Selenium 简明教程
Selenium Grid - Components
Selenium Grid 的最新版本为版本 4。Selenium Grid 的早期版本为版本 1 和 2。最新版本 Selenium Grid 4 是在不借用 Selenium Grid 旧版本代码库的基础上新开发的。
The latest version of Selenium Grid is on version 4. The earlier versions of Selenium Grid were available in versions 1 and 2. The latest version of Selenium Grid 4, is developed newly without leveraging the code base of the older versions of Selenium Grid.
Selenium Grid 4 版本有很多改进,并且比以前版本的 Selenium Grid 更符合标准。Selenium Grid 的各种功能变得更加精细,以便符合最新的软件开发趋势。
The Selenium Grid version 4 has a lot of improvements and is more compliant from the previous versions of Selenium Grid. The various features of the Selenium Grid are made more granular to make it as per the latest software development trends.
最新版本的 Selenium Grid 允许在三种不同的 Selenium Grid 模式下触发测试执行。它们被称为 Standalone、Hub 和 Nodes 以及 Distributed。
The latest version of Selenium Grid allows test execution to be triggered in three different Selenium Grid modes. They are known as the Standalone, Hub and Nodes, and the Distributed.
Different Components of Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid 的不同组件如下所示 −
The different components of Selenium Grid are listed below −
Session Map
Session Queue
Event Bus
Router in Selenium Grid
路由是 Selenium Grid 的起始部分。它获取所有请求并将它们导向正确的位置。如果给路由分配新的会话请求,则新会话队列将从路由收到该请求。对于现有会话请求,路由将查询会话映射以获取节点 ID,它保存现有会话的 ID。最后,请求会直接发送到节点。
The Router is the starting section of the Selenium Grid. It gets all the requests and directs them to the right place. In case, a new session request is given to the Router, the New Session Queue will receive that from the Router. For an existing session request, the Router will query the Session Map to obtain the Node ID, which holds the id of the existing session. Finally, the request is sent directly to the Node.
路由对于在 Selenium Grid 中维持适当的负载平衡非常重要,通过将请求分配到适当的 Selenium Grid 组件,可以在不过载任何组件的情况下维持最佳平衡。
A Router is instrumental to maintain the proper load balance in the Selenium Grid by dispatching the request to a suitable Selenium Grid component so that an optimal balance is maintained without overloading any component.
Distributor in Selenium Grid
分发器负责注册和管理所有节点及其功能。分发器通过事件总线指导节点注册事件来注册节点。分发器访问它,并尝试使用 HTTP 访问节点以确认其存在。如果确认存在,则分发器会注册节点并使用 GridModel 跟踪该节点的所有功能。
The Distributor takes care of registering and managing all the Nodes and their features. A Node is registered by the Distributor by directing a Node registration event with the help of the Event Bus. The Distributor accesses it and makes an attempt to reach the Node using HTTP to confirm its presence. If the presence is confirmed, the Node is registered by the Distributor and all its features are tracked by the Distributor with the help of the GridModel.
如果给路由分配新的会话请求,则新会话队列将接收该请求并保存在队列中。分发器会轮询新会话队列以获取所有其他未解决的新会话请求。一旦有机会,分发器就会分配一个适当的节点,可以在该节点启动会话。启动会话后,分发器会维护会话映射(这是会话 ID 与运行会话的节点之间的连接)。
In case, a new session request is given to the Router, the New Session Queue will receive, and stay in the queue. There is a polling done by the Distributor for the New Session Queue for the rest of the new unresolved session requests. Once a proper opportunity has been available, the Distributor assigns a proper Node where a session can be started. Once a session is kicked off, the Distributor maintains the Session Map(which is the connection between the session id and the Node where the session is being run).
Session Map in Selenium Grid
会话映射是一种存储器,它保存会话 ID 与执行会话的节点之间的连接。会话映射帮助路由将请求导向节点。路由还会向会话映射请求与会话 ID 相关的节点。
The Session Map is storage that saves the connection between the session id and the Node where the session is executing. The Session Map helps the Router in directing the request to the Node. The Router will also request the Session Map for the Node related to the session id.
New Session Queue in Selenium Grid
The New Session Queue stores all the session requests in the First In First Out Order. The request timeouts and period in which the timeout is verified can be configured.
The Router appends the new session request to the New Session Queue and awaits its response. The New Session Queue keeps checking if any request in the queue has timed out. If there is a timeout, that request is not accepted and separated straightaway.
Distributor 会跟踪所有可用的时隙。一旦存在此类时隙,Distributor 会开始轮询 New Session Queue 寻找任何匹配的请求,之后它会尝试开始会话。
The Distributes keeps track of any available slots. Once it is present, the Distributor starts polling the New Session Queue for any matching request, later it tries to begin a session.
一旦找到与当前空闲任何 Node 的需求和功能匹配的内容时,Distributor 会认领它。如果所有合适的 Node 都在忙,Distributor 会将请求重定向到队列中。如果请求在队列中等待时超时,则不再接受该请求。
Once there is a match of the requirements and features of any Node which is currently idle, the Distributor grabs that. If all the suitable Nodes are busy, the Distributor redirects the request to the queue. If the request is timed out while waiting in the queue, the request is not accepted any more.
一旦成功开始会话,Distributor 会将会话详情转发到 New Session Queue,再将其发回给路由器,最后发回给客户端。
Once a session has begun properly, the Distributor forwards the session details to the New Session Queue, which is sent back to the router, and lastly to the client.
Node in Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid 由多于一个 Node 组成。Node 会跟踪机器中所有可获取的浏览器。它借助 Event Bus 向 Distributor 注册。注册完成后,会发送包含配置详情的注册消息。
Selenium Grid consists of more than one Node. The Node keeps track of all the obtainable browsers within the machine where it is being used. The Node is registered to the Distributor with the help of the Event Bus. After registration, a registration message is sent containing the configuration details.
Node 默认注册机器正确路径中存在的所有浏览器驱动程序。它还会在 CPU 中为 Chrome、Firefox、Safar 等不同浏览器创建时隙。可以设置配置,以便在 Docker 容器中运行会话并转发命令。
The Node registers all the browser drivers present in the proper path in the machine by default. It also generates the slot in the CPU for different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and so on. The configurations can be set such that sessions can be run on the Docker containers and relay commands.
Node 只会运行获取的命令和响应,并管理其流,无法处理或验证这些命令。Node 中配置的操作系统可能相同也可能不相同。
A Node only runs the commands and responses it has got and manages its flow, it is unable to process, or verify those commands. The operating system configured in Nodes may or may not be the same.
Event Bus in Selenium Grid
Event Bus 负责 Node、New Session Queue、Distributor 和 Session Map 之间的连接路径。在 Selenium Grid 中,每个组件之间的通信都通过消息进行,而不是借助 HTTP 请求和响应。在分布式系统中 Selenium Grid 中启动会话时,应首先启动 Event Bus。
The Event Bus takes care of the connection path among the Nodes, New Session Queue, Distributor, and the Session Map. In the Selenium Grid, the communication happening among each of the components are done in the form of messages and not with the help of HTTP requests and responses. While initiating a session in Selenium Grid in a distributed system, the Event Bus should be kicked off at the beginning.
Selenium Grid 中各种组件之间的交互在以下图表中显示 −
The interaction between various components of Selenium Grid is shown in the below diagram −

在此,我们结束了关于 Selenium Grid-组件教程的全面介绍。我们首先描述了 Selenium Grid 的不同组件是什么,即 Selenium Grid 中的路由器、Distributor、Session Map、Node 和 Event Bus。
This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Selenium Grid - Components. We’ve started with describing what are the different components of Selenium Grid, what is a Router, Distributor, Session Map, Node, and Event Bus in Selenium Grid.
借此,您可以深入了解 Selenium Grid 组件。明智的做法是及时练习所学内容并探索与 Selenium 相关的其他内容,以加深理解并拓宽视野。
This equips you with in-depth knowledge of the Selenium Grid Components. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Selenium to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.