Ruby 简明教程
Ruby - Multithreading
Traditional programs have a single thread of execution the statements or instructions that comprise the program are executed sequentially until the program terminates.
多线程程序有多个执行线程。在每个线程中,语句按顺序执行,但是这些线程本身可以并行执行,例如在多核 CPU 上。通常在单 CPU 计算机中,多个线程实际上并不会并行执行,但是可以通过交错执行线程来模拟并行性。
A multithreaded program has more than one thread of execution. Within each thread, statements are executed sequentially, but the threads themselves may be executed in parallel on a multicore CPU, for example. Often on a single CPU machine, multiple threads are not actually executed in parallel, but parallelism is simulated by interleaving the execution of the threads.
利用 Thread 类,Ruby 非常便于编写多线程程序。Ruby 线程是一种轻量且高效的方式,在您的代码中实现并发。
Ruby makes it easy to write multi-threaded programs with the Thread class. Ruby threads are a lightweight and efficient way to achieve concurrency in your code.
Creating Ruby Threads
若要启动一个新线程,只需将一个块与对 的调用关联即可。将创建一个新线程来执行块中代码,原始线程会立即从 返回,并使用下一条语句恢复执行 −
To start a new thread, just associate a block with a call to A new thread will be created to execute the code in the block, and the original thread will return from immediately and resume execution with the next statement −
# Thread #1 is running here {
# Thread #2 runs this code
# Thread #1 runs this code
这是一个示例,演示如何使用多线程 Ruby 程序。
Here is an example, which shows how we can use multi-threaded Ruby program.
def func1
i = 0
while i<=2
puts "func1 at: #{}"
i = i+1
def func2
j = 0
while j<=2
puts "func2 at: #{}"
j = j+1
puts "Started At #{}"
t1 ={func1()}
t2 ={func2()}
puts "End at #{}"
This will produce following result −
Started At Wed May 14 08:21:54 -0700 2008
func1 at: Wed May 14 08:21:54 -0700 2008
func2 at: Wed May 14 08:21:54 -0700 2008
func2 at: Wed May 14 08:21:55 -0700 2008
func1 at: Wed May 14 08:21:56 -0700 2008
func2 at: Wed May 14 08:21:56 -0700 2008
func1 at: Wed May 14 08:21:58 -0700 2008
End at Wed May 14 08:22:00 -0700 2008
Thread Lifecycle
使用 创建新的线程。您还可以使用同义词 Thread.start 和 Thread.fork。
A new threads are created with You can also use the synonyms Thread.start and Thread.fork.
在创建线程后无需启动该线程,当 CPU 资源可用时,它将自动开始运行。
There is no need to start a thread after creating it, it begins running automatically when CPU resources become available.
Thread 类定义了一些方法来查询和操作正在运行的线程。线程会运行与 的调用关联的块中的代码,然后停止运行。
The Thread class defines a number of methods to query and manipulate the thread while it is running. A thread runs the code in the block associated with the call to and then it stops running.
该块中最后一个表达式的值为线程值,可以通过调用 Thread 对象的 value 方法获取该值。如果线程已经运行完成,则 value 会立即返回线程值。否则,value 方法会阻塞,在线程完成之前不会返回。
The value of the last expression in that block is the value of the thread, and can be obtained by calling the value method of the Thread object. If the thread has run to completion, then the value returns the thread’s value right away. Otherwise, the value method blocks and does not return until the thread has completed.
类方法 Thread.current 返回表示当前线程的 Thread 对象。这样,线程可以对自己进行操作。类方法 Thread.main 返回表示主线程的 Thread 对象。这是在启动 Ruby 程序时开始运行的初始执行线程。
The class method Thread.current returns the Thread object that represents the current thread. This allows threads to manipulate themselves. The class method Thread.main returns the Thread object that represents the main thread. This is the initial thread of execution that began when the Ruby program was started.
您可以通过调用线程的 Thread.join 方法来等待特定线程完成。调用线程将阻塞,直到给定线程完成。
You can wait for a particular thread to finish by calling that thread’s Thread.join method. The calling thread will block until the given thread is finished.
Threads and Exceptions
如果在主线程中引发了一个异常,并且在任何地方都没有处理该异常,则 Ruby 解释器将打印一条消息并退出。在主线程之外的线程中,未处理的异常会导致该线程停止运行。
If an exception is raised in the main thread, and is not handled anywhere, the Ruby interpreter prints a message and exits. In threads, other than the main thread, unhandled exceptions cause the thread to stop running.
如果一个线程由于未处理的异常而 t 退出,而另一个线程 s 调用 t.join 或 t.value,那么 t 中发生的异常将在线程 s 中引发。
If a thread t exits because of an unhandled exception, and another thread s calls t.join or t.value, then the exception that occurred in t is raised in the thread s.
如果 Thread.abort_on_exception 为 false,即默认条件,一个未处理的异常会简单地终止当前线程,而其他所有线程继续运行。
If Thread.abort_on_exception is false, the default condition, an unhandled exception simply kills the current thread and all the rest continue to run.
如果您希望任何线程中的任何未处理异常导致解释器退出,请将类方法 Thread.abort_on_exception 设置为 true。
If you would like any unhandled exception in any thread to cause the interpreter to exit, set the class method Thread.abort_on_exception to true.
t = { ... }
t.abort_on_exception = true
Thread Variables
A thread can normally access any variables that are in scope when the thread is created. Variables local to the block of a thread are local to the thread, and are not shared.
Thread 类提供一个特殊功能,它允许按名称创建和访问局部变量。您可以简单地将线程对象视为散列表,使用 []= 来写入元素,并使用 [] 来读取元素。
Thread class features a special facility that allows thread-local variables to be created and accessed by name. You simply treat the thread object as if it were a Hash, writing to elements using []= and reading them back using [].
在此示例中,每个线程都会使用键 mycount 在一个局部变量中记录变量 count 的当前值。
In this example, each thread records the current value of the variable count in a threadlocal variable with the key mycount.
count = 0
arr = []
10.times do |i|
arr[i] = {
Thread.current["mycount"] = count
count += 1
arr.each {|t| t.join; print t["mycount"], ", " }
puts "count = #{count}"
This produces the following result −
8, 0, 3, 7, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 9, count = 10
主线程等待子线程执行完成,然后打印出每个线程捕获的 count 值。
The main thread waits for the subthreads to finish and then prints out the value of count captured by each.
Thread Priorities
影响线程调度的第一个因素是线程优先级:高优先级的线程会先于低优先级的线程被调度。更确切地说,当没有更高优先级的线程等待运行时,线程才能获得 CPU 时间。
The first factor that affects the thread scheduling is the thread priority: high-priority threads are scheduled before low-priority threads. More precisely, a thread will only get CPU time if there are no higher-priority threads waiting to run.
可以使用 priority = 和 priority 设置和查询 Ruby Thread 对象的优先级。新创建的线程的优先级与创建它的线程的优先级相同。主线程的初始优先级为 0。
You can set and query the priority of a Ruby Thread object with priority = and priority. A newly created thread starts at the same priority as the thread that created it. The main thread starts off at priority 0.
There is no way to set the priority of a thread before it starts running. A thread can, however, raise or lower its own priority as the first action it takes.
Thread Exclusion
If two threads share access to the same data, and at least one of the threads modifies that data, you must take special care to ensure that no thread can ever see the data in an inconsistent state. This is called thread exclusion.
Mutex 是一个类,它实现了针对某个共享资源进行互斥访问的简单信号量锁。也就是说,在给定的时间,只有一个线程可能持有该锁。其他线程可以选择在队列中等待锁可用,或者仅仅选择立即获取一个指示锁不可用的错误。
Mutex is a class that implements a simple semaphore lock for mutually exclusive access to some shared resource. That is, only one thread may hold the lock at a given time. Other threads may choose to wait in line for the lock to become available, or may simply choose to get an immediate error indicating that the lock is not available.
通过将对共享数据的全部访问权限置于互斥锁的控制之下,我们可以确保一致性和原子操作。我们尝试两个示例,第一个是没有互斥锁的,第二个是有互斥锁的 −
By placing all accesses to the shared data under control of a mutex, we ensure consistency and atomic operation. Let’s try to examples, first one without mutax and second one with mutax −
Example without Mutax
require 'thread'
count1 = count2 = 0
difference = 0
counter = do
loop do
count1 += 1
count2 += 1
spy = do
loop do
difference += (count1 - count2).abs
sleep 1
puts "count1 : #{count1}"
puts "count2 : #{count2}"
puts "difference : #{difference}"
这会产生以下结果 −
This will produce the following result −
count1 : 1583766
count2 : 1583766
difference : 0
require 'thread'
mutex =
count1 = count2 = 0
difference = 0
counter = do
loop do
mutex.synchronize do
count1 += 1
count2 += 1
spy = do
loop do
mutex.synchronize do
difference += (count1 - count2).abs
sleep 1
puts "count1 : #{count1}"
puts "count2 : #{count2}"
puts "difference : #{difference}"
这会产生以下结果 −
This will produce the following result −
count1 : 696591
count2 : 696591
difference : 0
Handling Deadlock
当我们开始使用 Mutex 对象进行线程互斥时,我们必须小心避免死锁。当所有线程都在等待获得另一个线程持有的资源时,就会发生死锁。由于所有线程都处于阻塞状态,因此它们无法释放所持有的锁。并且由于它们无法释放这些锁,因此没有其他线程可以获得这些锁。
When we start using Mutex objects for thread exclusion we must be careful to avoid deadlock. Deadlock is the condition that occurs when all threads are waiting to acquire a resource held by another thread. Because all threads are blocked, they cannot release the locks they hold. And because they cannot release the locks, no other thread can acquire those locks.
This is where condition variables come into picture. A condition variable is simply a semaphore that is associated with a resource and is used within the protection of a particular mutex. When you need a resource that’s unavailable, you wait on a condition variable. That action releases the lock on the corresponding mutex. When some other thread signals that the resource is available, the original thread comes off the wait and simultaneously regains the lock on the critical region.
require 'thread'
mutex =
cv =
a = {
mutex.synchronize {
puts "A: I have critical section, but will wait for cv"
puts "A: I have critical section again! I rule!"
puts "(Later, back at the ranch...)"
b = {
mutex.synchronize {
puts "B: Now I am critical, but am done with cv"
puts "B: I am still critical, finishing up"
这会产生以下结果 −
This will produce the following result −
A: I have critical section, but will wait for cv
(Later, back at the ranch...)
B: Now I am critical, but am done with cv
B: I am still critical, finishing up
A: I have critical section again! I rule!
Thread States
有 5 个可能的返回值与下表所示的 5 种可能的状态相对应。status 方法返回线程的状态。
There are five possible return values corresponding to the five possible states as shown in the following table. The status method returns the state of the thread.
Thread state |
Return value |
Runnable |
run |
Sleeping |
Sleeping |
Aborting |
aborting |
Terminated normally |
false |
Terminated with exception |
nil |
Thread Class Methods
Thread 类提供了以下方法,它们适用于程序中所有可用的线程。这些方法将被调用,使用 Thread 类名如下 −
Following methods are provided by Thread class and they are applicable to all the threads available in the program. These methods will be called as using Thread class name as follows −
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
Thread Instance Methods
这些方法适用于线程的实例。这些方法将被调用,使用 Thread 的实例如下 −
These methods are applicable to an instance of a thread. These methods will be called as using an instance of a Thread as follows −
thr = do # Calling a class method new
puts "In second thread"
raise "Raise exception"
thr.join # Calling an instance method join