Scrapy 简明教程
Scrapy - Sending an E-mail
Scrapy 可以使用其名为 Twisted non-blocking IO 的自有工具发送电子邮件,该工具远离爬虫程序的非阻塞 IO。你可以配置发送电子邮件的一些设置,并提供用于发送附件的简单 API。
Scrapy can send e-mails using its own facility called as Twisted non-blocking IO which keeps away from non-blocking IO of the crawler. You can configure the few settings of sending emails and provide simple API for sending attachments.
共有两种实例化 MailSender 的方法,如下表所示 −
There are two ways to instantiate the MailSender as shown in the following table −
Sr.No |
Parameters |
Method |
1 |
from scrapy.mail import MailSender mailer = MailSender() |
By using a standard constructor. |
2 |
mailer = MailSender.from_settings(settings) |
By using Scrapy settings object. |
以下代码行发送不带附件的电子邮件 −
The following line sends an e-mail without attachments −
mailer.send(to = [""], subject = "subject data", body = "body data",
cc = [""])
MailSender Class Reference
MailSender 类使用 Twisted non-blocking IO 从 Scrapy 发送电子邮件。
The MailSender class uses Twisted non-blocking IO for sending e-mails from Scrapy.
class scrapy.mail.MailSender(smtphost = None, mailfrom = None, smtpuser = None,
smtppass = None, smtpport = None)
以下表格显示了 MailSender 类中使用的参数 −
The following table shows the parameters used in MailSender class −
Sr.No |
Parameter & Description |
1 |
smtphost (str) The SMTP host is used for sending the emails. If not, then MAIL_HOST setting will be used. |
2 |
mailfrom (str) The address of receiver is used to send the emails. If not, then MAIL_FROM setting will be used. |
3 |
smtpuser It specifies the SMTP user. If it is not used, then MAIL_USER setting will be used and there will be no SMTP validation if is not mentioned. |
4 |
smtppass (str) It specifies the SMTP pass for validation. |
5 |
smtpport (int) It specifies the SMTP port for connection. |
6 |
smtptls (boolean) It implements using the SMTP STARTTLS. |
7 |
smtpssl (boolean) It administers using a safe SSL connection. |
参考中指定了 MailSender 类中具有以下两个方法。第一个方法,
Following two methods are there in the MailSender class reference as specified. First method,
classmethod from_settings(settings)
它通过使用 Scrapy 设置对象合并。它包含以下参数 −
It incorporates by using the Scrapy settings object. It contains the following parameter −
settings (scrapy.settings.Settings object) − 它被视为电子邮件接收者。
settings (scrapy.settings.Settings object) − It is treated as e-mail receiver.
Another method,
send(to, subject, body, cc = None, attachs = (), mimetype = 'text/plain', charset = None)
下表包含了上述方法的参数 −
The following table contains the parameters of the above method −
Sr.No |
Parameter & Description |
1 |
to (list) It refers to the email receiver. |
2 |
subject (str) It specifies the subject of the email. |
3 |
cc (list) It refers to the list of receivers. |
4 |
body (str) It refers to email body data. |
5 |
attachs (iterable) It refers to the email’s attachment, mimetype of the attachment and name of the attachment. |
6 |
mimetype (str) It represents the MIME type of the e-mail. |
7 |
charset (str) It specifies the character encoding used for email contents. |
Mail Settings
通过以下设置确保无需编写任何代码,即可使用项目中的 MailSender 类配置电子邮件。
The following settings ensure that without writing any code, we can configure an e-mail using the MailSender class in the project.
Sr.No |
Settings & Description |
Default Value |
1 |
MAIL_FROM It refers to sender email for sending emails. |
'scrapy@localhost' |
2 |
MAIL_HOST It refers to SMTP host used for sending emails. |
'localhost' |
3 |
MAIL_PORT It specifies SMTP port to be used for sending emails. |
25 |
4 |
MAIL_USER It refers to SMTP validation. There will be no validation, if this setting is set to disable. |
None |
5 |
MAIL_PASS It provides the password used for SMTP validation. |
None |
6 |
MAIL_TLS It provides the method of upgrading an insecure connection to a secure connection using SSL/TLS. |
False |
7 |
MAIL_SSL It implements the connection using a SSL encrypted connection. |
False |