Scipy 简明教程
本教程是为那些想要学习基本功能和 SciPy 各种功能的读者准备的。完成本教程后,读者将发现自己处于中等水平的专业知识,他们可以从那里提升到更高的专业知识水平。
This tutorial is prepared for the readers, who want to learn the basic features along with the various functions of SciPy. After completing this tutorial, the readers will find themselves at a moderate level of expertise, from where they can take themselves to higher levels of expertise.
在继续本教程中给出的各种概念之前,期望读者对 Python 有基本的了解。除此之外,如果读者掌握其他编程语言的一些基本知识,那将非常有帮助。SciPy 库依赖于 NumPy 库,因此学习 NumPy 的基础知识使理解变得容易。
Before proceeding with the various concepts given in this tutorial, it is being expected that the readers have a basic understanding of Python. In addition to this, it will be very helpful, if the readers have some basic knowledge of other programming languages. SciPy library depends on the NumPy library, hence learning the basics of NumPy makes the understanding easy.