Scipy 简明教程
SciPy - Environment Setup
标准 Python 发行版不附带任何 SciPy 模块。一种轻量级的替代方案是使用流行的 Python 包安装程序安装 SciPy,
Standard Python distribution does not come bundled with any SciPy module. A lightweight alternative is to install SciPy using the popular Python package installer,
pip install pandas
如果我们安装 Anaconda Python package ,Pandas 将被默认安装。以下是安装它们的不同操作系统的包和链接。
If we install the Anaconda Python package, Pandas will be installed by default. Following are the packages and links to install them in different operating systems.
Anaconda (链接: )是 SciPy 堆栈的免费 Python 分发。它也可以在 Linux 和 Mac 上使用。
Anaconda (from link: is a free Python distribution for the SciPy stack. It is also available for Linux and Mac.
Canopy ( )提供免费版,以及商业版,其中包含适用于 Windows、Linux 和 Mac 的完整 SciPy 堆栈。
Canopy ( is available free, as well as for commercial distribution with a full SciPy stack for Windows, Linux and Mac.
Python (x,y) − 它是 Windows 操作系统的 SciPy 堆栈和 Spyder IDE 的一个免费 Python 分发。(可从 下载)
Python (x,y) − It is a free Python distribution with SciPy stack and Spyder IDE for Windows OS. (Downloadable from
使用各个 Linux 发行版的包管理器来安装 SciPy 堆栈中的一个或多个包。
Package managers of respective Linux distributions are used to install one or more packages in the SciPy stack.