Requests 简明教程

Requests - Working with Errors

This chapter will discuss how to deal with errors coming down when working with the Http request library. It is always a good practice to have errors managed for all possible cases.

Error Exception

requests 模块会发出以下类型的错误异常:

The requests module gives the following types of error exception −

ConnectionError - 当任何连接错误时会引发此异常。例如,网络失败、DNS 错误,因此 Request 库会引发 ConnectionError 异常。

ConnectionError − This will be raised, if there is any connection error. For example, the network failed, DNS error so the Request library will raise ConnectionError exception.

HTTPError − 基于状态代码,例如 401、404,将为请求的 URL 引发 HTTPError。

Response.raise_for_status() − Based on status code i.e. 401, 404 it will raise HTTPError for the url requested.


HTTPError − This error will be raised for an invalid response coming down for the request made.

此错误因请求的 URL 超时而引发。

Timeout − Errors raised for a timeout for the URL requested.

如果超出最大重定向次数,将引发 TooManyRedirects 错误。

TooManyRedirects − If the limit is crossed for maximum redirections than it will raise TooManyRedirects error.


以下是如何显示超时错误的示例 −

Here is an example of errors shown for timeout −

import requests
getdata =


raise ConnectTimeout(e, request=request)
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='jsonplaceholder.ty', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /users (Caused
by Connect
TimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at
E76A0>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect
timeout = 0.001)'))