Rxjava 简明教程
RxJava - Creating Operators
Following are the operators which are used to create an Observable.
Sr.No. |
Operator & Description |
1 |
Create Creates an Observable from scratch and allows observer method to call programmatically. |
2 |
Defer Do not create an Observable until an observer subscribes. Creates a fresh observable for each observer. |
3 |
Empty/Never/Throw Creates an Observable with limited behavior. |
4 |
From Converts an object/data structure into an Observable. |
5 |
Interval Creates an Observable emitting integers in sequence with a gap of specified time interval. |
6 |
Just Converts an object/data structure into an Observable to emit the same or same type of objects. |
7 |
Range Creates an Observable emitting integers in sequence of given range. |
8 |
Repeat Creates an Observable emitting integers in sequence repeatedly. |
9 |
Start Creates an Observable to emit the return value of a function. |
10 |
Timer Creates an Observable to emit a single item after given delay. |
Creating Operator Example
在任意编辑器中使用任何您选择的语言(如 C:\>RxJava) 创建以下 Java 程序。
Create the following Java program using any editor of your choice in, say, C:\> RxJava.
import io.reactivex.Observable;
//Using fromArray operator to create an Observable
public class ObservableTester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] letters = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"};
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
Observable<String> observable = Observable.fromArray(letters);
.subscribe( letter -> result.append(letter));