error) NOAUTH Authentication required . error 将返回。因此,客户端需要使用 AUTH 命令来验证自身。
After setting the password, if any client runs the command without authentication, then (error) NOAUTH Authentication required. error will return. Hence, the client needs to use AUTH command to authenticate himself.