Saltstack 简明教程
SaltStack Tutorial
SaltStack 是一种开源配置管理和远程执行引擎。它跨所有机器远程执行命令。这是一款基于 Python 的软件。 Thomas S Hatch 是 SaltStack 的构想者兼首席架构师。SaltStack 使用 ZeroMQ 消息传递库处理所有网络层的高速要求。Salt 既简单,又可扩展,还很快。此教程将探讨 SaltStack 的基本原理、SaltStack 设置、Minion 文件系统,然后逐步浏览远程执行步骤、配置管理、云管理、Python API 操作,最后以一个完整的实际示例作为结束。
SaltStack is an open-source configuration management and remote execution engine. It remotely executes commands across all machines. It is a python based software. Thomas S Hatch is the creator and the principal architect of SaltStack. SaltStack uses the ZeroMQ messaging library to process high-speed requirements for all networking layers. Salt is simple, scalable and fast. This tutorial will explore the basic principles of SaltStack, SaltStack setup, Minion file system and then walk through with remote execution steps, configuration management, cloud management, Python API operations and finally conclude with a complete working example.